Market and Trade Update
Top Six U.S. 2020/2021 Corn Markets
  • China - 17,675,500 MT
  • Mexico 11,852,900 MT
  • Japan - 8,289,400 MT
  • Colombia - 2,610,900 MT
  • South Korea - 1,525,300 MT
  • Unknown Destination - 7,610,500 MT

As Brazil's harvest is delayed, buyers are forced to rely on the US suppliers longer than usual, read the full story here.

It is believed that Chinese demand will remain strong for years to come, here.

Australian wheat has hit a record high of 33.7 MMT, more here.

Mexico is pressing ahead with its plan to stop importing GMO corn and ban glyphosate by 2024. Read more here.
Top News Stories

Maryland AIR
Due March 1st, this coming Monday! You can mail in a completed form or utilize the new online program to submit the form.
Jennie Schmidt - 2021 Top Producer Trailblazer Award
Sponsored by Corteva, the Executive Women in Agriculture Trailblazer Award recognizes female producers who are shining examples for their peers, as well as advocates for agriculture who represent an innovative farming operation. Congratulations Jennie! Learn more here.

CFAP - Additional Assistance
CFAP was put on hold on the first day of the new administration. As of yesterday, the February 26th deadline has been extended. Decisions are still in process. More information on CFAP can be found here.

COVID Vaccine
Maryland is currently in Phase 1C of vaccination distribution. Individuals older than 65 and agriculture production and employees are currently eligible. If you are interested, please contact your local Health Department to sign-up.
The CDC has also released a vaccination communication toolkit for Essential Workers, please share this with your employees. Find the toolkit here.

Commodity Classic - Secretary Vilsack
US Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack has been invited as the Keynote Speaker during the commodity Classic's general session. Register here.

2021 USDA AG Outlook Forum - Commodity Outlooks found here.
Row Crops and Vegetables Edition
SMDAC released 8 series entitled "Farms in Focus." This video showcases that agriculture has played an important role in Maryland since the state was founded in 1634 and currently serves as the state's largest commercial industry.
We Are Here for YOU
Lindsay Thompson,, Executive Director
Jenell Eck,, Programs and Public Relations Director
Marguerite Guare,, Administration

With Maryland's General Assembly being conducted virtually MGPA members have the ability to submit testimony without having to travel to Annapolis. If you are interested in submitting written or verbal testimony, be sure to create a MyMGA account here.

HB84 - Consumer Protection - Right to Repair
Delegate Feldmark
*Hearing held 1/27 - no further action
This bill requires an original equipment manufacturer, on fair and reasonable terms, to make available to an independent repair provider or owner of digital electronic equipment any documentation, parts, tools, or updates to information or embedded software. It also requires, as it applies to equipment that contains a security-related function, any documentation, tools, parts, or updates needed to reset the lock or function when disabled.


SB151 - Constitutional Amendment - Environmental Rights
*Hearing held 1/26 - no further action
This proposed constitutional amendment establishes that every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including the right to clean air; pure water; ecosystems that sustain the State’s natural resources, including the waters of the State, air, flora, fauna, climate, and public lands; and the preservation of the natural, healthful, scenic, and historic values of the environment. This would give citizens in Maryland standing to intervene on any state application process if they believe it interferes with any of those clean environment definitions mentioned above. Some examples would include, CAFO's, irrigation, hemp, new buildings, composting, commercial fishing, and aquaculture permits.

MGPA OPPOSES Senate Bill 151

SB119/HB507 - Clean Water Commerce Act of 2021
*Hearings on 1/28 and 2/10 - no further action
This bill addresses the sunset of the pilot program and establishes the Clean Water Commerce Fund as a special, non-lapsing fund. It requires the Department of the Environment to transfer $20,000,000 from the Bay Restoration Fund to the Clean Water Commerce Fund beginning in the fiscal year 2022. 35% of this funding would be dedicated to agricultural practices.

MGPA has been involved in the workgroup to craft this legislation. We will be supporting the sponsor amendments based on this workgroup's recommendations.

MGPA SUPPORTS Senate Bill 119 & House Bill 84

SB508/HB584 - Public Utilities - Net Energy Metering
This bill increases the maximum generation capacity of an electric generating system used by an eligible customer-generator for net metering to 5 megawatts. It also prohibits the Public Service Commission from prohibiting the construction or operation of multiple net-metered solar generating facilities located on contiguous lots that are owned by a local government solely because the capacity of the combined net metering systems exceeds the 5-megawatt limit.

MGPA opposes the loss of prime and productive farmland to solar energy generation.

HB581/SB486 - Labor and Employment - Employment Standards During an Emergency (Maryland Essential Workers' Protection Act)

This legislation would create a number of new essential employer mandates and costs including: 1) hazard pay; 2) financial assistance for healthcare costs; and 3) universal health and bereavement leave, among many other problematic and challenging provisions for Maryland’s job creators; 4) Employee right to refuse to report.

MGPA is working with a coalition of agricultural stakeholders to craft language for an agricultural exemption.

MGPA OPPOSES House Bill 581 & Senate Bill 486

HB860/SB692 - State Planning - Preservation of Agricultural Land - Goal
Hearing 2/17 - no further action
Extending the timeline for the State goal of preserving a total of 1,030,000 acres of productive agricultural land to 2030 through the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, the Maryland GreenPrint Program, the Rural Legacy Program, the Maryland Environmental Trust, and local land preservation programs. The current goal expires in 2022.

MGPA SUPPORTS House Bill 860 & Senate Bill 692

HB1025 - Pesticides - Carbofuran - Collection, Disposal, and Prohibition on Possession or Storage

This bill makes it illegal to possess or store Carbofuran after January 1, 2024, and sets up penalties for violation. The bill gives the Natural Resources Police and Dept of Agriculture the authority to seize Carbofuran. MDA is also required to set up a take back program through the pesticide recycling program.
*Carbofuran was de-registered by EPA and all uses for feed and food crops were revoked in 2009.

MGPA is working with the sponsor to remove NRP authority from ceasing carbofuran unless it is part of an ongoing wildlife investigation.

HB 1282: Real Property – Nuisance Actions – Rodent Harborage
Hearing 3/2

This bill authorizes an individual to bring a nuisance action for damages caused by rodent harborage on property against an owner of the
property harboring the rodents. It defines "rodent harborage" as a condition that provides sustenance or shelter for rodents, promotes their reproduction and continued existence on a property, creates or contributes to property damage, is injurious to public health and safety, or obstructs the reasonable use of the property. The bill authorizes the court to award compensatory and punitive damages to a prevailing plaintiff.  

MGPA OPPOSES House Bill 1282
Retrofitting Safe Entry Technologies

Through the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety, Penn State University is conducting a research project on agricultural producer's awareness about grain bin hazards and safety and their willingness to implement new safety practices into their operation. Participants can enter a drawing for a chance to win 1 of 3 $75 Visa Gift Cards. Complete this survey by March 15th.
Wheat and Historic Freeze

Temperatures have been low enough to cause serious concern about wheat's ability to survive dormancy. At this time, the severeness cannot be determined. Read more here.
'Love Letters to the Shore'

A documentary celebrating Maryland's Eastern Shore and its residents has been gaining popularity since its recent online release. The farming narrative is covered as well. Read more here.
Three New Corn Herbicide Premixes Approved from Helena

Federal regulators approved Empyros, Empryos Triad, and Empryos Triad Flex for the 2021 growing season. Currently, it is pending approval by state regulatory agencies. Read more here.
USDA- Secretarial Disaster

USDA issued a Secretarial disaster designation for counties in DD, MD, and NJ due to widespread crop losses caused by excessive rainfall that occurred from August 1st to September 1st. For Maryland, Caroline, Queen Anne's, and Kent County are eligible. Learn more here.
Crop Residue - Benefits

The benefits of leaving crop residue on the soil surface are numerous. Data from SDSU indicates that wheat straw contains approximately 10 lbs of nitrogen, 3 lbs of phosphate, 31 lbs of potash, and 2 lbs of sulfur. The value of these nutrients can amount to $12 to $14 per ton. Read more here.
Use the 4Rs When Buying Seed

The number of pre-plant decisions farmers make to grow a successful crop may seem daunting. But most successful farmers understand that choosing inputs wisely before the crop is planted often leads to a better harvest. Read the full story here.
Choptank Electric Co-Op Launches Broadband Subsidiary

The electric cooperative last week launched Choptank Fiber, Choptank's wholly-owned broadband subsidiary. The new broadband provider said it plans to begin hook-ups as early as this summer to selected areas. More here.

Two new programs are open through MARBIDCO. Information on a new pilot program for local farm enterprises can be found here. Secondly, a "Relief Act" program is available for livestock, shellfish, urban farmers, and wood production, more information can be found here.
Corn Refining Industry

A new study reveals the immense economic impact of the corn refining industry featuring a $47 billion economic output in 2020. Resulting in 167,786 total jobs. Read more about the new study here.
Million Acre Challenge

The Million Acre Challenge has released a recent video entitled "Could 1 Million Acres of Maryland's Soil Build a Better Future?" Check it out below.
Maryland Farm Bureau - Winter / Spring Webinar Series

MFB has put together a series to address hot topics for Maryland farmers and provide more benefits for their members. These webinars are free for members. If you would like to tune in, a $70 fee will provide access to all webinars. All webinars begin at 7 PM. Register here.
  • Mar 3rd - Simplify Social Security
  • Mar 10th - FB Healthcare
  • Mar 17th - Financing
  • Mar 24th - Stone X
  • Mar 31th - Family Communications
National Commodity Classic

The in-person annual event will be transitioned to a digital experience. We hope to see you online this March! Registration is open and the first 5,000 farmers to register will have their fees waived! Learn more here.
Agriculture Conservation Easements Program

USDA NRCS is now accepting applications for the ACEP which focused on restoring and protecting wetlands as well as conserving productive agricultural lands and grasslands. Applications are due on March 5th. More here.

USDA announced the Quality Loss Adjustment Program (QLAP), which is the long-delayed WHIP+ quality loss provisions for losses due to natural disasters in 2018 and 2019. Applications are due March 5th. For more information contact your local FSA office.
Rooted in our Community

A farming up-close and personal webinar is available for consumers, farmers, and residents of rural communities. The free event will take place on March 6th at 9:00 AM. Register online here.
ARC/PLC Deadline

The deadline to change your past enrollment or to enroll for ARC (Agriculture Risk Coverage) or PLC (Price Loss Coverage) with the USDA is March 15th. Contact your local FSA office for more information.
National Cover Crop Summit

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about cover crop establishment, using covers as forage for livestock, how high residue cover crops can reverse soil issues like compaction, and more during the virtual summit being held on March 17 and 18th. Learn more here.
Maryland Grain Producers Scholarship

The 2021 MGPA scholarship is now open and accepting applications through April 30, 2021. Learn more here.

Choptank Electric Scholarship

The Choptank Electric Trust will be distributing nine $2,000 scholarships to high school or homeschool seniors. Applications are due March 15th. Learn more and apply here.

Maryland Farm Bureau & Counties Scholarship

Maryland Farm Bureau currently is accepting scholarships and are due March 15th. County farm bureau's also currently have scholarships open. Apply here.

DCA Scholarship

The Delmarva Chicken Association is offering undergraduate and graduate scholarships. Applications are due by April 9th. Learn more here.
Created By: Jenell Eck
Programs and Public Relations Director

Please contact us with any questions.