Hello MECE Families,
We hope you are off to a good start to the New Year! We have lots of fun events coming up with the MECE PA! Our next PA meeting is
Wednesday, February 7. Please join us to discuss and plan upcoming
Family Night Out
Thank you to everyone that came out to Lazy Dog last month and to
Stephanie Rasel for planning it and all of our Family Nights Out this year! Join us next month at California Pizza Kitchen on Thursday, February 29th! Flyers coming home soon.
Bright Star Christmas Pageant Video
We are still waiting for the Christmas Pageant video from the videographer. It should be here any day and we will send a link to share with those families that purchased a copy. There is still time to purchase, click here to order.
Square 1 Art
This past couple of weeks your children have created some beautiful pieces of artwork with their own hands. Square 1 Art sells items with the children’s art on it and gives a % back to MECE. Look out for a flyer coming home with more details in March. Thank you, Amy Kurschner, Rita Fodell, Sam Danchuk, Tricia Garofalo, Chelsey Turbyfill, Samara Latson, Kaileigh Etheridge, Vanessa Saggio, Dana da Silva, Samanta Garcia and Courtney Gavin for helping the children create their masterpieces!
Movie Night
Our Movie Night is coming back thanks to great planning by Andrea
Sammarco. Please save the date for Saturday, February 17, for MECE Movie Night inside the Gathering Place at 6pm. Treats will be available for purchase from a Food Truck. Chairs will be supplied and bring blankets if you’d like for more fun. Flyers coming home soon!
Fun Run
Save the Date for our Fun Run February 24th ! Thank you to Marina
Kirchheimer for planning our MECE Fun Run this year! The Fun Run is
a great event at MECE where we cheer on our students as they run a lap in the parking lot and celebrate at the finish line with medals, a light breakfast and refreshments, and entertainment! Come to our meeting or email Marina at llsmarina@gmail.com to help with planning. More information will be coming soon!
Family Fun Day
Mark your calendar!! Family Fun Day is Saturday, March 2. You don’t want to miss this fun activity-packed day with MECE families – Petting Zoo, DJ, arts and crafts, kids game corner, STEAM table, magician, Outside the Box Food Truck and Kona Ice are all planned! Thank you to Nicole Stewart for her hard work getting things set up for us to enjoy the day. Look out for a save the date followed by a flyer coming home in the backpacks soon! Nicole is in need of volunteers for the day of the event. Admission of $10 per person will be waived for all volunteers! Click here to sign up.
Our annual auction is quickly approaching! It will be held completely on-line. Bidding starts February 29th and closes at 9pm March 2 after our Family Fun Day. The class baskets are coming in and they are amazing! The teachers are also donating some fun items such as “Teacher for the Day”, Splash Pad Popsicle Day, and Movie Party with Pizza and Ice Cream! All proceeds from the auction go directly back to MECE. Click here to check out the Auction website and register to bid.
Please look out for a flyer invitation coming home in the backpacks soon!
Teacher Appreciation Week
In April, we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. We do
something special for the teachers each day of the week. Agelika Doukides and Amy Kurschner have generously volunteered their time to plan and execute the week. The teachers are so grateful for this week each year and especially the volunteers that make it happen. If you’d like to help plan, please reach out to meceparents@gmail.com