March 2016 - Issue #1
Welcome to the first issue of MFNPO News, a new quarterly e-newsletter from the Manitoba Federation of Non-Profit Organizations.

As we advance our mission to sustain a high-quality workforce in the non-profit sector, we hope that MFNPO News offers insights that will help and inspire your organization.
We invite your feedback and your story ideas, and we encourage you to share this newsletter with others.
Contact us at [email protected]

"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun," Mary Poppins tells the Banks children in the beloved film and stage production.
Julie Eccles would agree - not just because Mary Poppins is her favourite Rainbow Stage production to date, but because she truly loves her work as Executive Director of one of Canada's leading outdoor theatres.   Read More

Sometimes you just have to say goodbye to an employee. Termination is difficult and stressful for everyone involved, and doing it the right way can save you even more stress later on.

"If an organization doesn't fire someone properly, they can end up in court and it can cost a lot of money," says human resources consultant, Janice Goldsborough.  Read More

The seeds of Tom Denton's social consciousness were planted in childhood. And so was his love of writing, communication, and advocacy.  
"When I was seven, I published a family newspaper called The Squeak," says the 81-year-old Executive Director of Hospitality House Refugee Ministry in Winnipeg.  Read More
Newsletter Credits
MFNPO Newsletter Working Group: Ron Brown, Monika Feist, Janet Forbes
Executive Director: Sandra Simpson
Administrative Coordinator: Rania Ibrahim
Feature Writer: Stu Slayen
Layout: Celine Chin

MFNPO Board of Directors : Ron Brown, Bob Chrismas, Monika Feist, Janet Forbes, Sid Frankel, Martin Itzkow (Co-Chair), Sandra Oakley (Co-Chair), Florence Okwudili
Ex-officio : Dennis Ceicko, Laurenda Madill

The Manitoba Federation of Non-Profit Organizations Inc.
Sustaining a high-quality workforce in the non-profit sector.