Corn Crop Progress Report
Of the 94% Winter Wheat Emerged, it's crop condition is as follows:
  • 19% Very Poor
  • 19% Poor
  • 20% Fair
  • 40% Good
  • 2% Excellent

Read the latest progress report by USDA here.

12/1/2020 Grain Bids here.
Market and Trade Update
Top Five US 2020/2021 Corn Market
  • China - 11,179,300 MT
  • Mexico - 8,533,900 MT
  • Japan - 4,967,700 MT
  • Colombia - 1,883,100 MT
  • South Korea - 927,200 MT
  • Unknown Destination - 6,323,200 MT

Corn: 1.37 MMT sold
Sorghum: 238.6 TMT sold
Top News Stories

Soybean harvest yields have been reported as above-average due to late summer rains. Hear from farmers across the region here.

US Sorghum farmers have the majority of this year's crop in the bin and quality is looking good, read more here.

The U.S. Grains Council used it's exhibit to promote ethanol at the in-person China-Expo, read the full story here.

Farm groups are counting on Biden to reverse the Trump administration's policy breaking ties with Cuba, read the full story here.
We Are Here for YOU
We hope you had a bountiful harvest! Enjoy watching cover crops and small grains grow this winter while attending events virtually to expand your operation and receive CEU's. To view upcoming events, scroll down.

Lindsay Thompson,, Executive Director
Jenell Eck,, Programs and Public Relations Director
Marguerite Guare,, Administration
Local Seed

Local seed is working to make farming more profitable, more sustainable, and most of all, more fun. Their philosophy is to improve seed traits, technology, and on-farm innovation while having a local connection with the grower.

Thank you for being a 2020 classic sponsor!
Maryland Farm and Harvest

This past Tuesday, Maryland Farm and Harvest explored how farms impact the environment. Visiting Willow Oaks Farm, Harborview Farms, and Harman's Farm Market. Watch the episode here.

Next Tuesday, viewers will understand the different varieties and uses of corn while learning how genetically-engineered Bt corn fights pests and more. Learn more about the upcoming episode here.
Grain Handling Safety

It is important for anyone who works in grain farming and handling to take time to focus on basic safety protocols. Common grain handling hazards include bin entry, energy isolation, and combustible dust. Read the full story and learn how to stay safe here.
7 Factors Important to Corn Growers in 1960 and Today

From 1960 to today, there are seven constants still relevant to corn farmers. These factors are; hybrid genetics, adequate nutrition, good seed-to-soil contact, uniform seedling emergence, equal spacing of plants within the rows, disease and insect tolerance, and soil compaction. Read more here.
Congress Reauthorizes US Grain Standards

The US. House of Representatives approved the U.S. Grain Standards Reauthorization Act. The act sets the framework for the functioning of the USDA Federal Grain Inspection Service. Read more here.
Natural Gas Pipeline - Somerset County

Senator Mary Beth Carozza believes bringing natural gas to Somerset County is a win-win on all fronts. As Somerset County is one of three counties in Maryland without natural gas. The conservation would reduce CO2 emissions at ECI and UMES by 65% and 35% respectively. Read more here.
New Program - Cultivating Conservation

The University of Maryland Extension Beginning Farmer program in collaboration with the University of Delaware Extension is excited to announce a $250,000 grant award from the USDA-NRCS. The goal is to target historically underserved groups to increase their knowledge of NRCS programs, understanding of application processes, and how conservation projects can fit into an overall farm plan. Learn more here.
Corn and Eco-Friendly Pallets

A Texas company that uses corn stalks, husks, and leaves to make ski, skate, and surf-boards plans to build a $15 million plant in Iowa to make environmentally friendly shipping pallets. They will be looking for 50,000 bales totaling 50 million pounds annually. Read the full story here.
Drones Studied for Cover Crop Benefits

The University of Maryland has been working with farmers to look at the effectiveness of using a drone to apply cover crop seed. The drones are more appealing for use in small and odd-shaped fields. The team is collecting data on canopy coverage and plant density to inform on the overall question of its feasibility. Read more here.
Get The Most Out of The Data You Collect

While agronomists and crop advisors collect all kinds of data, few farmers are analyzing and interpreting the data and developing solutions themselves. Today you can incorporate things like climate and historic rainfall and build projections to see what happens if you change nutrient applications. Read the full story here.
Checkoff - Corn Tar Spot

Corn tar is caused by fungus, Phyllachora maydis, and can reduce corn yields by as much as 60 bushels per acre. A total investment of $300,000 from a variety of groups will utilized to identify practices and tools to help growers reduce the potentially devastating effects of this emerging disease. More here.
Integrated Weed Management Workshops

This year, workshops will be virtual via Zoom with the first half of the meeting on 12/8/2020 and the second half on 12/15/2020. You can tune in from 8-10 AM or 6-8 PM. There will be pesticide and CCA credits available. More here.
Maryland Farm Bureau - Winter Webinar Series

MFB has put together a series to address hot topics for Maryland farmers and provide more benefit for their members. These webinars are free for members. If you would like to tune in, a $70 fee will provide access to all webinars. All webinars begin at 7 PM. Register here.
  • 12/15 Wildlife Crop Damage
  • 12/17 Community Solar
  • 1/5 Aquaculture
  • 1/7 Hemp
  • 1/14 Agriculture Education
  • 1/19 On-Farm Alcohol Production
Maryland Farm Bureau - Annual Convention

The annual convention will be fully virtual this year and held Monday December 7th and 8th. The meeting is free to attend, but registration is required. More information can be found here.
Nutrient Management Update

On December 15th at 9:00 AM, the University of Maryland Extension will have a Nutrient Management Update featuring updates from MDA and MACs program. Register and learn more here.
Learn more and register here.
Delaware AG Week - Now Month

This year, Delaware Ag Week will be held for an entire month. Session for Agronomy, Risk Management and more. CEU's will be available and more information is to come, learn more here.
Grain Marketing Update

Various speakers will discuss grain marketing on January 8th from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Topics will include local and national grain outlook, tax considerations, crop insurance, and agricultural law. Register here.
How To Calculate the PMT Using NuManPro Software

Earn 1 MD Nutrient Management CEU on January 8th by completing a webinar on the Phosphorus Management Tool. Register here.
CRP Sign-Up

USDA's CRP will be open January 4th to February 12th. More information here.
New Pilot Buffer Program

MDA will launch a new pilot program starting January 11th and closes February 5th. The program offers an attractive incentive payment, easy sign-up, and more management options for farmers who want to plant streamside buffers on their farm to improve water quality. Learn more here.
National Commodity Classic

The in-person annual event will be transitioned to a digital experience. We hope to see you online this March! Learn more here.
American Soybean Association Scholarship

ASA is awarding an outstanding high school senior interested in pursuing a career in agriculture with a one-time $5,000 scholarship. Applications are open and due December 6th. More information here.

Farm Credit Foundation Scholarship

The Farm Credit Foundation is offering 10 scholarships worth $10,000 each to students planning to pursue a career in agriculture. Applications are due January 8th. More information can be found here.

Grow Ag Leaders Scholarship

Grow Ag Leaders awards more than $500,000 in scholarships to students studying ag-related fields. Grow Ag Leaders asks farmers to endorse high school seniors or college students for a chance to win a $1,500 scholarship. Applications are due January 14th and can be found here.

MACCA Scholarship

The 2021 Mid-Atlantic Certified Crop Advisers Scholarship is now open and accepting applications until February 19th. Learn more here.
Created By: Jenell Eck
Programs and Public Relations Director

Please contact with any questions.