The Mustang Monthly
304 W. Academy Ave, Maize, KS, 67101
January 2022
A message from Mr. Jennings
MCE Mustang Families,

We take safety and security very seriously at Maize Central Elementary. All exterior doors are kept locked throughout the day, and visitors must enter through a secure entry in the office, check in and wear a visitor sticker.
Regular Safety Drills  
Fire drills are held four times a year, and each year one drill is monitored by the Sedgwick County Fire Department. Maps with a primary exit are posted in every room. Once a teacher has evacuated his or her students to the safe location, he or she confirms that all students are present. Numbers have been posted on each of our exterior door locations to enable first responders to arrive at the correct entry point for an emergency.

Tornado drills will be held twice this year. During these drills, classes practice safety procedures in designated areas within their classrooms. Teachers have a safety backpack with supplies for students in the event of an extended tornado warning. 

Lockdown drills will be practiced three times this year. Safe Defend boxes containing safety supplies are installed in classrooms. Items contained in these boxes include first aid kits, flashlights and a baton. Teachers will address these items and discuss safety measures that may be utilized as a part of our Run, Hide, Fight district-wide safety protocol. Students will not leave the classroom for this drill.

This is also the time of the year when we see an increase in illnesses across the school. I would like to remind you that if your child is sick, please call the school office at 316-722-0427 to report the absence .  

Upcoming Parties

With Valentine's Day approaching we would like to remind everyone that we CANNOT accept deliveries of flowers, balloons, candy, cookies, etc., per USD 266 District Policy (page 22). We appreciate your cooperation!

The Valentine's Day parties will be held on Friday, February 11th. Party times will vary per class, and visitors will not be permitted to join. If you have questions, please reach out to your child's teacher.

Thank you for all of your support to help make MCE a great place for everyone!

David Jennings
MCE Principal

Mark your calendars

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. 
Location: Maize Performing Arts and Aquatics Center
1055 Academy Avenue

SECOND GRADE CLASSES: Buchanan, Joe, Mark, Reed and Shields

Join us as we celebrate the joy of music in our lives.
Your child will need to wear tennis shoes, regular denim blue jeans and a plain red or white shirt tucked in at the waist as his/her outfit for this program.  Please note that each child should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the performance.  
We look forward to seeing you!!!!
Yearbooks - Available for Purchase Online
Maize Central Elementary School

Online Yearbook Sales Only!
Online Ordering Ends:
Friday, February 25th, 2022

Softcover Color - $20

To order your yearbook visit:
and enter code 62305J.

Thank you for your order!
Capturing Kids' Hearts & Social Emotional Learning
Capturing Kids' Hearts & Social Emotional Learning
Happy New Year 2022! As a new year begins, MCE students will continue to learn about self-discipline and respect through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts, Character Education, and Second Step programs. As quoted by Dr. Seuss, “A person’s a person, no matter how small,” MCE staff and students strive to show respect and practice self-discipline on a daily basis. True respect begins with self-respect, and self-respect begins with having self-discipline. Please click here for the CKH family newsletter about ways to work on these character traits at home as the year 2022 begins.  For the Spanish copy click here.

Find events, opportunities on district’s Online Bulletin Board
Maize USD 266’s Online Bulletin Board is the place to go for information about upcoming events, camps, clinics, fundraisers, and other opportunities available through the district and official partner agencies. Visit
2021-2022 Maize USD 266 Calendar
Miscellaneous Information
Free Money for MCE 
Please consider helping your child's school by participating in the following programs:

When registering be sure to use our
NPO number FQ604 .

ONEMA1ZE  #OneMa1ze