School Bus
December Newsletter
Happy Holidays from the MEPTO Board

We have had a very busy few months with lots of exciting events. Thank you to all of our volunteers for their help and Thank you to our Medway community for their participation and support! We wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season and cannot wait to kick off 2022 with even more exciting events for our McGovern and Memorial students and families.
What have we been up to since September??
Let's take a look!
Reading is Fundamental

Reading is Fundamental “RIF” day was Thursday December, 16th at Memorial. MEPTO was excited to bring the in person Reading is Fundamental event back to Burke Memorial students this year! Every 2nd, 3rd and 4th grader received a new book to enjoy this winter break. Happy Reading!
Fourth Grade Class Photo

Once again MEPTO was able to team up with Tim Rice Photo to execute another amazing photo for our Fourth Grade Class. Click Here to see a Behind-the-Scenes Video of the making of the Fourth Grade Photo!
Town Wide Yard Sale!

Thank you to everyone that donated, volunteered and helped make our participation in the Town Wide Yard Sale a huge success. A special thanks to MI BOX for donating the storage container, and all our volunteers that made the event possible! We look forward to participating in the Town Wide Yard Sale next year.

The MEPTO Mustang Herd is hibernating for now but it made its way all over town this fall, visiting McGovern and Memorial students! We hope that everyone enjoyed waking up to this front yard visitors. A huge thank you to our team of Herd Volunteers that escorted these wild animals all over town!
MEPTO Pumpkin Fair

MEPTO was so happy to be able to host the Pumpkin Fair this year. After a year off, our team was excited to bring in the bouncy houses and activities once again. This was definitely our biggest one yet and we cannot wait to continue this tradition! Special thank you to Angelica Crosby and Joy Bush for all of their hard work putting this event together.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

Thank you to J&L catering for their generous donation and delicious lunch, Authentic Auto Body for the beverage donation and Muffin House donating fresh brewed coffee
Thank you to all the MEPTO volunteers that helped set up and organize the event. Especially our Teacher Appreciation lead Kim Pisano!
Creative Arts Enrichment

In November, all of our Kindergarten students got to experience the Rhythm Room enrichment program! Kids explored a world of music combining discussion, demonstration and participation. The use of a drum set, buckets and exploring percussion from objects and one’s own body (clapping, stomping, etc.) was educational as well as motivational and lots of fun for the kids.
Kindergarten Playground Night

We had a great turnout for our Kindergarten Playground Night and it was great to meet so many new Medway School families! Big Thank You to Aly Lajeunesse and the other volunteers for organizing this great night!
First Grade Playground Night

This was MEPTO's first time doing a First Grade Playground Night. After not being able to do one in 2020 for the incoming Kindergarteners, we wanted to make it up to them with a First Grade Playground Night! The turnout for this event was huge and we want to give a big Thank You to Ellie Rice and the other volunteers that helped organize this special event!
MEPTO December Social Event

Thank you to everyone that joined us for our December 1st social meeting! We enjoyed hearing from our community and look forward to our next meeting on February, 16th 7pm at Memorial.
Square One Art

Students at McGovern School were able to participate in the Square One Art program again this year, turning their artwork into keepsake items for their families. Fourth Grade Students also participated and designed the art that will be used for their Tiles!
This is a great program with all money raised going right back to the Art program at the school.
What's Up Next for MEPTO??
Mark Your Calendars!!
School T-Shirts

Order forms went home with students in November and additional emails have gone out from the Principals and teachers. If you have not already ordered your child a t-shirt, please email [email protected].
Birthday Books!

On their birthday, each McGovern student is able to choose a book with Principal Amy McDonald to take home. This book is a gift from MEPTO and this fall we put in an order of 340 books which recently arrived at the school to ensure the birthday book bins are fully stocked and students have a variety of choices.
Creative Arts Enrichment

In February, all of our 1st grade students will participate in the Ooch Experience: Giving Kids Skills FOR LIFE and his amazing "Positive Spin" workshop. We also have a special program being planned for all Memorial students in the Spring. Stay tuned for more details!

Coming soon! Yearbook ordering information will be sent home with students in January. Ordering will be open through March.

FOURTH GRADE PARENTS - We will be reaching out to you to collect baby pictures of each student so start looking through those photo albums!
MEPTO Winter Warmer

Join us on Saturday, February 5th at 3 Restaurant in Franklin for our first MEPTO Winter Warmer! Come support MEPTO while enjoying some appetizers, cocktails and a silent auction. More information will be sent out soon!
Shamrock Shuffle

Get ready to Shuffle! Please join MEPTO for the 11th annual Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at the Medway High School. The 5K course winds through the scenic back roads of Medway and is open to runners and walkers of all ages and abilities, including children and families. Make sure you wear your green and show off your shamrock pride! Click Here to register today!!
Field Day

This is a fun day planned by MEPTO with each school and executed by parent volunteers. More information and a call for volunteers will go out as we get closer to the end of the school year!
Fourth Grade Send Off

Stay Tuned for more information about this fun graduation tradition as our fourth graders get ready to move to the Middle School! MEPTO is excited to bring this experience back for our students this year.
Box Tops for Education
For over 20 years, Box Tops for Education has given families an easy way to earn cash for their school, with products they already buy.

Now you can simply scan your store receipt with the Box Tops mobile app to identify participating products and instantly add cash to your school's earnings online.

All you need is your phone! Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit your school’s earnings online. Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!
Amazon Smile

Make sure that your Amazon account is linked to our Amazon Smile account and you can help support MEPTO with every purchase! When you shop through Amazon Smile, we'll receive .5% of all your eligible purchases. Amazon Smile is just like the you know (same prices, same Prime benefits), except it supports charitable organizations like ours. To add us as your designated charity, please click the link below and select MEPTO - that's it! Then for future shopping, just go to Make sure you bookmark this link on all your computers, laptops and smartphones. Happy shopping and thanks for your support!

MEPTO Volunteers

Parent volunteers are needed for the 2021-2022 school year! If you are interested in learning more about becoming a board member or committee member, please fill out this form.
Mark Your Calendars!

Winter Warmer - Saturday, February 5th

MEPTO Meeting - Wednesday, February 16th

Shamrock Shuffle - Saturday, March 12th
We welcome all your ideas, suggestions and opinions on ways we can continue to make MEPTO a valuable resource for our school community. E-mail us anytime at [email protected] . 

And please be sure to join our  Facebook page  and check out our website --  we often share timely updates and information there as well. 

Thank you for your continued support and donations. 
School Bus