MCSAP Coalition Meeting Link and Agenda
Join MCSAP on May 20th from 12-2 p.m. for our full coalition meeting. During this meeting you will have a chance to hear from Bernestine Jeffers on Alcohol and Pregnancy: What is FASD?
Read about her amazing work below!
As a project strategist and program manager Bernestine Jeffers joined the Center for Urban Population Health in 2020 to develop educational and capacity training strategies, opportunities and resources for community, academic and governmental organizations, and the behavioral health workforce.
Bernestine has worked in the behavioral health and health care policy field for over 30 years, coordinating and implementing policies and standards related to gender-specific and family-centered substance use disorder treatment, prevention, and recovery, including the development of various initiatives for diverse groups and underserved populations, for local and national organizations.
Bernestine has served as a member of National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors, Inc. (NASADAD)’s Women’s Services Network; the Milwaukee Health Care Partnership’s Behavioral Health steering committee; a content expert, and contributor for HHS’s Office on Women’s Health (OWH) and SAMHSA’s region 5 Workforce Development Initiative.
A life-long resident of Wisconsin, Bernestine attended Cardinal Stritch University and UW-Milwaukee. She is a 2006 graduate of the Great Lakes Addiction Technology Transfer Center’s (GLATTC) Leadership Institute & the Graduate School of USDA’s Center for leadership and management programs; In 2014, she completed the CSAP Prevention Specialist training (CPS-IT) and in 2015 the Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) Institute. In 2017, Bernestine received her Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification from the UW-Madison’s Center for Professional and Executive Development. In 2016, the Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundations honored Bernestine as one of seven Champions in Women’s Health.
MCSAP Change in By-Laws
Over the past couple of months, the MCSAP Executive Committee has reviewed and updated the MCSAP By-Laws. We've integrated your suggestions in multiple areas, including adopting a project-based full coalition structure and defining what it means to be a MCSAP member in an increasingly virtual world.
You as coalition members will be voting to approve the change in MCSAP's By-Laws during the full coalition meeting on May 20. Please review the proposed changes; if you have any concerns or questions, please email
Did you know that June marks National Men's Health Week (June 14-20), National Safety Month and Pride Month? MCSAP is offering 15 community mini grants, up to $2,500, to MCSAP coalition members who are 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organizations or a government entity operating within Milwaukee County to create an activity revolving around the topics highlighted in June. If you have any questions about this mini grant, please contact Alex at
May shines a light on Mental Health and this month, MCSAP will be hosting "Real Talk Fridays" and having a conversation about what mental health and self care looks like. You wont want to miss it! Tune in on Zoom on Friday, May 21, at 12 p.m.
MCSAP Member Events & Updates
Buprenorphine X-Waiver Training Webinars
Registration is open for buprenorphine x-waiver training webinars sponsored by the Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. These webinars are part of an effort to increase treatment capacity for opioid use disorder through expanded prescribing of buprenorphine. These courses are open to MDs, DOs, NPs, and PAs. Registration is required. There is no registration fee.
June 11: 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Register)
June 25: 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Register)
July 14: 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Register)
Each webinar is presented as a live four-hour activity via Zoom, which, when paired with the American Society of Addiction Medicine's (ASAM) four-hour on-demand course, will provide necessary education for participants to qualify for their buprenorphine x-waiver. Prior to the four-hour live course, participants will be provided instructions for completing the first four-hours of education online, after which they will attend the live four-hour activity via webinar. When done with both activities, participants will qualify to apply for their x-waiver. ASAM offers the additional 16 hours required for NPs, PAs, and other CNSs for no additional cost.
Drug Trends Training May 27
Oxford House, Inc. is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation organization designed to provide housing and fellowship to both men and women. Find out more information below. Please call 414-208-5510 to reach an Milwaukee-area Oxford House.
Milwaukee Christian Center Teen Program Coordinator - The Teen Program Coordinator builds positive, mentoring relationships with young people, leads programming, forms community partnerships, and connects young people to opportunities. This position coordinates multiple projects for middle and high school age youth focused on hands-on learning and leadership development. Full information and application instructions can be found here.
Department of Health Services Office of Health Equity Director-This is a great opportunity for a leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion to shape the future of this work at DHS, both within the workforce culture and for the externally facing work of the agency. This position will be headquartered in either Milwaukee or Madison, depending upon the preference of the selected candidate. Full information and application instructions can be found here.
MCSAP Mental Health and Wellness Coordinator-Support the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of programs of the Milwaukee County Substance Abuse Prevention (MCSAP) Coalition. Serves as a link to the MCSAP coalition to promote mental health and wellness, while insuring increased collaboration between substance use prevention and behavioral health professionals. Full information and application instructions can be found here
Mental Health in the News
Mental Health Awareness Month: find out more here
A Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2021: Read Here
Eau Claire Police Department Tackles Mental Health, Substance Abuse With New Response Position: Read here
Wisconsin Mental Health Professional Shortage Amid COVID: Read Here