MECE Preschool and Kindergarten

April News

Happy Easter

We hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family and you have a renewed spirit in your heart.

Thank you so much to Nicole Stewart, Kristen McElwee, Kelly Koscso and the all parents that volunteered to help make the Family Fun Day and Auction such a huge success!! Everyone had a fabulous time and truly enjoyed themselves.

All of your hard work is greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you to Kelly Koscso and all the moms who volunteered to help make the the Square 1 Art masterpieces. They helped each child make their own handprint art work. We hope you ordered a special keepsake

for yourself or a family member.

Thank you to all the parents that helped out with the Easter parties.

Everyone had a great time!!!

Thank you to all of the First United Methodist Church volunteers!

Police Visit

Thank you to the Boca Raton Police department for coming out and teaching the children about car safety, what number to call in an emergency, and what to do if you get separated from your parents in a public place.

Special Readers

Miss Gina's class was treated to two special readers (MECE alum) that came in to read to her class. The children really enjoyed listening to the stories that were read to them. We hope your child will come back and visit us someday too!

MECE Sunday

The children did an absolutely fabulous job singing at MECE Sunday! The members of FUMC truly enjoyed hearing them and watching their enthusiasm as they sang.

Thank you Janice Nelson for providing our fun Sunday School activities. Thank you Cindy Walls for the fellowship time (and cookies) on the lawn!

Parent Workshop

Thank you Stephanie Rasel for sharing your time and talent. Everyone had a wonderful time of discussion and sharing! Mark your calendar now to attend our next Workshop on Wednesday, May 15. Parents Morning Out is available with reservation for younger siblings. Ask Cathy for a $10 coupon while attending a MECE event.

Kindergarten Fieldtrip

Our Kindergarten went on a fun-filled fieldtrip to Sandaway Discovery Center in Delray Beach. They had a wonderful time learning about how important the ocean is to our environment, got to pet a stingray, see sea turtles and watch the feeding of a nurse shark. They highly recommend visiting there.

Take your valuables with you
Please make sure you take your valuables with you. Do not leave them in your car. Another local pre-school recently had a smash and grab while a parent was picking up their child.
Here is what MECE parents and students say about why MECE is so special!

Welcome to the Birthday Book Club!

Emilia Ahern, Nathan Williams, Penelope Koscso, Luke Motisi

Brandon Christie, and Miss Sandie

Distracted Driving Information

The Palm Beach Health Department requires us to have parents sign a flyer regarding car safety two times annually. This is called the Distracted Driver brochure and is included in our newsletter each month. You will receive a separate email through the Procare app. I think it works best to "sign" on a computer. If you are unable to get it to work, then please hit reply and acknowledge receipt of this information when you receive that email.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, April 24th

Look for an email from Sign-up Genius to

sign-up for your meeting time. Be sure to find your child's teacher's name to sign up for the correct class. There is no school this day as all teachers are in conferences and assistants are babysitting during the conference. Be sure to allow time to shop the Marketplace.

Summer Camp

"Let's go to the Olympics"

Camp Registration is open!

June 17, June 24, July 8, and July 15 from 9 am -2 pm. 

The registration fee is $50, tuition is $200 per week (must attend a minimum of two weeks if available).

Spots are filling up quickly.

We are in need of Youth Helpers for Summer Camp (ages 12-17). We also need substitutes for both camp and school year. Please let me us know if you or someone you know is interested.

Camp Assistant Teacher Opening

We are looking for an assistant teacher for camp for the weeks of June 17 and July 15.

Please contact Lisa if you are interested.

Ready to work on your taxes?

MECE's tax id is 59-1483850

Reports can be found at

Clara Albin, Lilly Albin,

Eliana Carelli, Brandon Christie,

Benjamin Dorfberger, Dylan McEvoy,

Connor Muzii, Daniel Pandolfi,

Francesca Serpentini, Zoe Shramko, Elliott Templeton, Miss Reina,

Miss Rachel, and Miss Lisa

Additional Programs

Early drop begins 8:15, $5


Lunch Bunch $10


STEAM on Monday, $90 for half the year  

Wiggle and Praise on Tuesday, $90 for half

the year  

6 Bricks on Wednesday, 

$90 for half the year 

Sports on Thursday, $90 for half the year 

Art on Friday,

$90 for half the year

For Three's

Little STEAMers on Fridays, $90 for half the year.

Summer Camp

Camp Director:

Lisa Bariso


June 17

June 24

July 8

July 15

Important Dates


1- No school - Easter Monday

4- Recycling Program (4's & Kindergarten)

4 - Dental Program

6 - Fun Run 10:00 am

8- Class pictures 3 day classes,

Cap and Gown pictures - Susan

9- Class pictures 2 day classes & Kindergarten,

Cap and Gown pictures - Gina

10 - No school

11 - Class pictures 4 day & 5 day classes

16 - #10 Invoice (Spring billing and services only)

18- Water Safety program

22 & 23 - Earth Day program

24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

26 - Spirit Day

30- Spring billing invoice due

May 6 - 10 - Mother's Day Teas - invitations

coming home soon

The purpose of the MECE Parent Association is to build a strong community among our pre-School and kindergarten parents; support the teachers and staff; and to raise funds to support the school. All parents of MECE students are members of the Parent Association. The MECE Parent Association plans numerous events and opportunities for parents to get involved and participate in the MECE Parent Association, thereby directly supporting the school and our children.

Hello MECE Families!

As our year winds down, we have some fun events to look forward to! Please join us at our next

Parent Association meeting on April 3rd at 11:00am before pick up. We will be discussing the

Fun Run, MECE Spring Marketplace, and Teacher Appreciation Week. Please email if you are interested in being a PA board member or event chair next


Fun Run

Come join your MECE friends, teachers and administrators this Saturday, April 6th at 10am for

our Fun Run and Fitness Day!! There will be a short running loop race grouped by age, games,

crafts, snacks, and medals. Wear your MECE shirts and show your spirit! Pre-registration is $10 per family, Day of event registration is $15 per family. Click here to purchase entry:

Thank you Marina Kirchheimer for all your hard work planning this fun event!! Please email Marina with any questions –

Family Night Out

Thank you to all the families that came out to Chipotle in March.

Please join us a Shake Shack on April 16th , 10:30am- 10pm. Mention MECE and 25% of sales will be donated back to us including on-line orders. Look out for a flyer coming soon. Thank you,

Stephanie Rasel, for planning these fun events!!

Teacher Appreciation Week:

We will be celebrating our amazing teachers during MECE's Teacher Appreciation Week from

April 22nd to April 26th. Each day will be filled with goodies as we spoil our teachers and

administrators! We will be sending home information, but we are asking for families to

contribute $10 towards the week's events. You can send in cash or check payable to MECE;

Attn: Amy Kurschner. Look out for a flyer with a link coming soon! Thank you!!

DCF has several flyers for you to view. Click the logos below to learn about childcare facilities, flu prevention and distracted driving.

Flu brochure
MECE is eligible for both Step Up for Students and AAA Scholarships!