MECE Preschool and Kindergarten
August News


We had an amazing final two weeks of camp!! The children had a wonderful time in art creating their own animals using animal print paper, South African dumbs, traditional Filipino Christmas stars and Takas, paper mache bowls. During science time they made elephant toothpaste and slime volcanos.
We loved finishing each week off with special treats, for South Africa, the children enjoyed a Crunchy Bar and Hola-Hola (mix-mix ice cream) from the Philippines. In Bibletime the children heard stories about Noah's Ark and about all the gifts God has given us, water, plants and fire. Our campers had a great time learning all about plants from Miss Pillie from High Tech/High Touch and we hope the children are enjoying watching their plants grow. Everyone, staff included, had a blast playing in the bubbles from Ultimate Foam Experience!!!
We would like to thank our specialist teachers, Miss Sandie, Art/Science/Fun with Food, Miss Melissa, Bibletime, and Miss Romi, Sports for all their hard work, planning and dedication to make sure our campers had amazing experience at camp. Thank you to our camp group leaders and youth helpers for all they did to make sure they got to their activities on time and help keep our campers busy during those rainy times. We hope your child enjoyed coming to camp as much as we did!!
We look forward to seeing everyone again next year as we

"Go the Olympics"!
Make a Change-
Save the Children
During camp we collected $210.02 for Save the Children. Save the Children is the voice for vulnerable children. They are on the ground in 120 countries, working to reach every last child through international programs that focus on health, education, protection and disaster relief. Together, they're changing children’s lives and the future we all share.
Important Dates

Kindergarten begins on Wednesday, August 10. Meet the Teacher will be held in the classroom beginning at 9 AM.

Preschool Meet the Teacher is Monday, August 28. Please pay close attention to your child's class's time. This is your chance to meet the teacher and other families in your class. You will also be taking care of important paperwork.
9:00 AM-all 3 day Classes
9:30 AM-4 day Threes
10:00 AM-all 5 day Classes
10:30 AM-all 2 day Classes
Regular classes start the very next day-Tuesday, August 29 for all 2 day, 4 day and 5 day classes. Wednesday for all 3 day classes. You will walk your child to our front door (Miss Emily's Twos can go straight to the Two's door). Then walk down to the Music Suite for a Mandatory Parent Orientation at 9:15. This is offered both Tuesday and Wednesday so if you have children in different programs, please select the day that works best for you.  
Lunch Bunch begins on Tuesday, August 29. There is no need to sign up in advance, just pack a lunch box for your child (be sure to label it clearly with the child's first and last name), and send it in at drop off then we know they are staying until 2 PM. Lunch Bunch cost $10 each time that you use it.  
Early Drop begins on Wednesday, August 30 starting at 8:15 am in the Twos classroom (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) and Room G (formally the Art Room, Tuesday/Thursday). Please enter through the playground and look for the door labeled Early Drop. This service is $5 per day per child.   No sign up required, just sign in using the Procare app when you arrive.
Carline begins Wednesday, August 30. All families, except Miss Emily's Twos are required to use carline. Please review the carline procedure here. We will be going back to our regular carline, pull in from 2nd Ave and drive around the loop. We have been using a "modified carline" since October 2021. For the safety and security of all students you can not park in the church parking lot and walk up. Families living in the neighborhood are welcome to walk or bike from home. We ask that you pull all the way up before getting out to buckle your child in.
Second invoice for Preschool, third invoice for Kindergarten is due on Thursday, August 31. You will receive this bill and all future bills via email or you can view your account at We highly recommend that you set up automatic payments, please email us and indicate your preference for ACH or credit card (fees apply). Automatic payments will be process on the due date. 
Enrichment Programs begin Monday, September 11 for Threes and Fours classes we offer: STEAM on Mondays, Wiggle and Praise on Tuesdays, 6 Bricks on Wednesday, Sports on Thursdays, and Art on Fridays. On Fridays we offer Little STEAMers for students in Twos (fully potty trained), Junior Threes and Threes. All are offered during Lunch Bunch. Registration begins at Meet the Teacher day.
FUMC Worship
FUMC offers a Traditional service at 11 am and Contemporary worship service. You might enjoy the 9:30 Contemporary service in the Gathering Place.
The purpose of the MECE Parent Association is to build a strong community among our pre-School and kindergarten parents; support the teachers and staff; and to raise funds to support the school. All parents of MECE students are members of the Parent Association. The MECE Parent Association plans numerous events and opportunities for parents to get involved and participate in the MECE Parent Association, thereby directly supporting the school and our children.
Welcome MECE Families! 
We hope you're having an amazing summer. The start of the school year is quickly approaching and we are ready to kick off the school year with lots of fun! 
Thank you to the parents that have emailed interest and offered to help with the Parent Association and events! There are still open positions and we would love to have many more parents get involved!! Please attend our meeting and/or reach out via email at [email protected] or to Kelly Koscso at 561-703-9935.
Please mark your calendars for some of our upcoming events:
Back to School Play date!
Join us Friday, August 25th, on the playground for the Parent Association's back to school playdate! It's a fun hour on the MECE playground so children (and parents) can say hello and have some fun!! 2's classes will be from 9-10am and 3 and 4 year old classes will meet from 10-11am!
Welcome Breakfast- September 6th, 9:15 am in the Gathering Place. Have some breakfast treats and meet other parents in your child's class and school. We will also have more information about the Parent Association and how you can get involved if interested.
Parent Association Meeting: September 13th, 9:15 am in the Center Room. Join us for a quick meeting to discuss upcoming events. Sign up for any events you'd like to be a part of! There will be a chance to sign up as a homeroom parent at the MECE Meet the Teacher days. Please note that all homeroom parents must attend the MECE PA monthly meetings to gather info to pass along to their class families. 
MECE Directory: Our annual directory offers a beautiful full color section of Well Wishes and advertisements. If you have skills on the computer, please help us and put them to use working on the directory! We are looking for a volunteer to help. Email [email protected] if interested!!
MECE Barnes & Noble Bookfair: We have an annual book fair at Barnes and Noble!! It is a fun day where the MECE families gather at Barnes and Noble for a fun day of storytime with their teachers, a scavenger hunt, a raffle and a chance to make purchases where B&N donates a percentage back to MECE. We are looking for a chair for the book fair and volunteers to help that day. If this sounds interesting, you are a bookworm yourself or have a desire to get involved, please reach out to join or head our team to plan the book fair!! Email [email protected]!

DCF has several flyers for you to view. Click the logos below to learn about childcare facilities, flu prevention and distracted driving.
MECE is eligible for both Step Up for Students and AAA Scholarships!