MECE Preschool

December News

Wishing you and yours the blessings of the season.

Thank you to the Boca Raton Library for dressing up and telling the children fun stories about healthy harvest

and healthy foods.

Thank you to everyone who came out to Fresh Kitchen. Thank you Stephanie Rasel for another great MECE night out.

Thank you for the generous donations to Boca Helping Hands.

That is a huge help to so many families.

World Diabetes Day

November 14th was World Diabetes Day. Isabelle is a child in Miss Susan's class that has type 1 diabetes. We were so happy that her mom, Dana came in and explained to all our fours students what diabetes is and how it affects Isabelle's day. All the children enjoyed learning about diabetes and how they can help a friend.

Here is what MECE parents and students say about why MECE is so special!
Download the app so you scan your grocery receipts. Be sure to set up MECE as your school of choice. If you do your shopping online then just forward your receipts to

Welcome to the Birthday Book Club!

Skylar Boyle, Harper Corsetti,

Thiago Inoue, Rook Keough

and Eloise LaSalle

MECE Share Week

Dec. 2 - Dec. 6

We are collecting gently used toys and household items for the Heroes Hub. The Heroes Hub supports first responders in our community. We will bring the cart out during morning drop off to receive your donations.

Haven't tried Lunch Bunch yet?

If you need more time to get everything ready for Christmas, you might want to try Lunch Bunch. You do not have to sign up in advance, just pack a lunch box and send it in with your child. Be sure to write your child's name on it. We will bill you $11 and you have until 2 pm to get stuff done before you come back to MECE for pick up.

MECE is taking part in the Scholastic/ Pajama Partners annual pajama collection. Please consider donating children's new pajamas. Scholastic will pair these with a new book, and the pajama partners will make sure that children in need will have a sweet bedtime story! Please drop this off by December 6.

On Wednesday, Dec. 4 the Polar Express Train Ride is coming to MECE. Please make sure to dress your child in their pajamas and each class will be taking a ride around the parking lot on the Polar Express Train. Everyone will also be treated to a cup of hot (warm) chocolate!! Two day classes are invited to join us at 11:30 to ride the train.

Friday, December 20 at 9:30 is the Bright Star Christmas Pageant in the Sanctuary for all Threes, Jr. Threes, and Fours. Miss Romi's 3 day Threes will be taking part so please mark your calendar to have them at school on Friday. Practice begins everyday at 9:15 - please make sure to have your child to school on time. All classes taking part in the pageant will return to their classroom to remove their costumes after the Pageant. You can pick your child up from their classroom. If your child's classroom has an outside door please pick up from the outside. This includes Miss Catherine, Miss Sharon, Miss Rachel, and Miss Helene.

Twos and Senior Twos do not take part in the Pageant and are picked up early

at 11:15 AM.

Registration for 2025-2026

January 13 and 14, 2025

Priority Registration will be completely online again this year. Returning families, MECE alumni, and children of FUMC church members may use Priority Registration to register prior to public registration starting January 21. You will receive a detailed sheet explaining the process. If you have additional children you plan to register at MECE, please email us by January 10 with their name, birthdate, and gender to be added to MyProcare.

Lily Berkowitz, Reese Berkowitz,

Cole Buchman, Chloe Garcia,

Natalia Kamel, Gabriella McKerchie, Briana Shor, Eamon White,

Vito Woodward, and Miss Mari

Additional Programs

Early drop begins 8:15, $6


Lunch Bunch $11


 (during Lunch Bunch)

STEAM on Monday, $100 for half the year 

Wiggle and Praise on Tuesday, $100 for half the year


6 Bricks on Wednesday, 

$100 for half the year


Sports on Thursday, $100 for half the year-Full


Art on Friday,

$100 for half the year-Full

Summer Camp

Camp Director:

Lisa Bariso


June 16

June 23

July 7

July 14

Important Dates


2-PJ collection and Share week deadline Dec. 6

4-Polar Express Rides

12-Parent Association Christmas Cookie Exchange,

Inv. #6

13-Spirit Day (wear your MECE shirt)

14 -Jr. Threes, Threes, and Fours classes

sing at Night in Bethlehem (5:00pm- Fours,

6:00pm Threes in the Gathering Place)

17-Christmas Party - 2 day and 4 day

18-Christmas Party - 3 day and 5 day Threes

19-Christmas Party - Fours

20-Bright Star Christmas Pageant

20-Twos and Sr. Twos dismiss at 11:15am

23 - Jan. 7 - NO School - Merry Christmas &

Happy New Year

31-Invoice #6 due

A Night in Bethlehem

Saturday, December 14 FUMC is hosting a night in Bethlehem from 4:30-6:30. MECE's Jr. Threes, Threes, and Fours will be performing. This will be a fun evening of crafts, food trucks, and a live nativity.

The First United Methodist church offers two services each Sunday. The 9:30 is a Contemporary Service in the Gathering Place. Sunday school is available for children three years thru fifth grade. Nursery is available for younger children. The 11:00 am service is Traditional and held in the Sanctuary.
The purpose of the MECE Parent Association is to build a strong community among our pre-School and kindergarten parents; support the teachers and staff; and to raise funds to support the school. All parents of MECE students are members of the Parent Association. The MECE Parent Association plans numerous events and opportunities for parents to get involved and participate in the MECE Parent Association, thereby directly supporting the school and our children.

Hello MECE Families,

December has come fast and we are so thankful for our wonderful families and volunteers who made

this first half of the year so enjoyable. Please see below for a summary of upcoming PA events. Wishing

everyone a joyful Christmas season and a happy new year!

December PA Meeting and Christmas Cookie Exchange

Join us on December 12th upstairs in the Center Room for a brief Parent Association meeting along with a

Christmas Cookie Exchange. If you’d like, please bring about two dozen cookies to exchange (store

bought works great if you need to keep it simple!). The PA will provide coffee and beverages. If it fits in your schedule, please come take an hour to enjoy the season together!

January PA Meeting

Our first meeting of 2024 will be January 9th in the

Center Room.

Bright Star Christmas Pageant DVD

The Bright Star Christmas Pageant is coming up! Every year, the PA hires a videographer to record the entire production and then offers a digital copy for sale to the families. We charge for the digital copy, but just as an attempt to cover the cost for the videographer and break even. Flyers with info on

ordering a copy of the pageant will be sent home soon!

Square 1 Art

We will decide on the final artwork for Square 1 Art at the first meeting in January. The kids LOVE creating this handprint art that can be made into so many beautiful products! Art will be created in January, and order forms will be sent home in March. If you are interested in volunteering please

contact Kelly at

Family Fun Day

Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 22 when we will hold our third annual Family Fun Day! We plan to have lots of entertainment for the kids and food available. If you’d like to help with the planning, please email Hope you will come join in the fun!!


Also scheduled for Saturday, February 22, is our on-line silent auction fundraiser. After enjoying Family Fun Day, get the kids to bed and enjoy bidding in the comfort of your home. Any auction items won will be delivered through school the following week. If you’d like to help with gathering auction donations or

wrapping baskets, please email

DCF has several flyers for you to view. Click the logos below to learn about childcare facilities, flu prevention and distracted driving.

Flu brochure

Effective July 2025, MECE will no longer be eligilble for the Family Empowerment Scholarships