January 2025 Newsletter

Meet your New Advisory Board for 2025!

Dear Maine CHWs and Allies, 

Happy New Year Initiative Members! The staff of The MECHWI would like to introduce the new advisory board members YOU voted in. Over 70 members voted with over 51% who are CHWs. These were great result for voting outcomes and surpasses the previous years. We have 5 new advisors, 1 advisor who was revoted in and 1 that is finishing the last year of his term. We are very excited about the new year and all the amazing things we have planned. Please read more below about the new strategic plan, Leadership Development program, the work groups projects, the new lunch and learn features and so much more!

-MECHW Initiative Staff

Strategic Plan Updates

The 2025-2027 MECHWI strategic plan is almost finalized and should be ready to share during the monthly MECHWI meeting on February 25th. You won't want to miss it!

Stay Connected/Announcements


MECHWI Monthly Meeting

MECHWI meets monthly. We share strategic updates; participants can network with other CHWs and learn from community programs and resources. All are welcome!

Next Monthly Meeting: January 28th 1:30 to 3pm

Join Meeting Here

CHW Peer Support Group

The CHW Peer Support Group Meets Monthly!

Virtual meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 12:00pm.

The next group meeting is January 16th from 12:00- 1:30

This is a peer group for CHWs ONLY, to:

  • Provide Support to each other.
  • Address Barriers
  • Share Resources
  • Discuss Concerns
Join Group Here

Monthly Lunch & Learn

Diabetes Prevention

Friday, Jan. 17th


Susan Greene of the Maine CDC Diabetes Prevention and Control Program will join to present:

  • What are Prediabetes and Diabetes?
  • Prediabetes Risk Test – what it is and how to use it
  • National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP)
  • Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Program
  • Orientation to Rethink Diabetes Maine website
  • Diabetes Community Care Coordinators Training Opportunity offered by the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES)

Join Here

MCD's CHW apprenticeship program provides an opportunity for new and existing CHWs to develop professional skills through on-the-job training and continuing education provided by MCD’s training center. CHWs receive a CHW certificate from the Maine Dept. of Labor.

Throughout the program, CHWs have access to mentorship, support, and continuing education to further your skills.

Scholarship opportunities available now for CHWs and employers!

To register or more information, contact Makara Pollard, CHW Apprenticeship Coordinator, mpollard@mcd.org

Visit our Website

Self-Care Tip

EAP Services for Leaders

Being an effective supervisor or leader is more than a title, it's a reputation that has to be earned. We believe that Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services are not just for employees and their household members, but for supervisors as well. Therefore, we provide consultation services to our client organizations at no additional charge.

Supervisors and human resources personnel are encouraged to contact us if they find themselves dealing with a challenging situation involving an employee, team or department. We do not take the place of existing organizational policies and procedures. However, we can help with exploring options, referrals, and support services for staff.

We understand that being a supervisor requires a specific skill set and we are available to train, coach, and practice skills with supervisors as needed. 

We also provide coaching and consultation to senior leaders to help them refine their leadership approach, understand their styles, evaluate areas for change, and strengthen skills based on identified goals. 

For additional information about our services for leaders and to see answers to frequently asked questions from supervisors, please go to "For Supervisors/Managers" under "Support."

Free Trainings from Strengthen ME.

No need to register, just join the link below

What is self-care? Self-care means taking the time to do things that help you live well and improve both your physical, health, and mental health. When it comes to your mental health, self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy. Even small acts of self-care in your daily life can have a big impact. 

Join Here

Help Needed

In this area we will share an area of need that

our colleague is looking for help with.

None this month

Contact Us

Bridgette Dairyko

CHW Capacity Building Program Coordinator


For more information, contact us at: info@mechw.org

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