Market and Trade News
  • The US Wheat staff traveled to Cuba to see and hear firsthand about trade opportunities, despite frosty bilateral relations. Read more here.
  • Egypt's Supply Ministry has confirmed that it is considering adding wheat from India to 16 other national import origins due to Russia's invasion. More here.
  • Read about the US winter wheat conditions across the Plains here.
  • Ukraine is the world's second-largest barley exports, read more here.
  • Read USGC annual reports on Corn Export Cargo Quality and Corn Harvest Quality online here.
  • Check out the latest grain bids online here.
Top 5 Corn Markets (MT) as of 4.21.2022
  • Mexico - 15,490,300
  • China - 12,123,500
  • Japan - 8,348,900
  • Canada - 3,747,800
  • Colombia - 3,572,100
  • Unknown Destinations - 2,763,400
  • Barley
  • 30% Fair
  • 63% Good
  • 7% Excellent
  • Wheat
  • 22% Fair
  • 62% Good
  • 16% Excellent
Top News Stories
E-15 Sold This Summer
The Biden administration announced emergency action to allow E15 to be sold this summer. Corn growers are thankful for this action as drivers save up to 20 cents or more a gallon where E15 is available. E15 has lower volatility than regular fuel allowing for lower evaporative and exhaust emissions. Read more here.

Road Safety Campaign to Keep Farmers Safe
The recently developed Find Me Driving "Road Safety" Campaign is aimed to raise motorists' awareness of farm equipment drivers on the roads. Belinda Burrier encourages all to promote road safety and share this information with their non-farming neighbors. Read the full press release here.

Consider Splitting Nitrogen Applications in Corn
Now is the time to apply for a $15 per acre cost share. With rising fertilizer prices, some nearing or over $1 per unit of N, focusing on split-applying needed N for corn can be a wise strategy. By splitting the nitrogen application rates, one can fine-tune the amount required by using several diagnostic tools to calculate in-season N requirements. If you are interested in adding an additional split of N to your 2022 corn crop, contact Jenell Eck McHenry at 443-262-6969. Read more here.

April 2022 Agronomy Newsletter can be found here.
We Are Here for YOU
Lindsay Thompson,, Executive Director
Jenell Eck McHenry,, Programs and PR Director
Marguerite Guare,, Administration
Jennifer Gannon,, Student Intern
2022 Maryland Legislative Session

The Maryland legislative session is well underway. Both the House and Senate office buildings are now open to the public and Senate committee hearings have returned to in-person. Overall, things are going fairly well for agriculture. The crossover date (when bills without a cross file need to make it to the opposite chamber) in March 21st.

SB268/HB387 - Pesticide Regulation - Transfer to Department of the Environment
Transferring the regulation of pesticides, plant diseases, and mosquitos in the State from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Environment. Increasing penalties for violations of the state pesticide law. Requiring the Secretaries of Agriculture, Environment and Health set up a regulatory process for the state to ban and make restricted use pesticides at the state level.
Hearings are complete in both chambers.

Unfavorable vote by Senate Committee. Withdrawn by House sponsor.


HB562 - Consumer Protection - Right to Repair - Farm Equipment
Requiring a farm equipment manufacturer to make available documentation, updates, and information to an independent repair provider or owner of farm equipment to allow for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of the farm equipment; prohibiting a farm equipment manufacturer from knowingly misrepresenting or withholding farm equipment part numbers from a customer for the purpose of repairing farm equipment.


Unfavorable report by House Committee.

SB783/HB596 - Constitutional Amendment - Environmental Rights

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Maryland to establish that every person has the fundamental and inalienable right to a healthful and sustainable environment; and requiring the State to serve as the trustee of the State's natural resources, including the air, land, water, wildlife, and ecosystems of the State, and to conserve, protect, and enhance the State's natural resources for the benefit of every person.

MGPA believes this gives all Maryland citizens and organizations standing to sue or contest state permits and licenses given to farmers (nutrient management plans, Pesticide applicators licenses, etc) if they feel they violate their environmental right.

MGPA Opposes SB783/HB596

No action by committees

SB800/HB1002 - Sales and Use Tax - Electricity for Agricultural Purposes - Exemption

Exempting from the sales and use tax the sale of electricity used for agricultural purposes

MGPA Supports SB800/HB1002

No action by committees
Women and Mentors Program: Accepting Applications Now

The National Corn Growers Association is looking for applicants for the second class of their Women and Mentors Program. It will be held in St. Louis on June 27th and 28th. If you would be interested, please contact our office! More information can be found here.
7th Graders Attend Agriculture Awareness Day

Seventh-graders from Queen Anne's County Public Schools attended Agriculture Awareness Day in March. Students learned about the array of careers in the industry. Jordan Wilmer and Jennifer Gannon shared about today's combine technology compared to a hand sheller used nearly 100 years ago. Read more here.
Maryland FFA

Sixty-six FFA members received an FFA jacket through the Foundation's annual Gift of Blue Program. Read the full story here.

On April 2nd, 271 FFA members from 31 chapters attended the annual state Spring Judging Event to compete in one of the ten events offered. Congratulations to the top teams, which will represent Maryland at the National FFA Convention. Read more here.
Calendar Photo Contest

MidAtlantic Farm Credit is looking for photos from random participants. The photos will be in the 2023 Calendar. You can submit photos now through August 5th. Learn more online here.
Offering One-Time Bonus Payment for Approved CLEAR30 Enrollment

Maryland farmers who are enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program with contracts due to expire on September 30, 2022, now have the opportunity to transition to a 30-year contract option through USDA CLEAR30. Read the full press release here.
Maryland to Fund SMADC through ' 25

Governor Larry Hogan signed a bill last week that funds the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission through the fiscal year 2025. Funding will include cold storage, meat processing, and other services for regional farmers. Read more here.

  • Dicamba Online Trainings are now until June 7th. More here
  • Paraquat Trainings available online here
Maryland Cover Crop Program

At this time you are able to terminate your 2021 cover crop. If you plan to plant green and receive cost-share, this may not occur prior to May 1st. Please report your termination by June 3rd. Read more on page 4 here.
Maryland Pork Chat

A series of webinars started in April of 2022. These webinars are for those interested in learning more about the pork industry. For our May webinar, tune in to learn more about the labels on pork products. More here.
2022 Western Maryland Trucking Forum

Come on out to the Washington County Agriculture Center on May 10th for Maryland Farm Bureau and county farm bureaus for a trucking forum. Learn more and register online here.
Corn Utilization and Technology Conference

The CUTC is the nation's premier conference focused on improving current uses and developing new uses for corn. This event, held every two years, allows attendees experience the significant progress in new corn uses and technology that has been made over the past two years. Join NCGA on June 6th through 8th in St. Louis. Read more online here.
NCGA Research Ambassador

The National Corn Growers Association is seeking future leaders for their Ambassador Program. One must be currently enrolled as a graduate student with an identified advisor and be willing to fully participate in the program. The application deadline is April 30th. Learn more here.
Annual Mountaire Scholarship Program

There are two scholarship divisions through Mountaire's annual program for full-time college students. Be sure to apply online by June 6th here.
Created By: Jenell Eck McHenry |

Please contact us with any questions.