MECE Preschool and Kindergarten
March News

Thank you to all of our Valentine Party parents. It looked like everyone had a fun time!

MECE Night Out

Thank you to Stephanie Rasel for planning our MECE night out at California Pizza Kitchen! Thank you to all of the families that came out to eat or ordered take out!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Collection
Thank you for donating so many jars of peanut butter and jelly. This will truly help feed many needy families in our community.
MECE Sunday

Make sure you don't miss this special event! Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 10 at the 9:30 am service. Our Jr. 3's, 3's, 4's and Kindergarten children have been working very hard to learn beautiful songs they are looking forward to sharing with you! We have fun activities planned for the kids for the remainder of the service. After the service, everyone is invited for a time of fellowship on the lawn.

Fours celebrate 101 Days of School

Miss Gina and Miss Susan's classes had a fun time celebrating their 101 days of school by dressing up as dalmatians!! They counted with Scooby snacks, barked songs and watched 101 Dalmatians!!

Here is what MECE parents and students say about why MECE is so special!
Download the app so you scan your grocery receipts. Be sure to set up MECE as your school of choice. If you do your shopping online then just forward your receipts to

Welcome to the Birthday Book Club!

Samantha Gomez, Bella Gianakis,

Joshua Kurschner, Reagan Medlicot and

Jaqueline & Katherine McDonough

Easter Eggs and egg stuffing items needed!

The First United Methodist Church will be hosting an Easter Egg hunt on Saturday, March 23. We need your help! The Parent Association has graciously agreed to stuff eggs at their meeting on Wednesday,

March 6. Please plan to attend and help stuff eggs. We also need donations of eggs and egg stuffing toys, stickers and non-melting candy. These can be dropped

off at carline.

Measles in the Community

The Department of Health has provided me this flyer to share so that parents and staff are aware of signs and symptoms of measles. Measles is highly contagious and has a risk for severe long term effects. Please read this and be vigilant in monitoring your child for any symptoms. If we have a suspected case of measles then the room has to sit empty for two hours before being sanitized. What looks like "just a runny nose" could be the start of measles.

DCF Regulations

Please check your child's lunch box, water bottle, back pack etc. These items must be labeled with the child's first and last name. If they are not labeled then we will place a label on them. Please do not expect your teacher to remember every child's items.

Summer Camp

Camp Registration begins on

Monday, March 4. 

Registration is done online through your MyProcare account.

Camp will run for 4 weeks- 

June 17, June 24, July 8, and July 15 from 9 am -2 pm. 

The registration fee is $50, tuition is $200 per week (must attend a minimum of two weeks).

Our theme this year is

Let's Go to the Olympics

Camp groups rotate through activities such as Waterplay, Bibletime, sports, science and art. We have some really fun special activities planned too!

Be sure to add a second parent and other authorized pick up people. Please provide their email address and phone number in the event of an emergency. If you need to add anyone after registration then email us.


We still have openings in some Enrichments. Please let us know if you want to add your child:

STEAM on Monday,

Wiggle and Praise on Tuesday or 6 Bricks on Wednesdays. Miss Catherine, Miss Holli, Miss Chrissy and Miss Sharon's students can participate in

Little STEAMers with

Miss Sharon on Friday.

Moms mark your calendar

Date for Mother's Day Tea Party

Monday, May 6 9:00am Miss Gina

Monday, May 6 11:00am Miss Emily (3 day)

Tuesday, May 7 9:00am Miss Susan

Tuesday, May 7 11:00 Miss Catherine

Wed., May 8 9:00am Miss Holli

Wed., May 8 11:00 am Miss Sharon

Thursday, May 9 9:00am Miss Romi

Thursday, May 9 11:00am Miss Chrissy

Thursday, May 9 11:00am Miss Stephanie (3 day)

Friday, May 10 9:00am Miss Emily (2 day)

Friday, May 10 11:00am Miss Stephanie (2 day)

Friday, May 10 12:15pm Miss Tai

Formal invitations will be sent home in April

Parents Morning Out (PMO) is open Monday - Friday for infants through three year olds. Get more information and sign up on the church's website.

Ready to work on your taxes?

MECE's tax id is 59-1483850

You can access your statement on My Procare.

Emilia Ahern, Penelope Koscso,

Alexander Latson, Valentina Lieber,

Alexandra Lifeso, Lily Lifeso,

Luke Motisi, Nicky Toma,

Luna Williams, Nathan Williams,

Miss Tai, Miss Romi,

Miss Diane and Miss Catherine

Additional Programs

Early drop begins 8:15, $5


Lunch Bunch $10


 STEAM on Monday, $90 for half the year

Wiggle and Praise on Tuesday, $90 for

half the year    

6 Bricks on Wednesday, 

$90 for half the year 

Sports on Thursday, $90 for half the year 

Art on Friday,

$90 for half the year

For Miss Sharon, Miss Catherine, Miss Chrissy and Miss Holli's classes

Little STEAMers on Fridays, $90 for half the year.

Summer Camp

Camp Director:

Lisa Bariso


June 17

June 24

July 8

July 15

Important Dates


1 - Recycling Program

4 - Camp Registration

4 - Police Safety

10 - MECE Sunday

13 - Parent Workshop

14 - Invoice #9

18-25-Spring Break, no school

26, 27, 28 - Easter Parties

27-Spirit Day

28-Invoice #9 due

29 and April 1 - Easter Break, no school

FUMC Services
First United Methodist Church offers a contemporary service at 9:30 am on Sundays in the Gathering Place. There is also a Traditional service at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.

The purpose of the MECE Parent Association is to build a strong community among our pre-School and kindergarten parents; support the teachers and staff; and to raise funds to support the school. All parents of MECE students are members of the Parent Association. The MECE Parent Association plans numerous events and opportunities for parents to get involved and participate in the MECE Parent Association, thereby directly supporting the school and our children.

Hello MECE Families!

Please join us on Wednesday, March 6th, for our monthly meeting in the Center Room. We will be discussing upcoming events, teacher appreciation week and planning our

board and chair positions for next year. We'll be stuffing Easter Eggs for the FUMC Easter Egg hunt on March 23.

Family Fun Day

The day is here! Family Fun Day is tomorrow, Saturday, March 2. You don’t want to miss this fun activity-packed day with MECE families – Petting Zoo, DJ, arts and crafts, kids game corner, STEAM table, magician, Outside the Box Food Truck and Kona Ice

are all planned! Thank you to the many MECE families and teachers that have RSVPed already! Thank you to Nicole Stewart and Kristen McElwee for their hard work getting things set up for us to enjoy the day. Click here to purchase your entry wristbands now! We are so happy to have any last minute volunteers that can donate some time tomorrow!! Admission of $10 per person will be waived for all volunteers! Click here to sign up.


The auction is OPEN!!! It is being held completely on-line and closes at 10 pm March 2 after our Family Fun Day. The class baskets are absolutely amazing! Thank you to all the families that contributed and homeroom parents that worked hard to put them all together. The teachers are also donating some fun items such as “Teacher for the Day”, Splash Pad Popsicle Day, and Movie Party with Pizza and Ice Cream! All proceeds from the auction go directly back to MECE. A big thank you to Kristen McElwee for all her

hard work putting out auction together! Feel free to share our auction website with family and friends! Click here to check out the Auction website and register to bid.

Thank you to everyone that came out to California Pizza Kitchen this week and to Stephanie Rasel for planning it and all of our Family Nights Out this year! Join us next month at Chipotle on Wednesday, March 13th ! Flyers coming home soon.

Parenting Meetings

Thank you to Stephanie Rasel, LCSW, BCBA, ITDS; for offering a series of informal meetings to discuss many interesting parenting topics we all may encounter and find challenging. She has volunteered her time and expertise to bring us together to connect and share experiences to help one another. Our first meeting is on March 13 in the Center Room at 9:15am. Please join Stephanie and other MECE parents to discuss Solutions in Behavior and Communication.

Square 1 Art

Be on the lookout! Order forms will be coming home soon! Want to see the quality of some of the items that are available? Stop by the Parent Association Meeting to take a look!

Fun Run

Save the Date for our Fun Run , Saturday April 6! Thank you to Marina Kirchheimer for planning our MECE Fun Run this year! The Fun Run is a great event at MECE where we cheer on our students as they run a lap in the parking lot and celebrate at the finish

line with medals, a light breakfast and refreshments, and entertainment! Come to our meeting or email Marina at to help with planning. More information will be coming soon!

Teacher Appreciation Week

In April, we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. We do something special for the teachers each day of the week. Agelika Doukides and Amy Kurschner have generously volunteered their time to plan and execute the week. The teachers are so grateful for this week each year and especially the volunteers that make it happen. If you’d like to help plan, please reach out to

Board Positions

We’ve had wonderful participation from families this year and are already looking forward to next year! Looking to get involved net year? We would LOVE to have you!! Please email! We have board positions available as well as chair for individual events. Please reach and/or come to our March meeting if interested!

DCF has several flyers for you to view. Click the logos below to learn about childcare facilities, flu prevention and distracted driving.

Flu brochure
MECE is eligible for both Step Up for Students and AAA Scholarships!