MGPA Legislative Update
Your membership dollars make it possible for Maryland Grain farmers to have representation in Annapolis during the legislative session. Our Executive Director, Lindsay Thompson serves as the voice for the best interest of Maryland grain farmers.
HB178 - State Designations - State Spirit - Maryland Rye
Delegate Reznik
Designating Maryland Rye or Maryland Rye Whiskey as the State spirit.
MGPA Supports HB178
HB230/SB224- Department of the Environment - Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles - Regulations (Clean Trucks Act of 2023)
Delegate Love
This bill requires the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to adopt regulations establishing requirements for the sale of new zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles in the State. The regulations may update existing regulations and incorporate by reference the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) vehicle standards, as revised and updated. “Heavy duty vehicle” means a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) rating equal to or greater than 26,001 pounds (lbs). A “medium duty vehicle” is a vehicle with a GVW rating of between 10,000 and 26,000 lbs.
MGPA opposes HB230/SB224
HB253/SB262 - Environment - On-Farm Composting Facilities - Permit Exemption
Delegate Shetty & Senator Gallion
Requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations to exempt an on-farm composting facility from the requirement to obtain a permit if the on-farm composting facility uses 40,000 square feet of area or less for active food scrap composting, composts only certain materials, records the amount and source of the feedstock composted and the date and time the feedstock arrived on the farm, retains the records for 3 years, and meets any other condition for a permit exemption specified in regulations.
MGPA Supports HB253/SB262
HB319/SB158 - Pesticide Registration - PFAS Testing - Requirements
Delegate Stein & Senator Hettleman
Prohibiting, beginning January 1, 2024, the Secretary of Agriculture from registering a pesticide for use against mosquitoes in the State unless the distributor of the pesticide submits to the Department test results indicating the pesticide has passed the PFAS test and an affidavit attesting to the legitimacy of the PFAS test results; and prohibiting, beginning January 1, 2026, the Secretary from registering a pesticide for use in the State unless PFAS test results and a certain affidavit are submitted by the distributor.
MGPA opposed HB319/SB158
HB378/SB310 - Natural Resources - Black Bear Conflict Reduction and Damage Reimbursement Fund - Uses
Delegates Love, Lehman, and T. Morgan
Altering the Black Bear Damage Reimbursement Fund to authorize grants from the Fund to be made for projects that reduce conflicts between black bears and humans; renaming the Black Bear Damage Reimbursement Fund to be the Black Bear Conflict Reduction and Damage Reimbursement Fund; increasing the minimum and maximum amounts of reimbursement from the Fund per person annually authorized for damage caused by black bears; requiring the Governor to include at least $1,000,000 in the annual budget bill for the Fund.
MGPA supports HB378/SB310 with amendments to alter the limits on funding.
HB389/SB34 - Department of Agriculture - State Ombudsman for Value-Added Agriculture
Delegate T. Morgan & Senator Hester
Establishing the State Ombudsman for Value-Added Agriculture as a position in the Department of Agriculture.
MGPA Supports HB389/SB34