MFGA eBulletin - August 2018
From the Desk of MFGA Executive Director
   No doubt many of you are dealing with the spotty rain, dry-hot-temperatures that Manitoba and other parts of the Prairies are dealing with in 2018.
   The biggest key to dealing with these times, says MFGA experts, is to prepare and act now. MFGA is a producer-led organization and we talked to our leaders to devise a top ten list of what-to-do suggestions. We are providing that list again below. Darren Chapman, our MFGA chair took MFGA's producer leadership one -step forward in his quote for our early August 2018 media release on topic: "It's much easier to start on planning and actions now than when pastures have run out ," says Chapman. "Don't feel alone, we are producers too and we are here to help and discuss options. Everyone's situations are a little different. It's important that we keep in touch and prepare together so we may carry on our chosen lifestyle we cherish with as little hardship to our herds, fields, business and most of all, family as possible."  
   If you are a producer or know a producer that needs advice or just an ear to bounce ideas off, please don't hesitate to contact MFGA. We are here to help. We want to help. So too does the Province of Manitoba and we have listed their resources below as well. 
   In more upbeat news, as many of you may know, MFGA is one of four core partners with Manitoba Beef Producers, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and Manitoba Agriculture at the Manitoba Beef and Forages Initiatives (MBFI). Earlier this week, the partners celebrated the opening of the sparkling-new MBFI Learning Centre at the MBFI Brookdale farm site north of Brandon. Around 85 people attended the day from all walks of MBFI audiences - from dignitaries to producers to researchers to supporters to media to suppliers. 
   Besides the great vibes around the Learning Centre and the much-awaited opening, Manitoba Agriculture Minister Hon. Ralph Eichler really kicked the celebration up a notch with a $2.85 million dollar announcement from the Canada and Manitoba governments to support the sustainable growth of the livestock sector over the next five years at MBFI. It was a great day! Congrats to all our partners, MBFI board and staff, researchers and Manitoba producers and thank you to the Canada and Manitoba governments. You can read full details of the announcement below. 
   Muchos grasses all! 
   Duncan Morrison,  MFGA Executive Director   
It's dry out there...
MFGA's 10 tips to stretch forage supplies:
MFGA canvassed the expertise within our organization to come up with 10 tips for producers to minimize the impact of dry condition on forage supplies. The key is taking action now will help things later. Here are MFGA's top ten tips:
1. Start to consider annual crop fields to cut as green feed and to bale straw off 
2. Line-up corn fields to take as silage, or have producers drop the stalks for baling
3. Electric fencing on cornfields for grazing the stover 
4. Weaning early to reduce feed requirements 
5. Reduce need for feed via herd management such as preg-checking cows to determine energy needs 
6. Buying feed in advance 
7. Feed to real weights. It's important to only feed enough hay to support the true weight of the cows in the herd
8. Feed right amount of hay and meet the nutritional needs at different stages of life
9. Use Supplement and look for alternative feed sources 
Provincial services for Ag Producers affected by dry conditions:
Manitoba Agriculture and MFGA are reminding agricultural producers affected by dry conditions of the province's programs and services available to livestock producers to manage forage shortages:
Hay Listing Service - Offers pressure relief by  helping connect Mb producers looking for hay, pasture or alternative feed with those that have supplies available.
Forage insurance under the MASC AgriInsurance program - Insures hay and pasture production and establishment against potential losses.  
AgriStability - A voluntary program for producers offering support following large income losses and is based on a producer's margins.
Western Livestock Price Insurance Program - Helps farmers protect themselves against unexpected price declines.
For more info, call Manitoba Agriculture at 1-84-GROW-MB-AG (1-844-769-6224).  
Livestock producers temporarily allowed to cut hay and graze animals on crown land 
Livestock producers will temporarily be allowed to cut hay and allow animals to graze on Crown land not normally designated for agricultural use due to dry conditions across parts of the province, Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today. "Pastures and forage crops in parts of Manitoba have been greatly affected by low levels of rain and dry soils this summer," said Eichler. "By providing producers with additional options, such as access to Crown land, we are easing the burden on farmers who are seeing low yields on forage crops."
$2.85 million for beef and forage research announced at MBFI Learning Centre grand opening 
MBFI Learning Centre's Grand Opening - Brookdale Farm - Dignitaries, partners and supporters at the event.

Mb Ag Minister Hon. Ralph Eichler & MFGA Chair Darren Chapman at MBFI LC Grand Opening
The Canada and Manitoba governments are investing $2.85 million over the next five years at the Manitoba Beef and Forage Institute (MBFI) in Brandon, supporting the sustainable growth of the livestock sector. "The Government of Canada is proud to invest in Manitoba's forage research that helps producers adopt best practices in land and herd management and other innovations that will advance the sustainability of the industry," said Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay. "This support for the forage and beef industries will help these sectors grow, innovate and prosper, while creating good, well-paying jobs for the middle class." "The beef and forage sectors have economic and environmental benefits for our entire province," said Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler. "Our investment recognizes applied research, like the work being done at MBFI, is an invaluable resource for producers and the agricultural sector as a whole. MBFI is a prime example of what can be achieved through a partnership between beef and forage producers, conservation organizations, industry stakeholders and governments."  Read the full Government news release.
The Federal and Provincial government funding announcement was made as around 85 people were on hand celebrate the official opening of the new Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives (MBFI) Learning Centre at the MBFI Brookdale Farm north of Brandon. Read the MBFI media release.
Circle H Farms wins 2018 TESA
2018 TESA winners Brian and Sonja Harper, Circle H Farms

MFGA was thrilled to hear the winner of the increasingly-prestigious annual The Environmental Stewardship Award (TESA) went to Circle H Farms on the outskirts of Brandon. Circle H Farms is a forward-thinking, purebred cow-calf operation owned and operated by Brian and Sonja Harper and their children, Kristelle and Thomas. Boosting the pride for MFGA is fact that Kristelle Harper Parr is on the MFGA Board of Directors. Congrats to the Harper family!  Read the full announcement.
August Hay Situation and Price Update 
John McGregor, MFGA Hay Expert, spoke with Manitoba Agriculture livestock staff, forage producers and industry personnel to get their impression of hay prices and the hay situation. Read the report here.
Garland Project: Final report and recommendations released 
The Garland Project, titled "Managed Grazing Systems on Hardwood Timber Harvested Areas" is a 12-year research based project dealing with the relatively new development in Manitoba, being hardwood timber harvesting within the agricultural zone, and more specifically with the age old problem of perceived conflicting resource use (i.e. livestock grazing vs. hardwood timber harvesting). MFGA was part of the collaboration of the project.  Read the final report here.
When should we stop grazing this fall? 
Fall pasture growth often provides additional opportunity for grazing livestock; however, careful management of pastures is essential for the over-wintering of forages and improvement into the next growing season. The dry summer this year has stunted fall pasture regrowth dramatically and for many, supplementation is necessary. If it rains, pastures may start to re-grow and producers may consider leaving cattle on pasture to save on forage supplies. Fall grazing these summer pastures at this time could be detrimental to your forage stand if not managed carefully. If livestock are allowed to continue grazing late into the fall and early winter, the grasses are eaten too close to the ground, weakening the pasture grasses, which can lead to very slow growth in the spring or death. Read on...
Ag Action Manitoba programs for farmers & service p roviders
Ag Action Manitoba  provides funding to people across the agricultural sector, including farmers, agri-processors, industry organizations, researchers and industry service providers for equipment, services and other resources that lead to growth and sustainability in agriculture. 
Productivity for Sheep
Funding assistance available for sheep handling equipment, automated milk replacer equipment, ewe pregnancy and lamb number diagnosis equipment and training, flock health breeding and production software and breeding stock and flock testing and screening after applicants view required webinars.  Deadline: Sep 14, 2018
Helps implement and adopt agri-environmental BMPs: · resource management planning · establishment of a cover crop · improved pasture and forage quality · intercropping · liquid manure storage odour reduction · barn odour reduction · managing livestock access to riparian areas · sub-surface drainage water management · pesticide storage · secondary containment for liquid fertilizer storage. Deadline: Sep 3, 2018
Assurance: BMPs for select industry service providers
For licensed commercial manure applicators:  · direct manure injection · in-season manure application. Deadline: Sep 3, 2018
For Association of Manitoba Community Pastures (AMCP):  · improved pasture and forage quality · managing livestock access to riparian areas. Deadline: Sep 3, 2018
Ben Fox steps down as MBP president
Ben Fox, has been president of Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP) since February 2017. Recently, Fox stepped down from his MBP role to seek a federal party nomination. MFGA has enjoyed working closely with Fox during his tenure at MBP and we wish Ben and family well as Ben pursues this new opportunity. Tom Teichroeb, MBP's vice-president, will assume the role of MBP president on an interim basis. Congrats and welcome, Tom. 
Welcome to new KAP president Bill Campbell
MFGA would like to congratulate Bill Campbell as the new KAP president, after serving as KAP vice-president and on the KAP board of directors. Campbell is a fourth-generation farmer near Minto, with 2,640 acres - 1,700 of them seeded to annual crops - and a purebred Limousin cattle operation. Campbell takes over from Dan Mazier at the KAP helm. Justin Jenner, who has served as KAP vice-president in the past, will fill Campbell's vacated position.
Improving safety on and around the farm
Planning and taking appropriate precautions can help limit the health and safety risks connected to the harvest season, with the goal of reducing the likelihood of injury.  
Manitoba Agriculture offers reminders to improve safety:
Be prepared - fill in this handy emergency contact sheet 
You're busy in the fields, but the Manitoba Farm Safety Program recommends you take the time to  fill in this template now, saving time later if you have to call emergency responders. It will also help you, your family or your employees give accurate directions to emergency responders. Keep copies in your farm equipment, so they're always handy. 
Mb Farm Safety Program to present Agri-Safety Award 
"The Safetys" awards gala  is a fall event where 8 Manitoba safety organizations present awards to individuals and businesses for their achievements in workplace safety and health. The 2nd Annual event will be held on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at the Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre in Winnipeg. Mb Farm Safety Program (FSP) will be presenting the Manitoba Agri-Safety Award to a farm or agricultural organization that has made a positive effort toward implementing safety.
Tickets: $60 or $600 for a table of 10 and can be purchased at
To learn more, read the full media release.
Travel this winter on one of these amazing Agricultural Tours!
MFGA has once again partnered with Leader Tours to offer these three  agricultural-influenced tours and the opportunity to  travel with like-minded people !  
Sit back and enjoy these trips hassle-free while developing new friendships and the unique sights and experiences provided by the people, producers and agricultural industries of each region. Itineraries and pricing are found on each link. 
Producer Events & News
MFGA's Regenerative Agriculture Conference Nov 27-28, 2018 in Brandon, MB
EARLY BIRD Registration is OPEN! SAVE MONEY ON REGISTRATION BY REGISTERING NOW!!!! Our conference will be featuring some of the most highly sought after speakers on the Regenerative Agriculture front , a trade show and an amazing banquet! Space is limited, act fast!!!!! NOTE: MFGA AGM November 26, 2018, Brandon evening meeting, held in conjunction with the conference. More Details to follow!!
Manitoba Open Farm Day Sunday, Sep 16, 2018 at farms across Manitoba
Open Farm Day is an opportunity for farmers to showcase their operations and explain about agriculture. This year, MAAS has 42 host sites across the province!  Learn more, including a provincial map that can be downloaded and printed off.  
Intro to Holistic Mgt - Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & Nov 5, 2018 an Online Course   
Develop a whole farm/ranch (holistic) goal which clearly articulates the vision for your farm/ranch, the organizational structure, and the resources available. Price: $350 (payment plan available) SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE. 
CFGA Annual Conference - Nov 14-15, 2018 in Calgary, AB
Theme: Foundation Forage: Built from the Ground Up, held at the Sheraton Cavalier. It's the must-attend event for anyone involved in forage production! The program includes a line-up of top speakers who will set the stage for producers to plan, seed, feed, graze, harvest and evaluate their valuable forage and grassland.
Agriculture Tour: Germany Eurotier - November 13 to 21, 2018
MFGA and Leader Tours have partnered to offer this agricultural-influenced tours and the opportunity to travel with like-minded people! Includes EuroTier & Energy Decentral, Farm visit to Agro Borderium company in Hanover, Berlin City Tour, Postdam sightseeing tour, Hamburg morning harbour cruise, Dairy Cooperative in Itzehoe, Private local farm visit, Guided city tour of Hamburg, Traditional farewell dinner. 
Prairie Conservation & Endangered Species Conf Feb 19-21, 2019 in Winnipeg, MB
Whether you're a researcher, producer, or prairie professional, join your fellow experts in exploring the latest information, research, and trends in the conservation of "Working Landscapes." Registration is open, save $50 with the Early Bird rates! Details on hotel, agenda and registration here or call Kelly Forgala, (204) 257-5205.
Agriculture Tour: New Zealand February 24 to March 16, 2019 
MFGA and Leader Tours have partnered to offer this agricultural-influenced tours and the opportunity to travel with like-minded people! Experience New Zealand's sublime forests, mountains, lakes, beaches and fiords that have made NZ one of the best destinations on Earth. 
Agriculture Tour: Argentina March 5 to 19, 2019 
MFGA and Leader Tours have partnered to offer this agricultural-influenced tours and the opportunity to travel with like-minded people! In addition to spectacular tourist stops, the trip will include ExpoAgro, the worlds greatest machinery demonstration exhibition. Features: Sit back and enjoy these trips hassle-free while developing new friendships and the unique sights and experiences provided by the people, producers and agricultural industries of each region. Itineraries and pricing are found on each of the above links. Call (403) 270-7044 or toll free 1-844-370-7044 for more information.


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