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2023 Year in Review

A couple and child smile at the camera

AT Device Loans

  • 210 Device loans conducted
  • 432 Total devices loaned
Two men smile at the camera in front of a gaming system

AT Demonstrations

  • 197 Device demonstrations
  • 221 Participants

W suffered a brain injury at birth, which resulted in many medical challenges and disabilities. Now, at 18 months old, she struggles with her movements due to cerebral palsy. This has been a huge frustration for her—she can't play with many typical toys as she doesn't have the strength or dexterity to work them. After her parent's reached out to MDTAP, the program loaned her a switch adapted Sloth and Peek-A-Boo Bear.

“Having the ability to borrow switch toys has been so beneficial for her. She can now easily activate and play with her toys which brings her a lot of joy. It’s so nice to see her smile after she is able to push the button and watch her toy activate. We really appreciate being able to borrow these items, as raising a child like this takes an incredible toll on every aspect of your life—physical, emotional, mental, and financial—easing this burden in any way is greatly appreciated by our family, which is what these toys have provided, so thank you!”

~ MDTAP Demonstration & Loan Client

A woman in a wheelchair smiles at the camera while sitting in front of an adapted van

AT Financial Loans

  • 126 Applications Received
  • 72 Loans Approved
  • 37 Loans Made
  • Total Value of loans made: $1,337,695 
AT Access Map

Information & Assistance

  • 1,060 unique AT, financing, and disability resource conversations.
  • I&A occurs at all 9 AT Libraries and provides consumers with direct resources and services.

Ms. R applied to the AT Financial Loan Program requesting $25,000 for the purchase of a non-adapted vehicle. She had a diagnosis of Chronic Arthritis, and now faced a new transportation challenge with her job, as it had newly relocated off the public transit route.

“I have been utilizing Metro Access to get back and forth to work because I didn't have a car. When my job relocated to Columbia, I encountered issues with getting to work because Metro Access doesn't service the Columbia area. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have this great opportunity for me to get a vehicle. I had suffered some financial setbacks from being out of work and I didn't know when I would be in a position to purchase a car…. I'm sure there are so many others who may benefit from this great program just as I did.”

~ iDrive (Financial Loan Program) loan client

A Braille notetaker, Classmate, and other tech sit on a table

AT Reuse & Recycling

  • 497 individuals received devices
  • 953 devices provided for free
  • Total savings to Marylanders: $1,385,311

Two young women smile at the camera from behind a table with AT

Public Awareness

  • 104 Presentations
  • 52 Expos, conferences, outreach events
  • 7,496 people connected to AT

In August 2023, a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) reached out on behalf of Ms. H, a Marylander who was under-housed and living at the Helping Up Mission for the next year. The SLP was providing services to Ms. H while living at the shelter and had noted that she needed a tablet to continue speech and language sessions virtually, since she was not able to attend in-person or complete the assignments assigned between sessions. The SLP also noted that the tablet would help Ms. H with general communication skills as she built on her current work.

Because a tablet would not be covered through MA, the SLP contacted the Maryland HighTech AT Reuse (MATR) program to inquire if there were any used tablets available. Having just received a newly donated tablet in July, MDTAP provided the tablet through MATR, free of charge! The SLP loaded a free communication app on the tablet and provided the device to Ms. H. She has since been able to continue her sessions and build on her communication capabilities.

~ MATR Client

A man stands at the front of a conference room with a large screen behind him. He is holding a piece of AT equipment. .


  • 26 unique AT and Accessible IT trainings hosted
  • 1,357 people trained on Assistive Technology topics

Flyer for a training: AT in the Transition Process

Training Topics 2023

  • AI: Accessible Potential
  • AT in the School Transition Process
  • AT for Stress, Anxiety & Depression
  • Funding Adapted Vehicles
  • 911 Accessible for All
  • And much more!

"The information you presented is so relevant to my case load."

"You had a lot of really good resources in this webinar!"

"Thanks for the wonderful presentation!" 

~ MDTAP Training Participants

A young girl uses a reading guide in her book

Program Highlight: AT Fabrication

In fall of 2023, MDTAP launched our brand new 3D Printing Program! We now host a small 3D printing lab, which we use to print low tech AT devices that we give away for free. View the catalogue and request form!

“THANK YOU SO MUCH! My child received these [reading bars] yesterday and LOVED the colors. Better yet, they sat down and read! This was a big win.”

~ Rachel, 3D Printed AT Recipient

Adapted gaming participants

Event Highlight: Inclusive Gaming

MDTAP hosted two Inclusive Gaming events in 2023, setting up game rooms equipped with a variety of video game consoles, TV monitors, adaptive and standard game controllers and an array of inclusive tabletop games. The events were held across the state to ensure greater geographic diversity!

Both events were well attended by diverse groups of gamers with and without disabilities, coming together to socialize, game and have fun.

New in 2023!

Mobile Adapted Gaming Kits - Borrow one of our mobile adapted gaming kits to host your own inclusive gaming events. Submit your request here!

School AT Transition Checklist - From school to post-school services, this fully accessible guide helps to identify current uses of AT, anticipated future uses of AT, and services available to access AT out of the school system.  

AT4Employment Poster - This companion poster highlights the best ways to explore AT solutions in the workplace and serves as a visual guide to making the most appropriate AT choices.

AT for Employment Process Map
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