March 2018
Joanne and I were out of the office earlier this month, first for a brief personal vacation, and then to attend the Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association (MEDA) conference, an annual gathering of eating disorder experts from across the country.

As is the case every year, we absorbed information and ideas that we took back to the office in order to better help our patients. In this month's newsletter, each of us reflects on one standout takeaway from the conference that we want to share with you.

He Said, She Said

MEDA Conference Takeaways
Throughout the day, I was heartened to see that the eating disorder (ED) treatment community is starting to embrace the principles of Health at Every Size® (HAES) and Size Acceptance. But despite this positive movement, unfortunately what stood out to me this year was that we still have a long way to go in the ED treatment community when it comes to helping those in larger bodies who are suffering from an ED. Read More
Practice News
Topic Ideas and Questions

Last week, someone asked me, "Do you still accept questions from readers?" Yes, we do. When we launched this newsletter in 2013, we made it known that readers are always welcome to contact us with questions and topic ideas, and that still holds true. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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