News & Updates for the Mid-Carolina Region
Grants, resources, training, important dates, and more.
2020 Mid-Carolina Senior Games
Transportation Plan Public Input
Survey of Rural Challenges
Rural Works! Summer Internship Program
Basic Code Enforcement Training
NC Association of Zoning Officials Mid-Winter Workshop
MCCOG Quarterly Managers Lunch
Important Dates
Share Your Good News
2020 Mid-Carolina Senior Games
The 2020 Mid-Carolina Senior Games is set for April 8 through April 27. Registration is now open.
and scroll the bottom of the page for registration information, the schedule of events, and a link to the Senior Games Facebook Page.
Transportation Plan Public Input
NCDOT is seeking input on what the public would like to see in the State’s 10-year transportation plan (2023-2032). Public input will be accepted during a 30-day period from January 27 until February 28.
Comments may be submitted in the following ways:
Sampson County
February 4, 5, and 9
NCDOT Division 3 Office
5501 Barbados Boulevard
Castle Hayne, NC 28429
Cumberland, Harnett, and Bladen Counties
February 12, 13, and 14
NCDOT Division 6 Office
558 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Survey of Rural Challenges
has released the results of its Survey of Rural Challenges, which asked rural people what challenges they most want help with and what actions they are taking to address them. The results do not match the common themes in media coverage and policy conversations related rural communities.
For all the discussion around small business lending, people say usable buildings are harder to find than loans in small towns. Despite the media coverage of business closures, rural people are more interested in their downtowns. Defying crisis of the moment pessimism, rural people are focused on solutions.
for more information and to review the survey results.
Rural Works! Summer Internship Program
NC State's Rural Works! Summer Internship Program connects employers in rural communities with talented NC State students. Rural Works! welcomes private, public, government, and nonprofit organizations in rural communities to host an intern for the 2020 Summer.
to learn more about Rural Works! and the Summer Internship Program.
Register Now, Basic Code Enforcement Training
Through a partnership with Triangle J COG and N Focus Planning, Mid-Carolina COG is pleased to offer Basic Code Enforcement Training to our local government staff. The course will cover public nuisances including chronic violators; abandoned, junked & nuisance vehicles; minimum housing code; non-residential building & structures code; and civil penalty processes.
Space is limited and slots are filling up. Save your seat by registering for one of the sessions below.
Robbins Fire Station
Robins, NC
Monday, February 24
Smithfield Town Hall
Smithfield, NC
Tuesday, February 25
Cost is $100 for MCCOG and TJCOG member government staff and $125 for non-member government staff. Lunch will be provided.
Justin Hembree, MCCOG
910-323-4191 ext. 33
Renee Boyette, TJCOG
The NC Association of Zoning Officials
will hold its Mid-Winter Workshop in Cary on February 16,17, and 18.
to review the agenda and for registration information.
The MCCOG Quarterly Managers Lunch
will be held at 11:30am on March 24. Stay tuned for location details.
Justin with questions.
Join the Mid-Carolina Team
Health Promotion Coordinator
- Mid-Carolina Council of Governments is seeking a new Team Member to coordinate the Council’s evidence-based health promotion programs and the region’s annual Senior Games. Applicants must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services, Gerontology, Recreation or related field from an accredited college or university and have worked in programing or a related field in aging services.
The hiring salary for this position is $35,814. The Council offers exceptional benefits including paid health and dental insurance, paid vacation and sick leave, and participation in the NC Local Government Employees’ Retirement System. Mid-Carolina Council of Governments is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Interested professionals are encouraged to submit a resume and cover letter to:
Tracy Honeycutt, Director
Area Agency on Aging
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments
PO Drawer 1510
Fayetteville, NC 28302
Tracy Honeycutt, MCCOG
February 4-5
NC Association of Regional Councils of Governments/The Forum Meeting
February 5-7
NC City & County Management Association Winter Seminar
February 24
Basic Code Enforcement Training
February 25
Basic Code Enforcement Training
March 4-6
ICMA Southeast Regional Conference
March 10-12
NC Main Street Conference
March 15-18
National Association of Development Organizations Washington Conference
March 17-18
Senior Tar Heel Legislature
March 24
MCCOG Quarterly Managers Lunch
March 26
MCCOG Aging Advisory Council
April 1-3
NC Association of Regional Councils of Govenments/The Forum Meeting
April 8-April 27
Mid-Carolina Senior Games
April 9
Mid-Carolina RPO TCC Meeting
April 15
Mid-Carolina RPO TAC Meeting
May 5-7
NC League of Municipalities CityVision Annual Conference
June 16-17
Rural Day
June 18-20
NC City & County Management Association Summer Seminar
July 9
Mid-Carolina RPO TCC Meeting
July 22
Mid-Carolina RPO TAC Meeting
August 13-15
NC Association of County Commissioners Annual Conference
August 30-September 2
- SE4A Annual Conference
October 8
Mid-Carolina RPO TCC Meeting
October 28
Mid-Carolina RPO TAC Meeting
If you have news, events, announcements or other items you would like included in an upcoming FYI, please
Justin Hembree, MCCOG. You may reach Justin by phone at (910) 323-4191 ext. 33.
Please let us know if you have questions, need additional details about the information we have shared or if there is a way the Council can be of service.
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments
Creative Regional Solutions
Mid-Carolina Council of Governments is a multi-county, planning, development, and human services organization. We reach across county and municipal borders to provide technical assistance to our local governments and to administer programs that benefit our region’s citizens.
Our mission is to provide creative regional solutions to relevant and emerging issues in Cumberland, Harnett, and Sampson Counites while providing a standard of excellence in the delivery of federal, state, and regional services for our local governments and the people they serve.