Notes from Your Team at MGPA
Dear Farmers,
Thank you for continuing to work hard to provide food for all of us. Governor Hogan will be releasing plans to reopen Maryland today and we hope you're all doing well through this difficult time.
Our Board continues to remind the public that farmers are #StillFarming. Follow our
Facebook Page to continue to spread this message.
Lastly, our 2020 scholarship application is due May 1st, scroll to the bottom for more information.
Planting Progress Report
Farmers across the nation are moving their planters across the fields, view USDA's most recent Crop Progress Report can be found
Taking Care of Yourself During a Pandemic
Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include:
- Fear and worry about your health and the health of your loved ones
- Changes in sleep or eating patterns
- Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
- Worsening of chronic or mental health problems
- Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs
Ways to cope with stress:
- Take a break from the news - enjoy music and podcasts
- Take care of yourself and your body
- Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate
- Eat healthy, well balanced meals (even while in the tractor all day)
- Exercise regularly - take a walk after sitting all day
- Make time to unwind - do an acitivty that you enjoy
- Connect with others - talk to people you trust
The National Corn Growers Associations has more infromation on handling stress
here. You are welcome to connect with others.
- Center for Rural Affairs - 402-687-2100
- Farm Aid - 800-327-6243
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800-273-8255
Market Update
The University of Illinois completed an economic analysis. Cash corn prices have declined by 16% on average since March 1st. The analysis projects a $50 per acre revenue decline for the 2019 corn crop. An average crop insurance PLC program payment of $17 per base is projected for corn. There is also an estimated $11 decline for soybeans per acre, while wheat revenue increased by $5 per acre. Read the full analysis
View April 21, 2020 Maryland Grain Bids
Wheat Condition Report
University of Maryland, Nidhi Rawat provides a wheat update for Maryland farmers. Wheat on the eastern shore is at jointing or booting stage and should be heading out in a week or so. Barley is at heading or will be soon. The FHB risk is currently predicted to be low across the state. On the western shore, wheat plants are starting to joint and are not at a stage prone for FHB. Extension offices will continue to serve you and available through phone, email, and online teleconferencing. Read more
Food Processing Disruption
Processing plants across the nation have closed or slowed their production due to illness of workers.. Livestock producers and dairy farmers have already taken a hit. Vegetables are also being tilled under in California. Our reliable food supply is potentially in danger if the processing disruptions are not fixed soon. Americans have taken on baking while quarantined. Flour mills are running overtime. Flour sales are up 155% and yeast sales are up 457%. Read the full story
Ethanol production has idled with fuel demand down 45% since early March. Some plants and distilleries are working to make hand sanitizer, see
Economic Relief
There has been aid and relief packages passed for row crop farmers through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). This program provides $19 billion in immediate relief to agriculture with $3.9 billion dedicated for grain farmers. The livestock indsutry will receive $9.6 billion in assistance. Read NCGA's comments
Lastly, the Paycheck Protection Program will be getting more funding. The Senate passed an additional $321 billion for the PPP, we are waiting for the House to vote. There will also be monies available in the EIDL program to help agriculture businesses with less than 500 employees.
We Are Here for YOU
Stay safe and healthy this spring, if there is anything we can do for you, we want to hear from you. It is best to contact our cell phones or emails. We will continue to have one person in the office during normal business hours.
Giveaway - Enter By May 15th
The Maryland Grain Producers are collecting photos of farmers busy in the fields this spring. Send us a photo through
or by emailing
by May 15th. Please provide the farm name, city, and county with your entry.
All photos will be shared on our social media page after May 15th and the most liked photo by the public will recive a $25 VISA gift card sponsored by Willards Agri-Service.
By submitting a photo, your are authorizing Maryland Grain PRoducers to use it in future posts and promotional materials.
Farmers Reduce GHG Emissions
Analysis shows that the US ag sector has reduced their greenhouse gas emissions while productivity has increased for all commodities. Dairy has declined per-unit emissions by almost 25% and beef has fallen nearly 8%. When compared to farm production in 1990, US farmers would have needed almost 100 million additional acres to grow the same amount of corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and wheat they harvested in 2018. Read more
High Octane Low Carbon Fuel Webinar
Last week the NCGA and other groups put on an educational webinar about high octane and low carbon. The future is there but timeline is coming together. You can register
here to watch it.
Haul Now Apply Later
Haul poultry manure now and apply for cost-share reimbursement from MDA later. Farmers must have a Fertility Index Value of 100 or lower to be eligible. Learn more about the FastTrack program
China - Gearing Up for Feed
Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affiars stated that pig farms nationwide are enthusiastic about restocking and pig breeding farmers are not wasting time. China corn production is estimated to be down this year. Read the full story
EPA - Dicamba
The ninth circuit court of appeals is being asked to overturn the EPA's approval of Dicamba. Allegations are from the National Family Farm Coalition and three non-profit consumer and environmental groups. The court hearing will be handled by phone on Tuesday, April 28th. Read more
Spotted Lanternfly
The first spotted lanternflies of 2020 have hatched in PA, kicking off a season where we could see large populations of the bug in Maryland as well. Read more
Bunge Sells 35 Grain Elevators
Bunge has agreed to sell 35 US interior elevators to Zen-Noh Grain Corporation. Bunge will continue to be an indsutry leader in the US market through global grain trading and distribution. Read the full story
Soybean Diseases and Economic Losses
Economic losses due to soybean diseases in the US from 1996 to 2016 amounted to more than $95 billion, according to a team of researchers at Penn State. Across all states and years, the soybean cyst nematode, charcoal rot, and seedling diseases were the most economically damaging. Read more
National Sorghum Yield Contest
The 2020 Sorghum Yield Contest is open for enrollment. One must be a member. Forms must be completed abd submitted 10 days prior to harvest and emailed no later than December 1st. Learn more
Delmarva Poultry Industry - Extended Deadline
- The Delmarva Poultry Industry is offering scholarships in the amount of $1,500 for undergraduate and graduate students. One must be a resident of the Delmarva and have an academic major in a subject area relevant to the chicken industry.
- Applications must be received before May 1st.
- Apply here.
Maryland Grain Producers Scholarship
- Our 2019 scholarship is open now! For college students who live in Maryland working towards a degree in an agriculturally-related field is eligible to receive one of the four $2,500 scholarships. Applicants or their immediate family must be a member of the Maryland Grain Producers Association.
- Applications are due May 1st.
- Learn more about eligibility and apply here.
Maryland State Grange
- Scholarship applications are due May 1st and there are no requirements. There is also a State Grange Deaf Scholarship for students who are hearing impaired or plan to work in the hearing impaired field.
- Contact 301-829-0545 or for more information.
Dairy Management Inc. Scholarship
- The National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, through Dairy Management Inc. annually awards up to eleven $2,500 scholarships to eligible undergraduate students enrolled in a secondary education that emphasize dairy.
- In addition, the board awards a $3,500 James H. Loper Jr. Memorial Scholarship to the outstanding scholarship recipient.
- Completed applications should be submitted on-line no later than May 22nd and can be found here.
American Floral Endowment - 24 Scholarships
- This endowment has 2 scholarships awarded annually. Online applications and supporting documents are due by May 1st. Scholarships are intended for college students pursing degrees in floriculture and horticulture fields only.
- Learn more here.
Bruce W. Hotchkiss Scholarship
- Two $1,500 scholarships are to be awarded to students studying for a career in agriculture and have maintained a cumulative GPA 3.5 or higher.
- Applications are due May 15th.
- Apply here.
National Sorghum Foundation Scholarship
- There are currently three scholarships open for college students studying agriculture. Each scholarhsip includes $1,500 towards tuition.
- Applications are due June 1st.
- Apply here.
Created By: Jenell Eck
Programs and Public Relations Director
Please contact with any questions.