March 9, 2022
County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Deneen Guss congratulates 4-H Club student for his achievements in the program
On Thursday, March 3, Farm Day was hosted at the Monterey County Fair Grounds by Monterey County Agriculture, Inc. With dozens of exhibits representing several areas of the agricultural industry, students, teachers, and parents gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for agriculture in Monterey County.

“Considering the pandemic interruption, the Farm Day events for 2021-2022 went very well," said Farm Day organizer Candi Depauw. "As expected, more and more classes attended each event as the year progressed. In addition to third graders, we invited fourth graders who had missed out last year and many of them registered. We are grateful for the many classes who participated. ‘Ag teaching Ag’ is alive and well in the Salinas Valley.”
Farm Day started in the mid-1980's as a mobile program that went from school to school to teach students about the origins of their food supply. Districts’ demand for the mobile program increased to such a degree that the Farm Day Experience began in 1991 to expand access to accommodate more students.

Prior to the pandemic, Monterey County Agriculture Inc. put on a series of three engaging, hands-on events, throughout Monterey County, with over 700 volunteers serving approximately 6,500 Monterey County students. All expenses, including bus transportation, are funded from several sources including the local agriculture industry, private citizens, the Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner and various local foundations.

The March 3rd Farm Day event hosted 1,500 third and fourth grade students, 59 teachers, and 300 chaperones from 18 peninsula schools.
Students learn more about horses and trail safety from the Monterey County Sheriff's Department
Anti-Bullying Day, celebrated on February 23, is a day when people come together by wearing pink shirts to stand in unity against bullying. This annual event started in 2007, when two Canadian students took a stand after one of their peers was harassed and threatened for wearing pink. The two students bought dozens of pink shirts and distributed them to their classmates to show solidarity. After the kind act spread online, the next day, hundreds of students showed up dressed in pink to stand together against bullying!

Also known as Pink Shirt Day, schools throughout Monterey County observed the day by wearing pink shirts. One such school was University Park Elementary School in Salinas, where Principal Gigi Chiboucas shared that her students were excited and engaged during the day of kindness related activities. Students at the school were greeted by their peers holding signs and posters reminding one another to be kind. They then went on to celebrate the day with skits performed by student leadership, singing, kindness chants, snow cones, and more.

Thank you to University Park Elementary students, and students from across Monterey County, for showing solidarity against bullying by participating in Pink Shirt Day!
Pandemic-related school closures that began in March 2020 did not keep Greenfield Union School District (GUSD) Superintendent Zandra Galvan from connecting with her students. With students being at home and having limited interaction with teachers, Superintendent Galvan launched Story Time as a way for children in her district to still have the opportunity to have a book read to them by an educator and continue to have human interaction.
Superintendent Zandra Galvan reads to class on National Read Across America Day
Every school night since March 2020, children in the district have received a notification on their parent's phone through the GUSD parent application announcing Superintendent Galvan Story Time. As schools reopened, Galvan has visited classes in person to read to students. Most recently, she traveled to different sites across GUSD along with their bear mascot to read to students for National Read Across America Day!

“A large portion of our students listen in every night,” says Superintendent Galvan. “Now that I’ve gotten to go into classrooms in person, at least half the students recognize me from Story Time. It’s great to know just how many students I’m able to connect with through Story Time. I know it’s serving a great purpose.”

Recordings of Superintendent Galvan’s Story Time can be found on the Greenfield USD Youtube Channel:
We are beginning to move into a new phase of the pandemic where many restrictions are being eased. In addition to masks mandates being shifted from being required to strongly recommended in most indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status, mask mandates in schools will shift from being required to strongly recommended at end-of-day March 11th. Fortunately, with more than 70% of Californians now being fully vaccinated, experts are hopeful that we are moving towards controlling the virus and no longer letting it control us.

While decisions are being made quickly, please note that they are being made based on fact, reason, and evidence-based practice.
To view current Monterey County COVID information, visit the Monterey County Health Department's Public Health Bureau COVID-19 data dashboard at:
Monterey High School’s Sports Professions and Recreational Careers Academy (SPARC) has been chosen to be among a very select group by the California Department of Education (CDE) to be named a 2022 California Partnership Academies Distinguished Academy. Monterey High School is one of three academies to receive this distinguished award.

According to CDE, distinguished academies demonstrate exceptional fidelity to implementing high-quality educational programs integrating core academics and career technical education to benefit tens of thousands of California’s at-promise high school students.

“I am extremely proud to call Monterey High School home because I have the opportunity to work with individuals who love kids and have devoted their lives to giving students every opportunity to find success,” said Tom Newton, Principal, Monterey High School. “Getting recognized as a distinguished California Partnership Academy is an incredible accomplishment, and to be named one of three in the entire state is significant, and is a testament to the commitment of staff and engagement of our students.”
Monterey High School SPARC Academy Students and Staff
Congratulations to Monterey High School and Monterey High School’s SPARC Academy!

To read more about Monterey High School's SPARC Academy being named Distinguished California Partnership Academy by the California Department of Education visit:

Join Dr. Guss and MCOE for this year’s Monterey County Law Day, an event your students shouldn’t miss!

We encourage all Monterey County high school students, along with their teachers, to participate in the 2022 Monterey County Law Day being held Thursday, April 27 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The World Theater at CSU Monterey Bay.

Participants will join hundreds of fellow students in a day of civic learning, and have an opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of the legal profession. This year’s event will offer a dynamic experience with outstanding speakers, including California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye as the keynote speaker and several prominent local civic leaders as panel discussion and guest speakers. The day’s activities will include an essay and art contest with prizes, CSUMB campus tours, and a student career and resource fair. Lunch will be provided to all in attendance, compliments of the Dan and Lillian King Foundation. A virtual attendance option will also be available. 

Law Day is hosted by the Monterey County Office of Education in partnership with Monterey County Superior Courts, Hartnell College, CSUMB, and the American Bar Association; and sponsored by the Dan and Lillian King Foundation. A skilled committee has spent months to outline a fantastic day for students, with the event offering a teacher’s guide, website full of resources, and opportunities to submit questions to Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye to respond to as part of her keynote address. Safety was kept top of mind in planning and the committee is confident that this in-person Law Day 2022 event will be a safe and welcoming celebration for all in attendance.

This year's Law Day Theme is “Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change”. The goal of this theme is to emphasize how the Constitution is a dynamic document that not only outlines a blueprint for the government but also establishes mechanisms for change.

The Constitution in Time of Change: The Constitution is a dynamic document. It is neither perfect, nor exhaustive, as our nation’s history makes clear. Legislation, court rulings, amendments, lawyers, and “we the people” have built upon those original words across generations to attempt to make the “more perfect Union” more real. That effort continues today, as contemporary leaders and everyday citizens raise their voices as loud as ever to fulfill the promise of the Constitution. Defining and refining those words of the Constitution might be our oldest national tradition, and how each of us works—together—toward a more perfect Union.

To register for Law Day visit:

For more information contact:
Event Coordinator: Ben James at
or Norma Esparza and
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