"The earth is [ His]  and everything in it, the world, 
and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1 NIV

A huge thank you to our PTF Welcome Back Bash Committee Chairs Kristen Derbyshire, Claire Squire, and Irene Yonkers and their volunteer team for all the time, effort, and work given toward making last week's Welcome Back Bash a smashing success. It was a wonderful afternoon and evening for all ages celebrating with the MCS Family and being reminded of God's goodness to MCS! Thank you! 

-click for photo album-

Table of Contents
  1. MCS Heroes of the Week and LifeChanger Nominee
  2. Upcoming Events & Activities 
  3. Featuring Elementary
  4. Happy Birthday and Spirit Rock Fun
  5. EdTech Corner
  6. Middle School E-Newsletter 

Kelly Han
Heroes of the Week

Juliet Sanita
Congratulations to this week's Heroes Kelly and Juliet. We hope you enjoy your up-close parking spot. 
A Note to Kelly Han, First Grade Teacher:
You are doing an amazing job welcoming all your students and making them feel loved. Your dedication and hard work are evident to all!  We are so fortunate to have you and your incredible passion for God's children at MCS! 

Juliet Sanita, K-8th Art Teacher:
Juliet is one of our unsung heroes! She is willing to go to great lengths to provide an amazing class for all MCS students. She went from a classroom to a small desk and cart without a word. She is willing to sacrifice for the betterment of her students. She always has a positive attitude in the midst of all of the changes. We are so blessed to have her! 

While everyone is managing well over the first month of school, Juliet takes the term flexibility to new depths! Juliet's entire classroom has been condensed to a cart which she totes from room to room, still making every student feel capable of being an artist, and inspiring them to tap into the creativity that God designed them with. She doesn't have space to store projects or even let simple things like water color pictures to dry out, but she is still producing meaningful projects for every one of her students. Plus, she has to share an office with John and Tim, and she is still smiling!

On top of it all, she is attaining her Master's and managing a household of 6, which are both feats in and of themselves. Through it all, Juliet's outlook remains positive even in the face of new challenges. She is a true hero and an inspiration!!!
LifeChanger of the Year Nominee Mrs. Heather Harrison

Dear MCS Community,

We have an awesome opportunity to support one of our own Life Changers Mrs. Heather Harrison, our  Middle School Principal.  Mrs. Harrison has been nominated by one of our parents as "LifeChanger of the Year"  https://www.lifechangeroftheyear.com/ .   Of course we all know how deserving she is of this nomination.....but we want #LCOY to know as well!  We invite you to share your Middle School Principal -Mrs. Harrison- story as follows:

1. access the following link: CLICK HERE

2.  scroll to the bottom of the page

3.  add your name and email and share your Heather Harrison - Life Changer story.

Taken from the LifeChanger of the Year website: "All comments are taken into consideration by the selection committee when determining winners! The LifeChanger Spirit Award will be given to the nominee whose community demonstrates the most support for his or her nomination."

You can also help us honor Mrs. Harrison (our LifeChanger nominee) on social media. Start by following LifeChanger of the Year on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Be sure to use the hashtag  #LCOY!

  • 5th-8th Grade Mobile App Class | October 8th
  • Ladies Event "HIS! Blessed, Beautiful and BRIGHT" | October 16th
  • PTF Timree Christmas Fundraiser | Now through October 17th
It's Not Too Late to Sign Up! 
5th-8th Mobile GameApp Creation - Class #2 is Monday, October 8th
When:                     Mondays & Wednesdays: 3:00 - 5:00pm

Where:                    Mariners Christian School

Second Class:        Monday, October 8th

Showcase Date:     Wednesday, December 5th, at UC Irvine

Cost:                       $490

-click for ALL THE DETAILS-
Learn to create mobile game apps!  

Sign up today at: 

It's not too late!

Questions? Please contact our Educational Technology/Maker Education Strategic Planning Director Terri Rodriguez at  trodriguez@marinerscs.org
Ladies Luncheon Program

Photo Booth Fun
Plated Salad Luncheon
Prayer, Welcome & Introductions - Troy Moore
"Identity in HIM" - Guest Speaker Laurie Kelly
Let's Talk - We Are HIS, Psalm 24:1
Raffle Drawing and Annual Fund Giving
More Surprises in Store
Plated Luncheon: Roasted Tomato Bisque Soup, Entree Salad: Choice of Blackened Salmon Salad or Sonoma Salad (w/grilled chicken). Creme Brulee dessert and beverages.

Salad Preference: Women who have registered will receive an email this Monday asking for your salad preference.

Laurie Kelly is the Director of Haiti Ministries at Mariners Church. She is an MCS alumni Mom and current MCS Mom of the 8th grade guitarist on the middle school worship team. She is a past PTF President, a Grandmother, a Wife, a Friend, a local realtor, and a Jesus lover. 

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month, 10% of the sale of each ticket will be given to breastcancerangels.org.

If you have not yet purchased your ticket, click on the RSVP link below.

Blessed, Beautiful, & BRIGHT Luncheon October 16th

We look forward to seeing HIS blessed, beautiful, and bright ladies at this year's luncheon.  Click here or above to purchase your tickets and for more details. 
Timree Christmas Catalogue Fundraiser

Support our PTF and get a bit of Christmas shopping done with unique and personalized gifts! The PTF Timree Christmas Catalogues went home with your child last Friday. Besides a great selection of holiday items, Timree has also designed two very special MCS ornaments. 

Check out the 2018-19 MCS HIS Theme and the MCS Graduate Ornaments. 

Both can be personalized to celebrate being a part of the MCS family for 2018-19. Sales run through Wednesday, October 17. More catalogues and order forms are available at the front desk. Orders are cash or check only, and may be turned in to the Christmas Box at the front desk, or sent with your child to the classroom teacher. For more information, contact Heather Motichko, PTF Coordinator, at hmotichko@gmail.com
Parents in Prayer Meets Monday Weekly at 8:15AM

-click to view-
All parents are warmly welcome to join Parents in Prayer on Monday weekly at 8:15AM in the ASP Room to pray for our school community. Please contact Kristen Derbyshire at  thederbyshires@gmail.com  if you have questions.
featuringelementaryFeaturing Elementary
Meet Our New Elementary Dean of Students

I am excited to introduce you to our new MCS Elementary Dean of Students, Brandy Sick. Brandy comes to MCS with over 20 years of experience in education and holds a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction as well as her Administrative Credential from USC.  She  is excited to get to know our students and build positive relationships with them.  Her duties include oversight of the ASB leadership program, student discipline, and additional administrative duties. 

Brandy has two children, one in middle school and one in high school. She and her husband have been members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach for 15 years.  

Brandy will be visiting elementary classrooms this week to introduce herself to the students and will be outside during carpool in the mornings and afternoons.   

When you see her on campus, please introduce yourself, she is eager to meet the entire MCS community!  Thank you for welcoming her to the MCS Family!


Reggie Biancalani
Elementary Principal
Mariners Christian School
5th Grade - Calling All Leaders for Elementary ASB
Mandatory Meeting for Interested 5th Grade Students on Thursday, October 11th, 7:40AM
5th grade students who are interested in running for Elementary ASB are invited to a MANDATORY meeting next Thursday, October 11th, at 7:40AM in the Learning Commons.

For more details and contact information, click here.
TK Visits Tanaka Farms
Celebrating fall at the Tanaka Farm pumpkin patch.

intheknowIn The Know
Old iPhone Donations for MCS LYFE
Got an old iPhone laying around the house that you don't plan on using in the future?  The middle school team who operates MCS LYFE is seeking to get our students more involved with the middle school Instagram page!  Our next step in making that happen is to collect some used iPhones (iPhone 6 or higher) from some people in our MCS community.  If you have an iPhone 6 or higher that you would like to donate, we would greatly appreciate it!  Please have your child drop it off to Mrs. Walker's office in a Ziploc baggie labeled with your name on it.  If we end up not using it, we will return it to your family.  

Thanks for helping us allow students to play a more active role in our Instagram page.  And please check out the latest on what's happening in middle school by following us on Instagram @mcs_middleschool_lyfe!
Choice Lunch

Please remember to order Choice Lunch for your student(s) for September and October. Thanks so much! www.choicelunch.com.
Lost and Found Donated to Wear & Share Monthly

Lost and Found will be donated to Wear and Share the last school day of every month at 3:30PM. Please have your students check for their belongings before that time.
Volunteers Needed!

Looking for a great way to volunteer that can  fit your schedule? Lost and found distribution would love your help. There are lots of items wanting to find their owners! Please contact Jen Crowell at jcrowell@marinerscs.org for more information. 
Early Pick-Up - Important Procedure

Please email the school  no later than 12PM if you plan to pick up your child(ren) before regular dismissal  due to a necessary appointment . Students may not be checked out between 2:20-2:35 (for K-3) and 2:40-2:55 (for 4th-8th), without pre-arrangement.

For Elementary Students, email frontdesk@marinerscs.org no later than 12:00 noon.

For Middle School Students, email rwalker@marinerscs.org 12:00 noon

Thank you for supporting this procedure. This will eliminate disruption of valuable classroom time. 
happybirthdayHappy Birthday & Spirit Rock Fun!


Juliet Sanita 10/5
Debbie Santy 10/5
Sammy Soyring 10/5
Jonathan Brown 10/8
Mindy Gatchell 10/13
Victoria Boler 10/19
Brandi Gibbs 10/20


Tim Bahadoor 11/2
Tami Thurston 11/7
Christine Aghaian 11/16
Sonia Diaz 11/18
Samantha Brooks 11/20
Jennifer Kish 11/24

This list is provided to you by our Parent Teacher Fellowship.
Spirit Rock - Celebrating the MCS Family

Happy 12th Birthday Dylan. We hope you had a wonderful day! Wishing you much success in your baseball career.

Go Team! Looks like these Eagles would be a tough group of guys to beat! We're cheering you on boys!

There are still a few spots open for those of you who want to celebrate something special on the PTF Spirit Rock:   https://tinyurl.com/PTFSpiritRock   

If you would like to share your special rock design and person in E-News, please forward your photo to nenglish@marinerscs.org.
K-4th Grade Father Son Broken Lance Eagles


Broken Lance Eagles invites MCS K-4th grade Boys and Dads to learn more about their tribe. For more information, please contact MCS Dad and Eagle Chief Todd Abboud at toddabboud@yahoo.comClick for information about upcoming events.

MCS Cub Scout Pack 360

MCS Cub Scout Pack 360 welcomes boys grades 1 through 5 to join our dynamic Pack! Den meetings will be held the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesday monthly from 3-4:15PM. Pack meetings will be held from 6:00-7:15 pm on the 2nd Tuesdays monthly. For more information, email Cubmaster Brian Cowell: brian@abcowell.com or Miyuki Smith-Richardson: miyukimsmith@outlook.com

Upcoming Scout Events:   Pinewood Derby & Bear Carnival - December 1.
K-4th Father-Daughter Adventure Events

MCS Dads: are you looking for an incredible way to make lifelong memories with your daughter?  The Orange Blossom Native Nation (formerly known as Indian Princesses) is open to new MCS fathers and daughters to come enjoy some events such as camping, archery, rock climbing, fishing, horseback riding, San Diego Zoo Safari, surfing, canoeing, sledding, pumpkin carving, daddy/daughter dances, and other fun adventures.  

This is open to MCS girls in Kindergarten through 4th grade.  These monthly events are some of the most treasured experiences for these girls and their fathers.  For more info, text or email Larry Birnbaum - 714.655.8108 - Larry@LmbEnterprises.com .
edtechcornerEd Tech Corner

Apple released their latest iOS update ( iOS 12) this week, and with that release there is a great new feature called "Screen Time".  With Screen time you can monitor and control how much screen time your child is using on their personal device.  Common sense media has a great article detailing this new feature and some tips on how to use it.  Check it out!  

What Apple's New iOS 12 Parental Controls Mean for You  
4 Things Parents Should Know About the Screen Time Feature in iOS 12

middleschoolenewsMiddle School E-Newsletter

  H I S
"The earth is [ His]  and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1 NIV
This Week's Home Games - Basketball and Football
6th Grade Basketball Team with Coach Brooks! They will play at home again on Monday (10/8) at 3:15PM. See home game schedule below. Thanks for the photo Mrs. Gundlach!

Families are invited to stay and cheer on our LIONS during their HOME GAMES:
  • Monday (10/8) 3:15PM: 6th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Harbor Day
  • Tuesday (10/9) 3:15PM: 7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Grace Christian
  • Wednesday (10/10) 3:15PM: 8th Grade Boys Football vs. Huntington Christian
  • Thursday (10/11) 3:15PM: 7th Grade Boys Football vs. Calvary Costa Mesa
  • Thursday (10/11) 3:15PM: 8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Huntington Christian
To view the fall athletic schedules for all teams, click here.
MCS Spirit Wear Sale for Middle School Students Friday (10/12) at Lunch!


An on-campus Spirit Wear Sale for middle school students will be taking place Friday, October 12th, during middle school lunch!

8th grade parents, this is a great time to get those last minute items for your child to wear in DC.

Here are the 2 opportunities to purchase Spirit Wear:

  1. Go online!
The website for spirit wear is www.marinerscs.org/mcsspiritwear.
The very last day to order online and receive before DC is Monday, October 15th.


2.  Bring cash, check, or credit card to the on-campus Spirit Wear Sale at lunch Friday, October 12th!


Middle School Only - What's4Lunch? Wednesday (10/17) formerly Takeout Tues
Takeout Tuesdays have a new name and a new day!  However, the concept remains the same!  Once a month we will bring in an outside vendor to supply lunch for our middle school students who order in advance.  Our vendor for the month of October is Pick Up Stix, and our first What's4Lunch? Wednesday is coming up on Wednesday, 10/17!!!

Pick Up Stix is offering 2 delicious meal choices!  Your child can choose from a House Chicken/white rice bowl or the gluten-free Emperor's Chicken/white rice bowl.  All meals are complete with a fortune cookie, a piece of fruit, and bottle of water for a cost of $5.50. 

Please click the link to order before 11:45 pm on Sunday, 10/14 at:   http://marinerscs.org/w4lw-oct2018  

Remember to send your receipt with your child on 10/17 for an expedited meal pick up!
Shalimar Connection Club & Upcoming Visit October 12th
Shalimar Connection Club
Over 40 middle school students attended a lunch club meeting to learn about the Shalimar program they are invited to participate in. We are going to be formally partnering with Think Together, a non-profit organization that runs The Shalimar Learning Center. We will have 4 opportunities to visit the Shalimar community and our students will run a "Fun Friday" program for the kids who attend the Learning Center. Our students will get to plan ice breaker games, a devotional and an activity for the 1st-3rd grade students. After the program, we will get to have about an hour of free play at the park with the same children and other children from the neighborhood. The Shalimar Connection Club will meet the two Thursdays preceding the Shalimar visit days to plan the games, devotionals, and activities.

For our October 12th visit, our Theatre Arts department is creating choreography to a Disney musical song that they will help teach the students as the activity for the Fun Friday program.

All students interested in being a part of this team should return the Shalimar Permission Slip (attached) and attend the next club meeting next Thursday, 10/12/18, at lunch.

Questions? Contact Ali Bray at abray@marinerscs.org
Old iPhone Donations for MCS LYFE
Got an old iPhone laying around the house that you don't plan on using in the future?  The middle school team who operates MCS LYFE is seeking to get our students more involved with the middle school Instagram page!  Our next step in making that happen is to collect some used iPhones (iPhone 6 or higher) from some people in our MCS community.  If you have an iPhone 6 or higher that you would like to donate, we would greatly appreciate it!  Please have your child drop it off to Mrs. Walker's office in a Ziploc baggie labeled with your name on it.  If we end up not using it, we will return it to your family.  

Thanks for helping us allow students to play a more active role in our Instagram page.  And please check out the latest on what's happening in middle school by following us on Instagram @mcs_middleschool_lyfe!
Middle School Schoology Fall Parent Workshop 
October 1st, October 8th, October 15th

This fall, MCS will be offering Schoology Fall Parent Workshops to go over the key features of Schoology for Middle School parents.  These will be a great, small workshop for parents to learn more about how to use Schoology and answer any questions you may have!  Specific dates will be announced at a later time.This Fall, MCS will be offering Schoology Fall Parent Workshops to go over the key features of Schoology for Middle School parents. We will cover how to:

* Login
* View your child's upcoming assignments and missing assignments
* View their grades
* View and use the "Schoology Agenda" feature
* Use the Schoology Calendar
* Message your child's teachers through Schoology

We are limiting the sessions to groups of 5 so we can maximize the ability to help attendees and address any questions.

This will be a great, small workshop for parents to learn more about how to use Schoology and answer any questions you may have! The Workshop days are Monday (October 1st), Monday (October 8th) and Monday (October 15th). Please click on the link below to sign up for one of our sessions.

Middle School Policies & Expectations Implemented October 1st
In middle school, the month of September has served as an opportunity to teach and train students regarding all policies and expectations. Part of this training has focused on uniform guidelines and dress code expectations. All expectations have been clearly communicated to both parents and students and students have been given the opportunity and time to make sure they have the proper school attire. As we begin the second month of school, we want to clearly communicate that the expectation is that students will apply this training into practice as they adhere to all uniform and dress code guidelines.

It is also important to communicate that, beginning Monday, October 1st, dress guidelines will be fully implemented and enforced. Accountability to all guidelines will be provided to any middle school student who does not meet MCS uniform guidelines.

If you have any questions about uniform or dress code guidelines or how these policies are implemented, follow this link to the MS Uniform Guidelines page, view our MS Uniform Reminders here, or contact Mrs. Niles at kniles@marinerscs.org.

It's go time - make sure you are meeting these expectations for the school year!
6th & 7th Parent Information Night -n Come Hear About Pacifica Christian High School

Come and hear about Pacifica Christian High School with Head of School David O'Neil at the Bahnsen Home. To RSVP, visit joleenbahnsen@gmail.com or 949.280.9707. Click for details.

High School Information

Corona del Mar High School: Invites 1st-6th grade girls to join the CDM dance team, Orchesis,  for a fun dance camp and performance! Camp dates are October 27 and 28 with a performance on November 15th. Click for details

Pacifica Christian High School: Open House Event for 8th grade and their families- Saturday October 13, from 2-4PM. Click here to register for an upcoming Open House event or schedule your visit here. Contact Sarah Parsons, Director of Admissions, with questions at sparsons@pacificaoc.org.

Orange Lutheran High School: Mariners Shadow Day click.

JSerra Catholic High School: Admission to JSerra home football games is FREE for all families of prospective students. Any prospective students can visit our School Relations tent from 5:00-7:00 p.m. to receive complementary tickets for the whole family! We can't wait to see you there! Contact Chris Harrington at charrington@jserra.org.

JSerra Pep Squad camp for a mini cheer/dance camp from 4:00-8:30PM on October 5, 2018. For more information, click here.

Crean Lutheran High School: Prospective students and parents are invited to an Organizational Skills Workshop on October 17th from 6:30-7:30PJM in room 207A. Please contact Mrs. Tara Mathis for more information at mathis@clshs.org

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