Upcoming Calendar
August 6, 2020
This Week
Friday, August 7
  • Deadline to submit APS Technology Readiness survey

Week of August 10
Monday, August 10
  • 5th Grade Town Hall Meeting, 5pm on Zoom with Community Time at 4:50pm

Tuesday, August 11
  • Kindergarten Town Hall Meeting, 5pm on Zoom with Community Time at 4:50pm

Wednesday, August 12
  • 1st-2nd Grade Town Hall Meeting, 5pm on Zoom with Community Time at 4:50pm

Thursday, August 13
  • 3rd-4th Grade Town Hall Meeting, 5pm on Zoom with Community Time at 4:50pm

Friday, August 14
  • Student Belonging Pickup & Library Book Dropoff, See schedule and details below

Saturday, August 15
  • Student Belonging Pickup & Library Book Dropoff, See schedule and details below

Week of August 17
Thursday, August 20
  • Dolphin Tool Kit Pickup and Device Distribution, See schedule and details below

Friday, August 21
  • Dolphin Tool Kit Pickup and Device Distribution, See schedule and details below

Saturday, August 22
  • Dolphin Tool Kit Pickup, See schedule and details below
MES Upcoming Events
Town Hall Meetings by Grade Level: August 10-13
Beginning on Monday next week, we will have Town Halls by Grade Level, via Zoom (see schedule and links above). The Town Halls will be led by our Administrative Team including Principal Audrey Sofianos, School Business Manager Brian Baron, Assistant Principal Dr. Nakiesha Sprull, along with special guests representing the grade level(s) and departments.  These Town Halls will provide an overview of the daily schedule, our virtual learning plan, and what to expect during the start of school and the first quarter. The meetings are open to all in our parent community, with a 500 seat limit, so there should be NO issues with capacity for each night. Please feel free to join the session(s) for your grade level(s) or if you have a conflict, you are welcome to join another night as some of the information will be consistent across grades. Also, we have added in an optional 10 minute "Community Time" prior to the meeting start, where we will just chat virtually. Feel free to join; this informal 10 minute Community Time is an opportunity for all of us to get to know each other better!
Student Belonging Pickup and Library Book Dropoff: August 14-15
This is for students from the 2019-20 school year who may have belongings at school from March and/or who borrowed library books in March.

Student Belonging Pickup: We know that many of you have received belongings already, and many have shared that you did not need them. Please communicate with families whose students have moved on to Howard Middle School that this will be the time to pickup belongings left from 5th Grade.
Library Book Dropoff: There will be carts to place library books on at the front entrance. Please place them there!

WHERE TO PARK: Parking may be available in the lot off of Virginia Avenue as well as street parking (if permitted). Parking in the rear lot off of Clemont Drive will not be accessible.

WHERE TO ENTER BUILDING: Please enter through the main doors from the Virginia Avenue parking lot. All belongings are bagged and labeled and will be located in the gym. This is the only area accessible for visitors at this time.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: We will allow small groups into the gym to maintain proper social distancing. Masks are required in the building at all times. To further honor social distancing and crowd control, only 1 adult and 1 child max per family will be allowed inside the building. We ask that a 6 ft distance is maintained between families.

SCHEDULE: The schedule is divided by LAST NAMES. Please honor the time assigned for your last name! We will have one more date TBD in September for any remaining items. Questions - Brian Baron
Friday, 8/14
A-C: 8:00 - 9:00                   
D-F: 9:00 - 10:00                 
G-J: 10:00 - 11:00            
K-N: 12:00 - 1:00        
O-R: 1:00 - 2:00                
S-Z: 2:00 - 3:00  
Saturday, 8/15 (Make up day)
A-F: 8:00 - 9:00                    
G-L: 9:00 - 10:00                 
M-R: 10:00 - 11:00
S-Z: 11:00 - 12:00
Dolphin Tool Kit Pickup and Device Distribution: August 20-22
Dolphin Tool Kits will be distributed to every MES student. If you have indicated a need for a device for virtual school, you will pick up that device at the same time.

Dolphin Tool Kits: The MES PTA, with help from the MES Foundation, is supplying Dolphin Tool Kits to every MES student as a way to help bring the classroom home. Each kit will contain grade-specific tools requested by teachers to be used during virtual lessons and with class assignments. These Dolphin Tool Kits will include everything from personal white boards and math manipulatives to Fundations curriculum packs and class novels. There will even be a few branded items so our students can show school pride while enhancing their home learning experience.

Devices: If you were checked out a device in March or your student brought home a device in the 1st and 2nd grade last spring, you will keep those devices for use during Virtual School this year. We will not be swapping out devices at this time. However, if you indicated a new need for a device on the district IT survey, you will pick up your device during this same time. See process below.

DRIVE THROUGH DISTRIBUTION PROCESS: Cars will queue up on Virginia Avenue. Enter Virginia Ave parking lot as is shown on the map linked here. This is a drive through process only! Please pull around the perimeter of the parking lot along the sidewalk as shown in the map linked above. A volunteer will greet you at your car and you will tell the volunteer which grade levels your student(s) are in so you can receive their grade-customized Dolphin Tool Kit. Please open your door or trunk to have the bags loaded in. NOTE: Please honor the time (below) assigned for your LAST NAME! We will only be able to distribute kits to your own student(s) during your allotted time (no pickup for others).

After collecting your Dolphin Tool Kit, if you have indicated a need for a device on the district IT survey, please pull around to the bus entrance on Clemont Drive as shown on the map linked above. (right on Virginia Ave., Right on Park Dr., Right on Clemont Dr.) Park on Clemont Dr. and proceed to the building doors to pick-up your device. NOTE: Device pickup is only possible on Thursday and Friday, August 20-21. Questions - Brian Baron
Thursday, 8/20
A-C: 8:00 - 9:00    
D-F: 9:00 - 10:00 
G-J: 10:00 - 11:00   
K-N: 12:00 - 1:00  
O-R: 1:00 - 2:00   
S-Z:  2:00 - 3:00  

Friday, 8/21
S-Z: 8:00 - 9:00         
O-R: 9:00 - 10:00       
K-N: 10:00 - 11:00
G-J: 12:00 - 1:00        
D-F: 1:00 - 2:00
A-C: 2:00 - 3:00

Saturday 8/22 (Make up day; Tool Kit Pickup ONLY)
A-F: 8:00 - 9:00      
G-L: 9:00 - 10:00            
M-R: 10:00 - 11:00          
S-Z: 11:00 - 12:00

MES News
Update the MES Family Directory
Teacher assignments are now posted on our school doors (auditorium and main doors) at MES@Inman and are available online in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

If you haven't already done so, please log into our MES Family Directory (powered by Membership Toolkit) and update your information to include your child's new homeroom teacher. If parents do this, we will have pre-populated class lists, complete with contact information for fellow families as it is easy to sort by grade and homeroom teacher once the information is populated in this tool. It is also important for you to update your information in this tool at the beginning of the school year if you wish to continue receiving the Digital Dolphin newsletter.
School Supplies
We will be providing lists of recommended school supplies by grade level soon; look for this information in next week's Digital Dolphin.
2019-20 Yearbooks
If you pre-purchased a yearbook from the 2019-20 school year or have purchased one on the MES online store since May and have NOT picked up your yearbook, please reach out directly to Jennifer Richman via email or text at 510-472-4712 to make arrangements for pick up.
2020-21 Yearbook - Give Us Your Input!
We are excited to bring you a one-of-a kind historical yearbook this year! Please take this quick 3-question survey by August 15 so we can get started with your ideas in mind. We appreciate your input!
APS & Grady Cluster Happenings
Complete APS Technology Readiness Survey by August 7
As Atlanta Public Schools prepares to Return + Learn this upcoming school year, technology will play a critical role. APS wants to ensure every student has a device and internet connection to access virtual instruction.  

All APS families are asked to complete the Technology Readiness survey for each of your children attending an APS school. We have only received 531 surveys so far! After the survey is completed, you will receive a call from your child’s school to arrange for you to receive the technology your child needs. Access the survey here.
The Digital Dolphin is a weekly newsletter managed by the Morningside Elementary PTA - Contact Editor