Weekly Newsletter



February 8, 2024

Weekly Schedule

Friday, February 9

6:30 - Family Nerf War in the FLC

Saturday, February 10

Cub Scouts in the FLC

4 p.m. - Family Bowling at Gold Cup Bowling Center

Sunday, February 11

9 a.m. - Morning Worship

10 a.m. - Sunday School

11 a.m. - Morning Worship

2 p.m. - Youth Paintball

Monday, February 12 10 a.m. - Staff Meeting

12 p.m. - Methodist Women in the Fellowship Hall

6 p.m. - Ladies Bible Study

6 p.m. - Church Wide Spaghetti Dinner

6 p.m. - Cub Scouts in the Youth Center

7 p.m. - Sanctuary Bells Rehearsal

7 p.m. - Boy Scouts in the Youth Center

Tuesday, February 13

7 a.m. - Men’s Prayer Breakfast

10:15 a.m. - JOY Choir bus departs for Summerhill

10:30 a.m. - JOY Choir sings at Summerhill

6 p.m. - DFC meets with Sunday School Leaders

7 p.m. - CSFC Rehearsal in the FLC

Wednesday, February 14

7 a.m. - Youth Prayer Breakfast

10 a.m. - AIM Fitness in the FLC

12:15 p.m. - Ash Wednesday Service

6 p.m. - Ash Wednesday Service

6 p.m. - Financial Peace University Classes

6 p.m. - Youth $5 Pizza

6:45 p.m. - Youth Worship and Bible Study

6:45 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, February 15

2 p.m. - Walking in the FLC

7 p.m. - CSFC Rehearsal in the FLC 

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In all three of the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), the account of Jesus’ transfiguration is given. Just prior to heading to Jerusalem to be crucified, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John apart by themselves on a high mountain, and there he is transformed before them. The Greek word is μετεμορφώθη, from which we get our word metamorphosis.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines metamorphosis this way:

Jesus was “metamorphosized” that day. I can’t even possibly imagine how cool that was! But did you know that Jesus didn’t just come for us to stare at him in amazement. The voice of God didn’t say to Peter, James, and John, “Stare at him!” It said, “Listen to him!” Why? 

If you look throughout the Bible, there is only ONE other place that Greek word μετεμορφώθη is used. Instead of translating it, “transfigured,” here it is translated, “transformed.” And it isn’t referring to Jesus. It’s referring to us. It’s a commandment. It’s a promise. As we listen to Jesus, we will experience our own metamorphosis. Do you know what verse it shows up in? I’ll give the answer on Sunday!

Grace and Peace,



Bring your non-perishable food donations

to church on Sunday, February 11

and fill the baskets in the Narthex!

All food will be given to the Loaves and Fishes Food Bank!

Children's Ministry

Souper Bowl of Caring Weekend

Register here for bowling!

Paint Ball Tournament at Big Indian Paintball Sunday, February 11

$25 per person (please bring cash)

Register and sign the

waiver for paintball here.

Confirmation Class and Retreat

Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday, February 11 at 10 in the Youth Center.

Confirmation is a journey toward God through Jesus Christ. This is a time when the youth in our class are presented with the opportunity to journey with others as they learn more about God, God’s love for us, and the church. Confirmation is an exciting time in the spiritual development of your child’s life.

If you are interested in your youth participating in this class, please email Nichole here.

Registration for the Confirmation Retreat at Epworth

by the Sea on March 1-3, 2024 is open now here.

Peaches to Beach Yard Sale for Missions

We are having a yard sale with Peaches to Beaches on March 8 and 9, 2024 in the FLC.

We need your item donations to make this event a success! As you declutter and do some early spring cleaning, bring us all your junk that will become someone else’s treasure! Please, NO CLOTHING. All the proceeds from the sale will go to missions. We will be collecting items until March 1, 2024.

Bring your small items to the church office or contact Katie at katie.pumc@gmail.com or the church office about dropping off larger items.

Family Promise Volunteer Training

We are hosting a Family Promise volunteer training in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 25th, at 10 am. This training is for anyone interested in serving dinner to Family Promise guests and who has not gone through the training before.

Family Promise is a 90-day program for homeless families, which helps care for them while they work to pay off debt and save up for their own housing. We host three times a year, during which we provide 3 dinners each host week to the guests in the program. We need volunteers who can help provide dinners and stay to eat with the families during our host weeks.

It’s such a simple way to serve by giving just an hour of your time to share a meal and God’s love with some new people! If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to Katie at katie.pumc@gmail.com.

Donations for the Mission Trip to Honduras

We are collecting the following items for the Medical and Dental Clinic for our 2024 Mission Trip to Honduras. Help us serve others!

New Reading Glasses Toothbrushes

Children’s Vitamins

Adult Vitamins

Prenatal Vitamins


Benadryl Neosporin

Hydrocortisone cream Lysol/Clorox wipes Lysol aerosol spray Hand sanitizer

Bandaids (variety of sizes, both regular and children’s bandaids)

Tylenol/Advil (both adult/children’s–NO LIQUIDS) All items can be dropped off in the church office. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Click here to sign up to volunteer!

Living Lent Devotional Books

We have devotional books in the Narthex. These Living Lent books have a daily devotional that is written by different pastors to celebrate and honor the season of Lent. Books are limited, so get one this Sunday!

You may also sign up here to get these daily devotionals emailed to you every day.

Check Out Last Week's Sermon

Click Here to Read the Scripture for

Sunday, February 11, 2024

It's not too late to submit a 2024 pledge of support to our church and its missions online, you may do so here.

We also have paper cards in the church office and in the narthex.

You are Invited!

Boy Scouts

Our Boy Scout troop is doing lots of fun things! They did some rock climbing education to prepare for a trip, a campout at Reed Bingham State Park, and a Geocaching hike where 2 scouts acquired their Totin Chip and Fireman chip, allowing them to use knives and build fires. We are doing the COPE rope course at Camp Thunder for our February campout.

If you are interested in your child joining Boys Scouts click here.

Cub Scouts (for ages 6-10) meet on Mondays at 6 p.m. in the Youth Center

Boy Scouts (for ages 11-18) meet on Mondays at 7 p.m. in the Youth Center.

Youth Prayer Breakfast

Tree House Trades

JOY Choir and Prime Time at Wesleyan College

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Supporting the Ministries of Perry UMC
