Market and Trade Update
Top Six U.S. 2020/2021 Corn Markets
  • China - 15,584,600 MT
  • Mexico 10,680,600 MT
  • Japan - 7,042,800 MT
  • Colombia - 2,426,100 MT
  • South Korea - 1,205,300 MT
  • Unknown Destination - 8,194,000 MT

Farm groups ask Biden to improve Cuba relations, more here.

USDA's Winter Wheat report said farmers planted 32 million acres, here.

EPA waived about the equivalent of 260 million ethanol gallons, more here.

Grain bids from January 26th can be found here.
Top News Stories

Registration Now Open!
The 2021 National Commodity Classic currently is registering attendees. The first 5,000 farmers receive entry free of cost, others will have a discounted cost. More here.

Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
Contact your local FSA office to update your CFAP application for the adjusted payment calculations. There has been additional funding for eligible contract growers as well. Learn more here.

USDA Temporarily Suspends Debt Collections
Due to COVID-19, a temporary suspension of past-due debt collections and foreclosures for distressed borrowers under the Farm Storage Facility Loan and the Direct Farm Loans programs administered by the FSA. More here.

Southern Maryland Perdue Elevator
Perdue AgriBusiness announced plans to close the grain elevator in Lothian, Maryland by March 31st. Read more here.
Retrofitting Safe Entry Technologies
Through the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety, Penn State University is conducting a research project on agricultural producer's awareness about grain bin hazards and safety and their willingness to implement new safety practices into their operation. Participants can enter a drawing for a chance to win 1 of 3 $75 Visa Gift Cards. Complete this survey by March 15th.
We Are Here for YOU
Lindsay Thompson,, Executive Director
Jenell Eck,, Programs and Public Relations Director
Marguerite Guare,, Administration
Delmarva Farmer

American Farm Publications Inc. specializes in agricultural publications for the Mid-Atlantic area of the United States. Publications are commonly referred to as "The farmer's bible," providing subscribers with up-to-date information to help farmers do business and remain viable.

Thank you for being a 2020 classic sponsor!

With Maryland's General Assembly being conducted virtually MGPA members have the ability to submit testimony without having to travel to Annapolis. If you are interested in submitting written or verbal testimony, be sure to create a MyMGA account here.

Please contact your Senators and ask them to sustain the veto on Senate Bill 300. Last year, the legislature passed SB300 which would have legislatively banned the use of Chlorpyrifos in Maryland. Governor Hogan vetoed SB300 and instead enacted regulations to phase out Chlorpyrifos use in Maryland by the end of this year. This action maintains the regulatory framework in place for pesticides and avoids a dangerous precedent of legislative bans on crop protection products. Chlorpyrifos has already been phased out, there is no need to override the veto. Find your Senator here and ask them to sustain the veto!

SB151 - Constitutional Amendment - Environmental Rights

This proposed constitutional amendment establishes that every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including the right to clean air; pure water; ecosystems that sustain the State’s natural resources, including the waters of the State, air, flora, fauna, climate, and public lands; and the preservation of the natural, healthful, scenic, and historic values of the environment. This would give citizens in Maryland standing to intervene on any state application process if they believe it interferes with any of those clean environment definitions mentioned above. Some examples would include, CAFO's, irrigation, hemp, new buildings, composting, commercial fishing, and aquaculture permits. 

MGPA OPPOSES Senate Bill 151

HB84 - Consumer Protection - Right to Repair
Delegate Feldmark

This bill requires an original equipment manufacturer, on fair and reasonable terms, to make available to an independent repair provider or owner of digital electronic equipment any documentation, parts, tools, or updates to information or embedded software. It also requires, as it applies to equipment that contains a security-related function, any documentation, tools, parts, or updates needed to reset the lock or function when disabled.


SB119 - Clean Water Commerce Act of 2021

This bill addresses the sunset of the pilot program and establishes the Clean Water Commerce Fund as a special, non-lapsing fund. It requires the Department of the Environment to transfer $20,000,000 from the Bay Restoration Fund to the Clean Water Commerce Fund beginning in the fiscal year 2022. 35% of this funding would be dedicated to agricultural practices.

MGPA has been involved in the workgroup to craft this legislation. We will be supporting the sponsor amendments based on this workgroup's recommendations.

MGPA SUPPORTS Senate Bill 119

HB472 - Agriculture - Glyphosate - Prohibition

This bill bans the use of glyphosate in Maryland. MGPA has been working with a large coalition of stakeholders to oppose this bill.

USDA's 2022 Census of Ag Content Test

The 2022 Census of Agriculture sent you a contest test, be sure to participate to help better prepare for the nation's Census of Ag. Read more here.
Farmers Encouraged to Use Poultry Litter as Fertilizer

MDA is encouraging farmers to consider switching to poultry litter as a fertilizer ahead of the upcoming planting season. Learn more here.
Planting Crops - and Carbon, too

Trey Hill of Harborview Farms talks about how he is entering in to carbon markets. Learn more here.
With Sympathy

Charles "Peanut" Bowling, Sr, father of MGPA Board Member Chip Bowling passed away on January 22nd. Please reach out to us for contact information if you wish to send your condolences. View Mr. Bowling's obituary here.

Floyd Gaibler, USGC Policy Director also passed away this January. Read more about Mr. Gaibler here.
Court Seeks Status Report on EPA

The US Court of Appeals directed EPA to submit a status report every 60 days "on its progress in complying with the court's remand" stemming from the July 2017 ruling in Americans for Clean Energy v. EPA. Read more here.

Maryland Soybean Board invests over $190,000 in projects to promote soybeans and their many by-products. More here.

U.S. Soybean Board is working on sustainability. The Sustainability Grown U.S. Soy mark is in development and more can be found here.
Environmental Benefits of Corn-Ethanol Study

A new study released emphasizes the need for and benefits of corn ethanol in the nation's fuel supply. Scientists show that corn ethanol reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 46% compared to gasoline. Full article can be found here.
Virtual Reality in Wheat

A professor created 360-degree images of the wheat quality and carbohydrate labs. This allows a person to interact with spaces and objects in an entirely virtual environment. Read more here.
Plant Needs and Fertigation

Fertigation provides the ability to alter nutrient application timing to more accurately match the crop nutrient uptake needs. Fertigation provides a number of benefits, including reduced chemical exposure to applicators, saved time and labor, flexible timing, and reduced soil compaction. Read more here.
Agriculture Grants

Upper Shore Regional Grant is available to those living in Queen Anne's, Kent, and Cecil County looking to expand or diversify, improve marketing efforts, or conduct ag research. General information can be found here. Specific information and applications can be found for each county separately - Queen Anne's here, Kent here, and Cecil here. Due January 31st.

Agriculture Innovation Grants through the Frederick County Government is providing competitive grants of $5,000 or more to help expand or diversify a farming operation. Applications close on February 1st. Learn more here.
Annual 61st Membership Meeting - USGC

Registration is now open for the U.S. Grain's Council's virtual 18th International Marketing Conference and 61st Annual Membership Meeting scheduled to be held virtually from February 1st to 3rd. More here.
How to Conduct a Virtual Meeting with Congress

NCGA invites all growers to a grassroots training webinar on "How to Conduct a Virtual Meeting with Congress" sponsored by Congressional Management Foundation. Tune in on February 2nd from 3 PM to 4 PM here. Please list NCGA as the invitnig orgncation.
Maryland Farm Bureau - Winter / Spring Webinar Series

MFB has put together a series to address hot topics for Maryland farmers and provide more benefits for their members. These webinars are free for members. If you would like to tune in, a $70 fee will provide access to all webinars. All webinars begin at 7 PM. Register here.
  • Feb 3rd - Legislative Update
  • Feb 10th - Membership
  • Feb 17th - Ag Crime Prevention
  • Feb 24th - SILO Screening
  • Mar 3rd - Simplify Social Security
  • Mar 10th - FB Healthcare
  • Mar 17th - Financing
  • Mar 24th - Stone X
  • Mar 31th - Family Communications
MidAtlantic Farm Credit - Farm Transition Series

Through a webinar series, MidAtlantic is providing farm transition planning resources for you. Webinars will be on February 8th and February 22nd. Learn more here and register here.
University of Maryland Winter Crop Production Meetings

The following meetings are remaining for the virtual crop production meetings held by the University of Maryland Extension. Learn more and register here.
  • Fruit Frowers - Feb 10th
  • Agronomy - Feb 17th and 26th
Women in Ag 2021 Conference

The 2021 Women in Ag conference will be held on February 12th via zoom. Registration is $20 and open to all, learn more here.
National Commodity Classic

The in-person annual event will be transitioned to a digital experience. We hope to see you online this March! Registration opens on January 26th and the first 5,000 farmers to register will have their fees waived! Learn more here.
Agriculture Conservation Easements Program

USDA NRCS is now accepting applications for the ACEP which focused on restoring and protecting wetlands as well as conserving productive agricultural lands and grasslands. Applications due on March 5th. More here.
MACCA Scholarship

The 2021 Mid-Atlantic Certified Crop Advisers Scholarship is now open and accepting applications until February 19th. Learn more here.

Choptank Electric Scholarship

The Choptank Electric Trust will be distributing nine $2,000 scholarships to high school or homeschool seniors. Applications are due March 15th. Learn more and apply here.

DCA Scholarship

The Delmarva Chicken Association is offering undergraduate and graduate scholarships. Applications are due by April 9th. Learn more here.
Created By: Jenell Eck
Programs and Public Relations Director

Please contact us with any questions.