Some Interesting Numbers
When our food pantry opened eleven short years ago with a small budget, we were supported mainly by parishioners' donations. We also had a small amount of clients in those days.
Fast forward to the past three years, as our budget, donations and our client base and their needs have grown exponentially.
For those of you who like numbers:
In 2020-2021, we spent $19,115 on food, and distributed 3,106 boxes of food to 10,186 people.
In 2021-2022, we jumped 60%, spending $48,263 for food, and distributed 5,054 boxes to 16,880 people.
2022-2023 saw another 61% increase. $123,927 was spent on food and 8,044 boxes were distributed to 24,860 people.
Clients and client need have risen dramatically, at the same time that donations have decreased and prices have increased.
Thanks to all our wonderful donors and parishes for your constant support!