Market and Trade News
  • The USDA reduced its national average yield estimate by 4 million bushels. Read Rob's report on the war, exports, and poor growing conditions here.
  • Public-Private ag market development adds $9.6 billion in export value annually, referring to the U.S. Grains Council. Read more here.
  • U.S Wheat Associates have begun weekly harvest report for 2022, more here
  • Read the latest U.S. crop progress and wheat condition here.
  • Check out the latest grain bids online here.

Top 5 Corn Markets (MT)

  • Mexico - 15,735,100
  • China - 14,695,600
  • Japan - 8,972,700
  • Colombia - 4,159,300
  • Canada - 3,783,100
  • Unknown Destinations - 3,783,100

Maryland Small Grain Condition

  • 32% Corn Planted
  • 18% Emerged
  • Barley - 55% in Head
  • 23% Fair
  • 27% Good
  • 24% Excellent
  • Wheat - 35% in Head
  • 33% Fair
  • 30% Good
  • 11% Excellent
Top News Stories

Small Grain Field Day will be held on Tuesday, May 24th at the Wye Research Farm in Queenstown. The event will begin at 5:00 PM. Let us know if you have any questions.

FHB Risk

The risk of FHB has increased across the state. Wheat on the Eastern Shore of Maryland has finished or is just finishing flowering. Wheat in the Northern part of Maryland is either flowering or soon starting. The risk is predicted to be moderate to high. Read the full report here.

WOTUS -Agriculture Could be in Trouble

The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers held the first of 10 stakeholder meetings regarding changes to the Waters of the U.S. Rule on May 9th. There are concerns around the lack of transparency in the selection process and the purpose of the roundtable discussions. The work has shifted from informing to implementing recently. Read more online here.

4.2 Billion Pounds of Chickens in 2021

In 2021, the Delmarva chicken community raised 567 million chickens, supplied 4.2 billion pounds of shelf- and table-ready chicken, and generated a record $4.2 billion in wholesale value. Chicken companies purchased 87 million bushels of corn, 35 million bushels of soybeans, and 546,000 bushels of wheat for feed. Read the 2021 facts and figures here.

The USDA opened a public comment period on Access to Fertilizer: Competition and Supply Chain Concerns. You can share how rising input costs have impacted your farm here

We Are Here for YOU
Lindsay Thompson,, Executive Director
Jenell Eck McHenry,, Programs and PR Director
Marguerite Guare,, Administration
Jennifer Gannon,, Student Intern

Maryland Launches 2022 Pesticide Container Recycling Program

MDA has announced the 2022 dates and drop-off locations for its annual Pesticide Container Recycling Program. For the past 29 years, MDA's program has recycled more than 1 million containers. Be sure to recycle your container during one of the 28 collection days, which can be found here.

$6 Billion to Commodity Producers

USDA is providing commodity and specialty crop producers that were impacted by natural disasters in 2020 and 2021 with emergency relief payments. Funding helps offset crop yield and value losses. Read more online here.

1,632 Tons of Tires Recycled

Earlier this year, Maryland Farm Bureau worked with others to facilitate a recycling program. Through a variety of collection locations, 1,631.57 tonnes of tires were recycled, equating to 163,157 passenger tires. Read more about the successful program here.

Higher Wheat Yields and Protein Content on the Horizon

A team of international researchers has discovered a way to produce higher-quality wheat. The work is the first known example where a forward-genetics screen of a mutant population has been used to identify a gene that controls reproductive development in wheat. The team expects that the new varieties will be available to breeders in 2 to 3 years, which could then translate to benefits for farmers in 7 to 10 years. Read more online here.

USDA Announces 25% in Chesapeake Spending

An additional $22.5 million this year will be spent to help farmers install conservation practices in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The money will be prioritized to promote the installation of stream buffers, planting nutrient-absorbing cover crops, construction of manure store facilities, promoting prescribed grazing, and other practices. More can be found here.

Maryland Cover Crop Program

At this time you are able to terminate your 2021 cover crop. If you plan to plant green and receive cost-share, you are now able to do so. Please report your termination by June 3rd. Read more on page 4 here.

Maryland Pork Chat

A series of webinars started in April of 2022. These webinars are for those interested in learning more about the pork industry. For our June webinar, tune in to learn more on pork biosecurity. More here.

Corn Utilization and Technology Conference

The CUTC is the nation's premier conference focused on improving current uses and developing new uses for corn. This event, held every two years, allows attendees experience the significant progress in new corn uses and technology that has been made over the past two years. Join NCGA on June 6th through 8th in St. Louis. Read more online here.

DCA Booster Banquet

Te Delmarva Chicken Association will be returning to the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington, DE on June 22nd for their booster banquet. Learn more and purchase tickets here.

Annual Mountaire Scholarship Program

There are two scholarship divisions through Mountaire's annual program for full-time college students. Be sure to apply online by June 6th here.

MD Ag Ambassador Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the 2022-2023 Maryland Farm Bureau Ambassador program, a scholarship and leadership development initiative for Maryland's Farm Bureau member families. Winners will receive a $1,500 over time tenure as the ambassador, representing Maryland Farm Bureau at a number of events and more. Learn more about the program here.

Created By: Jenell Eck McHenry |

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