Thoughts From The Heart

It's that time of year again! We are excited to offer the opportunity for our MCS middle school students and all MCS parents to send a "Thoughts From The HeartValentine to MCS students, staff, and teachers. Be on the lookout next week for Thoughts from the Heart at-home printables, so your child can receive our MCS version of a candy gram from you! 

In order to send one of these notes/candy grams to your child, please follow the instructions below next week when Thoughts from the Hearts officially go on sale.
Please take note of these important details:
  • Thoughts From The Heart are $1 each
  • Sales begin Monday, 2/1 and continue through Wednesday, 2/10
  • They will be delivered to classroom/homeroom teachers on Friday, 2/12
  • ASB students will be selling TFTH to middle school students during specified lunch recesses 
    for Middle school students to purchase for teachers, fellow classmates and younger siblings throughout the week. Middle schoolers should bring cash to school in order to purchase. They can either print out the Thoughts From the Heart template & write their notes at home, or they can complete them at the time of purchase during their lunch recess.
  • Elementary parents can purchase TFTH in two ways:
#1: **EASIEST OPTION FOR YOU** - print out the attached Thoughts From the Heart template (this will be available next week) and write notes to your children and/or teachers you wish to purchase a TFTH for. Place the notes, along with $1 per note you wish to purchase in an envelope and write "THOUGHTS FROM THE HEART" on the front of the envelope. We recommend sealing the envelope so that nothing falls out. Have your child turn the envelope in to their classroom/homeroom teacher, who will place it in the mailbox outside of their classroom door and ASB students will collect them. Please send exact change for the amount of TFTH you desire to purchase; any excess funds sent will be considered a donation.

#2: Visit the table outside the front lobby on 2/1-2/10 where you will find a Thoughts From The Heart station. We will provide printed TFTH notes at this table. You can write your notes and attach exact change to them with a paperclip and file them in the grade levels for your children in the TFTH box. If purchasing for multiple children, feel free to attach payment for all of your TFTH to one of the notes, but please file each note in the appropriate grade level so that we can ensure it gets to your child! Please bring exact change, as change will not be provided at this stationYou are welcome to donate your change.

Dear TK - 7th Grade Families,
It's that time of year again! You have the opportunity to honor your TK - 7th grade child with a dedication in our annual yearbook. The focus of the written dedication is to affirm, bless, and honor your MCS child.
Here are the details:
- Two options: 1/8th page for $20 or 1/4th page for $40
- Word limit: 80 words for 1/8th page or 160 words for 1/4th page
- Please proofread your submissions
- Words only no photos (We save the photo dedications for when your child is graduating.)
- Billing for the dedication will be through Smart Tuition at a later date.
There is limited space for dedications, so make sure to submit your dedication early to guarantee that it will be included.  Submissions will be accepted until all available spots are purchased. The final deadline for submissions is Friday, February 5th. Please note that this deadline is earlier than previous years.
If you wish to purchase a dedication, send your written submission to:
Please indicate which size dedication you would like:
1/8th ($20 - 80 words) or 1/4th ($40 - 160 words)
Thank you in advance for helping to make this yearbook a blessing to our students. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at  
In Him,
Sam Brooks and Sharee Pfaff - MCS Yearbook Advisers

Yearbooks for the 2019/2020 school year were passed out during the material return day back in June. If your child was enrolled in MCS last year but did not get an opportunity to receive a yearbook, then we would LOVE to make sure that you get to take one home! Simply email and let us know your child's name and class and we will deliver it to their classroom to take home. If your child is remote we can leave one at the front desk for you to pick up. Thanks!

Carla Colaianni: Director of Advancement

We would like to welcome our new Director of Advancement, Carla Colaianni! Carla chose to trust in Jesus at the age of nineteen and grew quickly in her faith through the help of Cru at the University of Pittsburgh. She graduated with a BS in Psychology and moved to California shortly thereafter. Carla began her career at a small advertising agency where she learned about website design, professional printing, and producing marketing collateral. She then went on to serve for 10 years at a local, pro-life Christian ministry where she led a team of staff and volunteers in fundraising, marketing, communications, and donor services. In her latest role at Cal Poly Pomona, she led the marketing and recruitment efforts for two new programs in the College of Education. Carla brings a unique interconnected blend of higher education and non-profit experience as is excited to use her skills to expand the mission and core values of Mariners Christian School. Carla attends Fullerton Free Church where she has taught Sunday school, VBS, and Divorce Care for Kids as well as served in women's ministry. In her free time, she enjoys being in nature, hiking, beach days, baking, and playing with her fluffy white dog, Lilly.

Re-enrollment for current students for the 2021-2022 school year is now open!

Please login to the parent portal to complete re-enrollment before Friday, February 12th to ensure space for your child!

For login help, contact Gisela Roufs or for accounting help, contact Trang Nguyen



1/1 Robin Walker
1/2 Sue Celek
1/3 Keven Kroehler
1/9 Tessa Nease
1/12 Jennifer Crowell
1/12 Kristin Knecht
1/16 Dianne McVay
1/20 Sarah Kim
1/21 Lynda Lynch
1/24 Kelly Wu
1/31 Trang Nguyen


Middle School Finals are coming soon.
The Middle school will have finals for English, Math, Science, and History on February 1st and 2nd. For the days of the finals there will be a shortened schedule. The school day will be from 7:55-11:00AM. Students are encouraged to study throughout the next few weeks, get a good night sleep prior to finals, and eat a good, brain-fueling breakfast. 

Remote Learners: 
If you are a remote learner, you will need to access a specific zoom link that will be provided before the final. In the zoom session, you will be able to ask clarifying questions, as well as communicate with your teacher when you are finished. The testing session will begin and end at the same time for both in-person and remote learners. 

We are praying our students finish strong with confidence and peace. Thank you for your continued partnership! And thank you for entrusting your children, one of God's greatest gifts, to our care!


Thank you to every student, family, and staff member who chose to participate in our middle school Share2Wear this week! So many gave with generous hearts, and each and every box of crayons, colored pencils, and markers, as well as the cash donations will be used by Project Giving Light to bless as child on their birthday, showing them that they are worthy to be celebrated and loved!

Enjoy some photos of the "wear day" photos, as students brought some fashion trends from decades gone by back to MCS!

Let's take a moment to praise God for his provision and protection. 

While the quarantining of classes is an inconvenient reality of 2020-2021, we want to thank you for your cooperation in notifying us of exposures and positive cases. Cooperation is the only way we can thrive as a community in this environment.

To date:
  • The total number of students who has tested positive and led to quarantine of classmates/staff for exposure is 8.
  • There has been one staff member who tested positive and led to quarantine of students.
To date, none of the students or staff quarantined due to school exposure have developed COVID-19.  We have had ZERO cases of in-school transmission.

A review of multiple studies involving persons 0-24 was recently published on the CDC website. While it is true that incidences of COVID in children are on the rise, children continue to have fewer severe outcomes than adults. Schools with proper mitigation strategies, such as are in place at MCS, have not shown to produce large outbreaks. Schools without mitigation strategies have been prone to outbreaks.

Let's celebrate what God has done thus far and continue to work together to keep MCS healthy and IN PERSON!

Note: While we did have students and parents test positive for COVID during both Thanksgiving and Christmas break, these cases bore no impact on the school at large and do not therefore get rolled into our numbers. Thank you to those families that notified us and quarantined your children for the designated days to avoid exposure to students and teachers.

Arts, Athletics, and Activities Showcase 
January 25, 2020 // 6:30 - 8:30 PM
At Orange Lutheran, students are encouraged to explore opportunities across multiple disciplines. Join us as we showcase our dynamic Athletics, Arts, and Activity programs. We invite you to learn why OLu is the Difference you've been looking for. 
Reserve your appointment at

For more information about JSerra's Admissions Newsletter, Click Here.

For more information about Mater Dei and Important Dates and to apply, Click Here.
For more information and to view Pacific Christian High School Important Dates and to apply, Click Here.
For more information and to view Newport Harbor High School Important Dates and to apply, Click Here.

300 Fischer Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone 714.437.1700 ยท Fax 714.437.7976
Copyright 2020. Mariners Christian School. All rights reserved.