November 2017 - Issue #5

Welcome to MFNPO News
As we advance our mission to sustain a high-quality workforce in the non-profit sector in Manitoba, we hope that MFNPO News offers insights that will help and inspire you and your organization.

We invite your feedback and your story ideas, and we encourage you to share this newsletter with others.

Contact us at [email protected]
A Fundamental Impact 

Clayton Robins knew the change was coming, but that didn't make it any easier.

"The Department of Agriculture transferred some responsibilities to us a couple of years ago," says Robins, Executive Director of the Manitoba 4-H Council in Brandon. "We knew it was coming and we had time to plan, but when your staff grows from two people to seven people in under two years, it's a big change."

Robins suddenly found himself spending far more time on human resources issues than ever before. "We needed some help in understanding how to manage the people in our organization," he says. "We absolutely needed to spend more time on HR and I wanted to learn how to use that time effectively." Read More.

Finding our Voice through an Affiliate Model

MFNPO Co-Chair Sandra Oakley "MFNPO would be underpinned by a network of strong and engaged non-profits of all sizes."
The Manitoba Federation of Non-Profit Organizations is looking at enhancing services to the non-profit sector and funding those enhancements through a voluntary, paid affiliate model. MFNPO is currently funded as a sector council by the provincial government. As a sector council, MFNPO is funded to focus exclusively on training and skills development for the non-profit sector.

"We've had some comments from non-profit organizations about providing more services," says MFNPO Co-Chair Sandra Oakley. "I think there is a very real appetite in the sector for more programs to help non-profits and their leaders to perform better."

With limited funds, MFNPO can only offer so much, says Oakley, so MFNPO is exploring the possibility of asking non-profits to pay a $100 affiliate fee to access a wider range of services while bolstering the Federation. Read More.

A Badge of Knowledge
Family Dynamics workshop participants share the Applied Learning badge.
A Winnipeg non-profit is dipping its toe into the waters of open badges, an increasingly popular system for recognizing professional development.

"We're overfilling our workshops," says Diana Rozos, Manager of Family and Child Care Resources at Family Dynamics.
 "I didn't have to do much marketing to our students. There is a novelty factor here, too. Our participants are thrilled to help us pilot something new."
Family Dynamics is using open badges as digital certificates to recognize learned skills and participation in their professional development program for licensed home-based childcare providers. Learners can receive badges in three different categories (Theory, Applied Learning, and Special Events) as well as Milestone and Leadership badges for participation in workshops about outdoor play, communications, and more.  Read More.

Looking at Leadership
What will the future of non-profit leadership in Manitoba look like? That is the big question MFNPO is trying to answer with its latest Labour Market Information survey. 

Over 30 guests gathered on October 30 to hear some preliminary data. The full report will shine a light on the executive leadership function in Manitoba's non-profit organizations. What are the tasks we expect our leaders to perform? What are the challenges they face in serving their organizations? What are some effective strategies for fostering executive excellence in the non-profit sector for the long term? The full report, to be released online before the end of 2017, will offer insights into these issues.

Important Dates
  • Fundamentals of Human Resources training in Winnipeg January 10, 11, & 12, 2018. For more information and registration please click Here
  • Fundamentals of Human Resources training in Brandon  January 19, February 2, & March 23, 2018. For more information and registration please click Here.
The information contained here is intended for general information purposes only. Any reliance on the information is at the user's own risk. The Manitoba Federation of Non-Profit Organizations, its writers, and its interview subjects make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the information shared in MFNPO newsletters or on MFNPO websites. Readers are urged to seek independent professional advice before taking actions based on the information shared in MFNPO newsletters or on MFNPO websites.

Newsletter Credits
MFNPO Newsletter Working Group: Ron Brown, Monika Feist, Janet Forbes
Executive Director: Sandra Simpson
Administrative Coordinator: Rania Ibrahim
Feature Writer: Stu Slayen
Layout: Celine Chin 

MFNPO Board of Directors : Ron Brown, Bob Chrismas, Monika Feist, Janet Forbes, Sid Frankel, Martin Itzkow (Co-Chair), Pablo Listingart, Sandra Oakley (Co-Chair)
Ex-officio : Dennis Ceicko, Laurenda Madill

The Manitoba Federation of Non-Profit Organizations Inc.
Sustaining a high-quality workforce in the non-profit sector.