MCSAP Newsletter
Week Of July 13th, 2020
Dear Coalition Members,               

Thank you for reading another edition of the Milwaukee County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition   (MCSAP) Prevention Newsletter! Our goal is to keep you informed of upcoming events, current resources, prevention best practices and partner announcements as we adapt to our new norm. We are aware that these are trying times and will do our best to share the most up to date information and resources. Please keep us informed on your organization's/coalitions upcoming events and/or changes to services. The Next MCSAP meeting will be held July 23rd, 2020- virtually; if you plan to attend please complete the RSVP here.

Log into the meeting;
Meeting ID: 995 2516 2706
Password: 249505

Don't forget to check out the ongoing training's/webinars offered below;

Yours In Prevention,
MCSAP Coordinator
Mental Health And Wellness Spotlight
National Mental Health Minority Month

July is the National Mental Health Minority Month! This week's Mental Health and Wellness Spotlight will feature services, and resources developed by and for marginalized people.

My name is Dr. Candice Nicole. I’m a counseling psychologist specializing in sex. That means I have a few roles, as a scientist-practitioner. I’m an assistant professor in the University of Kentucky’s counseling psychology program, where I direct the RISE^2 Research Team.

We study relationships, intimacy, and sexual enrichment, as well as race, intersectionality, and social justice engagement. I also work with individuals, couples, and groups who have relationships, intimacy, and sexual concerns. I offer retreats, training, and workshops for people and organizations in those same areas.

Listen to Dr. Candice Nicole's How to Love a Human Podcast via Apple Podcast. This is a 17 minute guided meditation for Black people using mindfulness, affirmation, and metta (loving-kindness).

Racial trauma exacts a psychological and physiological toll on people of color. Guided meditation is one way to assist in calming a heightened state of distress, affirming one’s value and humanity, and recentering with love. This meditation is for Black people who have experienced racism.

Dr. Candice Nicole is on the advisory board of The Center for Healing Racial Trauma . The Center for Healing Racial Trauma offers services and trainings designed to heal racially/ethnically marginalized people from racism.

Healing racially/ethnically marginalized people from racism with love, liberation, equity, and creativity.


Intervention: The Center for Healing Racial Trauma is dedicated to using love, liberation, equity, and creativity informed therapeutic interventions to help racially/ethnically marginalized people heal from racism.

Prevention: The Center for Healing Racial Trauma additionally provides continuing education and training for mental health, education, business, religious, and medical professionals, and we engage in and support activist work, to create an anti-racist world.

We have facilitated workshops, trainings, keynotes, and professional development nationally and internationally. Topics have included Cultivating an Anti-Racist Mindset, How to Have Courageous Conversations, How to Love a Human, and Does Racism Break Hearts.

Watch Dr. Candice Nicole discuss her research on the physiological impact of racism "Can Racism Break Hearts?" on Youtube .
Virtual Youth Mental Health
First Aid 
Friday, July 31 | 1 PM - 5 PM

Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.


Common signs and symptoms of mental illnesses in this age group, including:
  • Anxiety Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Common signs and symptoms of substance use:
  • How to interact with an adolescent in crisis.
  • How to connect the adolescent with help.

This training will be held on Zoom. Register Here .
Open For Services During The Pandemic
The Parenting Network has closed its in-person, group-based classes due to the COVID-19 epidemic. However, they have several programs that are still operating under the CDC guidelines:

1)     Our Parent Helpline, 414-671-0566, is being answered 24/7 by Parenting Network staff. It remains our first line of service for parents in crisis or looking for support.

2)     Our Positive Parenting class is moving to ZOOM this week. Parents interested in finishing their parenting classes or starting a series are welcome to join. We need an email address and the parent will need an access to the internet via their phone, computer, or another device. Dad Matters participants may also join into this Zoom class.  Positive Parenting Class on ZOOM - 10 am Tuesday, 1 pm Wednesday, and 6:30 pm Thursday. Please contact the Parent Helpline at 414-671-0566 to register.
Parent Conversations on ZOOM – see flyer below
3)     For any questions about The Parenting Network's programs, you can email the Parent Helpline at . You may also continue to refer parents to our online programming through the phone or email. 

Rogers Behavioral Health offers specialized outpatient care for addiction or the combination of a mental health disorder and co-occurring addiction. Patients may be new to addiction treatment, returning after a relapse or stepping down from residential care. Whatever the situation, we’re here to guide patients through their ups and downs by using proven,  evidence-based  approaches led by experts in psychiatry, addiction medicine and mental health.
Rogers offers two levels of specialized outpatient treatment programs in addition to inpatient and residential care.
  • Partial hospitalization care - Now available through Connect Care (telehealth)
  • for addiction, and mental health disorders and a co-occurring addiction (6 to 7 hours a day/4 to 5 days a week)
  • ​​​​​​Intensive outpatient care - Now available through Connect Care (telehealth)
  • for addiction, and mental health disorders and co-occurring addiction
  • (3 hours a day, 5 days a week)
Patients, families, and treatment teams work together to determine length of programs based on individual progress and situations.
Patients receive intensive, daily therapy sessions at Rogers during the day or evening; depending on care length, you can remain connected to home, work or school. 
Care includes general addiction treatment and medication-assisted options.
Call for a free screening at: 1-800-767-4411 

During this time of “Safer at Home” we know that many LGBTQ people are experiencing increased isolation and illness. We share a sense of collective uncertainty as we all struggle to navigate this pandemic together. In recognition of these challenges, we want to provide you with a snapshot of what we are doing here at Diverse and Resilient to promote the safety, health, and well-being of LGBTQ people in our communities. We are committed to safety planning with individuals, connecting people to resources, and being creative in our efforts toward helping people feel less alone and more connected, throughout this crisis. We have advocates working remotely able to help QTBIPOC (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, POC, GNC) and the larger LGBTQ+
community connect to care.

For a full list of the services that Diverse and Resilient are providing during this challenging time; take a look at their latest newsletter

If you have additional questions or need support please contact; Gerry Coon

For 50 years, Pathfinders has brought safety, hope and healing to youth facing homelessness, sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking, crisis and other trauma through innovative and transformational services. Our mission is "empowering youth - changing lives." Our vision is to provide a more meaningful voice for youth in crisis and ensure that all youth are safe, healthy, independent, successful and valued. Pathfinders offers a wide array of services for youth experiencing trauma, crisis, homelessness and housing instability through direct service, harm reduction and prevention supports. Providing assistance to help find, secure and sustain safe housing for homeless or at-risk homeless, low income, special needs and LGBTQ+ youth.  

Pathfinders is operating during these challenging times: 

Drop-In Center (ages 11-25)
Tuesday and Thursday 11a-5p   
Wednesday and Friday 2-9        
4200 N. Holton Street, Milwaukee, WI. 53212
Suite 400
*Youth Shelter is open 24/7 (ages 11-17)
1614 E. Kane St., Milwaukee, WI 53212
*Street Beat Street Outreach (ages 11-25) still operating

Trainings and Webinars
Prevention Webinar Series July 10th-28th, 2020

Society For Prevention Research 2020 Annual Meeting - "Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science"- VIRTUAL July 21-23rd, 2020

Alternatives to Opioids In Treating Acute and Chronic Pain July 6th-August 31st


National Prevention Network Conference- VIRTUAL August 25th-26th, 2020


MILWAUKEE RECREATION "Rec-At-Home" Virtual Courses


U pcoming MCSAP Meetings
The Bi-Monthly MCSAP meetings are scheduled for the following dates. 
More details to follow.

  • July 23rd, 2020
  • September 17th, 2020
  • November 19th, 2020

The MCSAP Newsletter is brought to you by the Community Advocates Public Policy Institute . For more information on each of our prevention programs, click here .