MECE Preschool and Kindergarten
June News

Thank you for finding the time to attend parent/teacher conferences.
Thank you to all of the End of the Year Picnic parents for your help! Everyone had a great time!!
Mother's Day Teas
Thank you to all the mom's that came out for Mother's Day Teas! The children were so excited to share all their special projects and time with you!
Bubble Truck
Everyone had a fabulous time playing in the bubbles, blowing bubbles and covering their teachers in bubbles!!! It was a fantastic way to end our school year!!
Miss Cindy's Retiring
After being our Kindergarten teacher for the past eight years and as the assist teacher for fours years, Miss Cindy is retiring. We are so sad to see her go but she is looking forward to spending time with her soon to be arriving two new grandsons, have more time to travel and work on her baking skills.
We are so proud of our Pre-K fours!! They have grown and learned so much this past year. We wish them all the best as they start this chapter in their lives.
Boca Raton Museum of Art
Our Kindergarten class got to go on a wonderful field trip to the Boca Raton Museum of Art. They are hosting free programs on Saturday mornings, smART, for children 5 years and older. The children learned about mixing colors and got to make their own works of art.

Important Dates


12--Final School fees and Camp balance due, Invoice for Fall
19--First week of Camp MECE
26--Second week of Camp MECE
30--Fall invoice due
The purpose of the MECE Parent Association is to build a strong community among our pre-School and kindergarten parents; support the teachers and staff; and to raise funds to support the school. All parents of MECE students are members of the Parent Association. The MECE Parent Association plans numerous events and opportunities for parents to get involved and participate in the MECE Parent Association, thereby directly supporting the school and our children.
Hello MECE Families,
It's hard to believe the school year is over! As many of you know, this was my last year at MECE. I want to thank every one of you for such an amazing time at MECE. It has been a pleasure to get to know you and so rewarding watching your children grow. 
With your support over the years, we've been able to do some pretty exciting things for our school. The canopies, outdoor classroom, splash pad, security cameras, and new computers are just a few of the many things we've been able to provide to our children's school. Thank you for your support of the Parent Association.
Thank you Elizabeth Frank for serving as our Treasurer this year, We wish your family the best! We'd like to welcome back Kelly Koscso, who has taken on the role of Vice President. 
We hope that you'll join the Parent Association and continue some of the events that have provided not only funding to our school but allowed connections to other families to grow. While I won't be a parent at MECE, I will still be available to answer any questions you may have. You can reach me at 561-756-5875 or by email for information about any of the events! Click the link to see what positions are available and sign up! 
Have a wonderful summer,
Diane Rabb

A message from Miss Cathy: I know we look forward to the Playground playdate in August, many people love the welcome breakfast in September and the Book Fair in October. None of these are possible without a Parent Association President. I know that Diane leaves a legacy behind and the role may seem overwhelming to volunteers. Keep in mind that more volunteers means less work for any one person. The President can decide what events to keep and which ones to skip. The Parent Association is a true blessing to MECE staff and families. We have someone who may be interested in this role but isn't available until the end of September. Please let me know if you want to coordinate the playground playdate, Welcome Breakfast, Bookfair or school directory. Please consider how you can get involved and then email Cathy.

DCF has several flyers for you to view. Click the logos below to learn about childcare facilities, flu prevention and distracted driving.
MECE is eligible for both Step Up for Students and AAA Scholarships!