MGPA Membership Value Survey
Please take two minutes and anonymously share with the Maryland Grain Producers Association what you value in your member benefits. The survey can be found here. The results will help our association grow and provide value to our members.

CFAP - Grain Assistance
Did you have stored grain on January 15th that was not sold or contracted? Did you sell grain from January 15th through April 15th? If you answered yes, then you may be eligible for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) through your local Farm Service Agency.

You will need to provide a bushel amount of what you had stored and not sold. As well as total bushels produced in the 2019 crop year for each eligible crop. There is no need to provide documentation at this time, the application is a self-certification by the producer. Although, keep in mind that all applicants are subject to a spot check, if requested, and would need to provide documentation at that time. Here is the application. You will get 80% of your gross payment now, and possibly the remaining 20% later. View the factsheet here with the payment rate information for each eligible crop. Completed applications can be mailed, emailed, faxed, or dropped off at your local office by August 28th. Feel free to call your local FSA staff and they will be happy to walk you through the application.

Livestock eligible at this time are cattle, hogs, and lambs. Contact your local office for more information.

You can learn more about the program here. If you need more space on your application use this sheet here. To read frequently asked questions, click here.

Lastly, NAWG wrote a letter to Sonny Perdue requesting that all wheat classes be eligible for aid.
Planting Progress Report
Maryland has 93% of our corn planted, above our 5-year average, while 55% of it has emerged, below average. Furthermore, 52% of Barley has begun coloring and 15% of Winter Wheat has begun coloring. Read the full report here.

The University of Maryland shared their most recent Wheat Update on May 25th. At that time wheat was in the dough stage on the lower shore. In the north, wheat has finished or is finishing up flowering with a low risk of FHB. View full report here.

Wheat harvest has begun in Texas and Oklahoma. Read a farm report on the harvest here.
Market and Trade Update
During April, ethanol exports totaled nearly 100 million gallons. Export data for Apirl is now posted here for all grains in all forms. Currently, we are down about 10 mmt from last year. Vietnam has decreased tariffs from 20% to 15%, the U.S. Grains Council is working to achieve a 5% or less tariff rate to move E10 nationwide.

U.S. ethanol can now enter the Indonesian market by way of pre-blended fuels. This change creates a potential market of more than 200 million gallons of ethanol, equivalent to 71 million bushels of corn. Read the full story here.

View June 2nd Maryland Grain Bids here.
Crop Insurance
The Risk Management Agency announced some additional COVID-related flexibilities to the federal crop insurance program. These flexibilities include interest accrual on premium payments and administrative fees to be waived. Read more about it here.

The Farm Service Agency recently waived late fil fees for acreage reports and discussed extending deadlines. Read more about it here.

We Are Here for YOU
Stay safe and healthy! If there is anything we can do for you, we want to hear from you. It is best to contact our cell phones or emails. We will continue to have one person in the office during normal business hours.

Lindsay Thompson,, Executive Director
Jenell Eck,, Programs and Public Relations Director
Marguerite Guare,, Administration
MDA - Pesticide Container Program

The Department of Agriculture will be offering the pesticide container recycling program for the 27th year. This free program allows farmers, certified applicators, and other pesticide users to recycled used containers at no cost. View the 2020 schedule with locations here and the full release here.
3 Ways Cover Crops Impact No-Till Success

The Soil Health Partnership shares a blog on how cover crops are a great tool to use in conjunction with no-till to enhance soil health benefits. Three benefits they provide more information on are soil compaction, enhanced soil microbiology, and soil structure. Read the full article here.
Should I Replant?

Deciding on replanting corn is a tough decision. It is recommended by starting to weigh replant costs by comparing yield potential against replant potential and costs. Missouri University has a Corn and Soybean Replant Decision guide that can help count and calculate stands, replant costs, and yield potentials. The guide can be found here. Read the full article here.
PSNT - Pre-sidedress Soil Nitrate Test

The PSNT is used to help optimize nitrogen fertilizer use in corn grain and corn silage fields. The PSNT measures the amount of nitrate-nitrogen that is available in the soil to the corn plant, at the time in the season when the corn is most likely to start needing it. Click here to see how to sample for PSNT and for more information on page 3.
Department Awards Animal Waste Technology Grant to Biorefinery Project in Wicomico County

The Maryland Department of Agriculture awards a $1.9 million Animal Waste Technology Grant to International BioRefineries, LLC to install a biorefinery plant at a poultry farm in Wicomico County. This will allow the farm to test new technology that converts chicken manure into a variety of value-added products. Read the full release here.
Sustainability and Innovation at Harborview Farms

Lead Maryland hosted a virtual farm tour of Harborview farms via zoom this May. Trey Hill and team member Michael Legg showcased how they are working to be sustainable and innovative. Information on planting green, carbon credits, and field nutrients were discussed. The video will be available for a limited time. Watch the zoom video here now.
Bayer Assessing Next Steps After Court Ruling on Etendimax Herbicide Registration

On June 3rd, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a ruling that vacates current U.S. registrations on certain low-volatility dicamba products. Bayer will follow up in the coming days with more details about the ruling and their next steps. To stay up-to-date with this, click here .
BeSure Campaign

BeSure centers on promoting proper use of neonicotinoid products to protect honeybees and other pollinators that are crucial to the food supply and ecosystem. Overall, the effort focuses on helping pollinators by promoting best management practices and habitat creations all year long. Read the full story here.
LEAD Maryland

LEAD Maryland is pushing the Class XII application back a year. Applications will be open on June 1st of 2021 and due October 1st. The class will participate in 2022 and 2023 due to changes from the coronavirus. Learn more about LEAD and the next class here.
Created By: Jenell Eck
Programs and Public Relations Director

Please contact with any questions.