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In this issue

  • Executive Director's Note: Reflections from the Second Regular Session
  • Legislative Update
  • MFPC Welcomes New Deputy Director
  • RSVP for Golf Tournament
  • Call for Annual Award Nominations
  • Save the Date for Annual Meeting
  • MFPC Submits Public Comment Regarding the Northern Long-eared Bat Listing
  • MFPC Executive Committee Met with Administration

Now that the 130th Legislature has adjourned and lawmakers have turned their attention from policymaking to campaigning, it’s time for the Maine Forest Products Council to reflect on the outcomes of the Second Regular Session.

As with any session, there were some wins and some losses, but overall, I feel that the forest products industry had a strong session, thanks to our membership and lobbying team. Below you will find a legislative update that (mostly) includes bills that were either signed into law or became law without signature. 

Over the summer, the Council will develop a policy platform intended to better prepare us for perennial issues that we can expect to deal with again in future legislatures (PFAS chemicals, fish passage and dams, Tribal rights, herbicides, climate change, etc). We will be sure to share it with each of you ahead of the 131st Legislature.

Before we get down to business, I’m encouraged to say that we’ve hired a new Deputy Director, Krysta West, who joined our staff on June 1. You will find information about Krysta below, so please join me in welcoming her to the team. Krysta and I plan to get out and meet with the membership this summer and fall.

We are still in search of an Admin Assistant to replace Sue, who is set to retire on August 1. If you have a candidate in mind, please have them send a cover letter and resume to

Finally, I hope to see you all at our Annual Golf Tournament in Bangor next month. If you still need to sign up, please contact Sue.


Pat Strauch

MFPC Executive Director

Legislative Update

Here is a sampling of some signature issues followed by MFPC last session. For a more complete listing of legislation worked on by the Council, click here.

Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry

LD 1929, “An Act To Provide Assistance to Areas Severely Infested with Browntail Moths,” sponsored by Representative Allison Hepler, was supported by MFPC. Signed into law on May 3, this law directs the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to administer a program to assist with the removal of browntail moth infestations. It also funds an Entomologist I position and a Senior Entomology Technician position to support the management of forest insect pests.

Environment and Natural Resources

LD 1801, “An Act To Modify Exemptions for Certain Storm Water Discharges to Class AA and SA Waters,” sponsored by Representative Stanley Zeigler, was supported by MFPC. Daaquam Lumber Maine LLC and Seven Islands Land Company (MFPC members) both submitted written testimony in support of the bill. Signed into law on March 15, this law amended the laws governing storm water discharge exemptions for Class AA and Class SA waters, providing much-needed regulatory certainty for businesses operating in proximity to them.

LD 1875, “Resolve, To Address Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Pollution from State-owned Solid Waste Disposal Facilities,” sponsored by Representative Stanley Zeigler, was supported by MFPC. Signed into law on May 2, this resolve directs the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of General Services to submit a report to the ENR Committee by January 15, 2023 outlining methods to treat leachate collected from State-owned landfills (Juniper Ridge in Old Town and Dolby in East Millinocket), to reduce the concentration of PFAS through the use of technologies to no more than interim drinking water standards.

LD 1964, “An Act To Update Certain Water Quality Standards and To Reclassify Certain Waters of the State,” sponsored by Senator Stacy Brenner, had sections that were opposed by MFPC. While MFPC supports improving the quality of Maine’s waterways, the process must be consistent and predictable. Signed into law on March 31, the final version of this law impacts a shorter stretch of river than was originally intended, but it is still problematic as reclassifications typically go from the head of the river to the sea, not the other way around. Under this new law, the section of the lower Androscoggin River from Worumbo Dam in Lisbon Falls to Merrymeeting Bay will be upgraded to Class B, against original recommendations by the DEP.

Energy, Utilities and Technology

LD 1202, “An Act To Establish a Wood-fired Combined Heat and Power Program,” sponsored by new MFPC Board Member Representative Nate Wadsworth, was drafted and supported by the Council. Signed into law on April 14, this new law supports a diversified forest products industry while also supporting the State’s climate goals by establishing a program to support facilities that use wood fuel (biomass derived from residuals) to generate heat and electricity (3 to 10 megawatts) to be used for industrial or space heating purposes.  

Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

LD 1813, “An Act To Amend the Definition of “Oversized ATV” To Increase the Minimum Weight Requirement,” sponsored by President Troy Jackson, was a bill that MFPC originally opposed, but was amended to a form that we were neutral on. Signed into law on March 31, this law provides an exemption from registration for oversized ATVs operated on someone else’s land if written permission is received from the landowner or lessee of the land if the machine is utilized for business activity. This exemption does not apply to businesses involving the recreational use of oversized ATVs. The weight and size restrictions recommended by the ATV task force and approved by the legislature last session remain unchanged. 

Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business

LD 1793, “An Act To Support Statewide Economic Recovery through Strategic Investments,” sponsored by Representative Tiffany Roberts, was supported by MFPC. Signed into law on March 16, this law supports investments in economic and business growth, rural manufacturing and industrial site redevelopment by leveraging state resources to match funds invested by private entities through grants, equity investments, loans and contractual agreements. To qualify for matching funds, funders must make a financial commitment of at least five years.


LD 1626, “An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Changes to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Implementing Act,” sponsored by Representative Rachel Talbot Ross, was opposed by MFPC due to concerns shared by Governor Mills. In a letter to the Legislature, Governor Mills summarized our shared concerns with this particular piece well, stating, “There are provisions in LD 1626 that should be carefully and deliberatively reviewed and well-understood by all people involved. These provisions include: 1) allowing the Tribes to acquire new territory - even within existing towns and cities - without gaining the consent of the municipality; and 2) removing any new lands and nearly 300,000 acres of land now held in Trust from any State or local regulation including: fish and game regulations, water quality and land use regulations, Forest Practices Act provisions, nondiscrimination laws, school funding and education requirements, subdivision laws, and health care regulations, among others.” 

In place of this bill, LD 585 was negotiated between the Administration and the Tribes. This bill, signed into law on May 2, does not contain the potential for regulatory instability included in LD 1626.

Labor and Housing

LD 1724, “An Act To Create a Logging Dispute Resolution Board and To Require Proof of Ownership Documents To Be Available within 14 Days of Request,” sponsored by President Troy Jackson was opposed by MFPC. This bill, which became law without signature on April 26, is problematic for the industry because it is redundant and confusing. Independent contractors already have legal avenues to address contract violations or defaults. Additionally, Section 3 of the law contains language similar to LD 188, an unconstitutional law that passed last year and has been placed on hold with a preliminary injunction granted to MFPC. The State’s appeal of that decision is being heard in federal court.

MFPC Welcomes New Deputy Director


The Maine Forest Products Council is pleased to welcome Krysta West of Readfield to the role of Deputy Director. A political consultant and writer who has worked in and around Maine politics for more than a decade, Krysta brings valued experience and relationships to the job. Most recently, Krysta operated a successful consulting firm specializing in internal, external and legislative communications for political candidates, PACs, nonprofits and membership organizations. She also worked on the campaign to re-elect U.S. Senator Susan Collins, for the Maine Senate, the National Rifle Association and as an original board member for the political arm of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, SAM-ILA.

As Deputy Director, Krysta will assist with MFPC’s legislative and communications efforts. She can be reached at or (207) 779-6859. Please join us in welcoming Krysta to the team.

RSVP Now for the 2022 Annual Golf Tournament

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What: Maine Forest Products Council’s annual golf tournament. Scramble format, prizes available.

When: Thursday, July 14 at noon

Where: Bangor Municipal Golf Course

Cost: $100 per player; $400 per team


Sponsorships are still available. All proceeds will go towards supporting Maine Forest Products Council’s programs and mission. For more information, or to register, please email Sue McCarthy.

Call for Annual Award Nominations 

Each year, the Maine Forest Products Council looks to its members to select outstanding individuals from the forest products community who excel in their professions. Please take the time to consider those people in the forest products community who have done an exemplary job and deserve recognition for their positive impact on our industry. It is an important opportunity for us to look within our industry and provide recognition and public attention where it is due. Award descriptions and nomination forms can be found here on our website. Nominations are due by July 31! 


The recipients will be recognized at the MFPC annual meeting banquet on September 19, 2022.

Save the Date for Maine Forest Product Council’s Biggest Event of the Year!

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What: 62nd MFPC Annual Meeting 

Where: Sunday River Ski Resort, Grand Summit Hotel, 97 Summit Rd, Newry

When: September 18th (evening) and 19th (all day)


The Maine Forest Products Council invites you to attend our 62nd annual membership meeting at the beautiful Grand Summit Hotel in Newry, Maine. This event will start with a BBQ Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Monday, we will get down to business bright and early with a breakfast at the hotel followed by our annual membership meeting and presentations on a number of topics including forest carbon, the Spruce Budworm, transportation issues and more. To register, call Sue McCarthy at 622-9288 or send her an email at

MFPC Submits Public Comment Regarding the Northern Long-eared Bat Listing

On May 20, 2022, the Maine Forest Products Council submitted public comment to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to weigh in on the proposed rule regarding the Northern Long-eared Bat. This species, which is currently listed federally as a threatened species, may soon be elevated to the Endangered Species list due the decline in population caused by white-nose syndrome.

As outlined in the letter, forest management practices contribute to the conservation of the Northern Long-eared Bat and other bat species by maintaining forest land cover in landscapes that provide critical habitat and the continual creation of early successional and young forest habitat that provide abundant primary vegetation and insect breeding habitat for the bat community. 

In addition to providing information about how the forest products industry supports critical bat habitat, we recommended that the Service describe in the final decision that forest management activities, if they comply with provisions similar to those of the existing section 4(d) rule, are not likely to cause take.

Click here if you’d like to view the full letter.

MFPC Executive Committee meets with Administration


Recently, Peter Triandafillou (Huber Resources), Chris Fife (Weyerhaeuser), Allan Ryder (Timber Resource Group), Eric Kinglsey (Innovative Natural Resources Solutions), Gordon Gamble (Wagner Forest Management) and I met with Governor Mills, ACF Commissioner Beal, and Legislative Director Tom Abello for a post legislative discussion. During the meeting we provided an update on our perceptions of the state of the forest economy. The Governor was receptive to visiting our members' businesses and we will help organize those efforts. Overall the meeting was productive and we appreciated the opportunity for dialog.

About MFPC

Since 1961, the Maine Forest Products Council has been the voice of Maine's forest economy. MFPC's members are landowners, loggers, truckers, paper mills, tree farmers, foresters, lumber processors and the owners of more than 8 million acres of commercial forestland, but they are also bankers, lawyers and insurance executives. The Council represents members at the Maine Legislature throughout the state, in Washington D.C. and the U.S.

Patrick Strauch, Executive Director

Krysta West, Deputy Director

Pat SiroisSFI Coordinator

Sue McCarthy, Office Manager


Address: 535 Civic Center Drive, Augusta, Maine 04330

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Thanks to MFPC's sponsors! 

Click on the images below to visit their websites