Celebrating 10 years as a Medicare Specialist, October 2018
Medicare Made Simple, LLC
Theresa Cangemi CSA, CLTC
Office: 315-676-4933 
Fax: 866-476-1211

What are the differences between Single-Payer healthcare and Medicare For All? Let's talk a little about how these changes could impact our healthcare.

In the Health Corner, we discuss SilverSneakers. A gym program that is offered as an added benefit in some Medicare Advantage plans.

Keep reading!

Theresa Cangemi CSA, CLTC
"The Medicare Lady™" 
What is the difference between a single-payer system and Medicare for All? They’re largely the same. Then we have Medicare for America, first introduced in 2018 as a bill which was ignored as another option until now.

We have two different concepts and two different opinions on what Medicare for All and Medicare for America would look like for consumers. I personally like the Medicare for America. It makes more sense to share in some of the cost of our own healthcare. We would still having annual out-of-pocket limits on medical spending and it sounds like it wouldn’t over burden our current system. Of course, we haven’t dug into the fine print yet … right? 
So, Medicare for America would still allow consumers options when working with private insurance companies (like Medicare Advantage carriers) which would still be offered.

Also, it sounds like the employer plans would change and have to offer equivalent coverage, same or better as the government program. But, of course, there is always opposition to anything new, right? Keep reading …

(As a CSA, Certified Senior Advisor, I am sharing my newsletter attached)
Did you know that SilverSneakers has so many programs and options? 

You can get a regular gym membership, find a Flex Class, exercise at home program, use other participating gyms (as you travel), and have a choice of gyms and programs to participate in. You could stay busy all week, AND make new friends as you go.

The SilverSneakers gym membership program is offered as an added benefit with some Medicare Advantage plans. In 2019, the membership is included at no extra cost. Other Medicare Advantage plans may offer other vendors for their gym program, like Silver and Fit or Optum Fitness Advantage.

So, what are these Flex Classes?

Well …. these classes may not be in a gym (for those who aren’t interested in walking into a gym). The classes are offered at churches, at a beach, at a school, etc. Flex Classes offered could be a Latin dance class, strength and balance classes, yoga, walking, water classes. (Some classes could be offered in a gym, though).

SilverSneakers members boast that the classes give them social interaction, shared meals, holiday celebrations, possible friends to cruise with, etc. The classes have helped many stay connected especially when there has been a deceased spouse.

  • The website is: www.SilverSneakers.com
  • Go to “Find A Location” in the middle of the page
  • Enter your ZIP CODE
  • You will find all the gyms in your surrounding location that participate with SilverSneakers.

Need a SilverSneakers membership card?  Go to www.SilverSneakers.com and sign up for one on their website or call for a card at 1-888-423-4632.

You have the option to print your card off from their website. If not, have the program mail you a card.

Don’t forget, you can travel to other SilverSneakers locations when on vacation or out of the area.

Yeahhh!!  The YMCA, as of January 1, 2019, participates with SilverSneakers. All or most locations should be participating in the program as of January.

Enjoy your membership!
* This article is for information purposes only. I don’t recommend, support, or diagnose any featured writer or article. I am not a doctor. 

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