The feeling we get when we receive these types of notes, it’s indescribable ❤
If you remember our Billy Beefcake - he was a stray dog who was having a really hard time living in the shelter. Billy was stressed, losing weight, and was so anxious in his room that adopters would just keep walking 😢 Billy needed to get out of the shelter for his own health - so we made it happen with our Loveafoster program. Billy landed in a perfect home, where he was cared for, loved dearly, and finally seen as the amazing dog we all knew he was!
Billy’s foster parents made the decision to make him a permanent family member and the rest is history! We know all of you reading this can understand why we do what we do here! Thanks for helping us make it all happen ❤
Fostering truly saves lives - if you’re interested in learning more, send an email to our Loveafoster team!!