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MFPT Newsletter - February 2019
Our original email was sent with an incorrect link for the chairman's article, below is the corrected link.

From the Chairman's Desk
I am happy to report to you on behalf of the MFPT technical planning committee (Focus Group Chairs and others on the Board of Directors) that everything is coming together nicely for MFPT 2019 which will be held May 13-16 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Philadelphia - King of Prussia, PA.  We have received, reviewed and accepted over 70 abstracts for papers and presentations. This year's meeting will be a first for us in several ways.  This is the first time we've collaborated with the Vibration Institute on a joint meeting. It's the first (read more)
Machinery Diagnostic/ Prognostic Products Ready for Commercialization
by  Bill Marscher, P.E., Mechanical Solutions, Inc., Whippany NJ, Past Chairman of MFPT
I wanted to share with the MFPT membership some news about several innovative products that entered into commercialization by the end of 2018. These are products that I worked on in some capacity, and in most cases were publicly funded. (read more)

MFPT Board Member co-authors book
   James P. Hofmeister, a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT) is a co-author of a new Wiley book, Prognostics and Health Management: A Practical Approach to Im proving System Reliability Using C ondition-Based Data, that is included in the Wiley Series in Quality and Reliability Engineering. The series aims to provide a solid educational foundation for both practioners and researchers in the Q & R field to expand the reader's knowledge base to include the latest developments in this field. The series will provide a lasting and positive contribution to the teaching and practice of engineering. Dr. Andre Kleyner, Senior Editor of the Wiley series, described the new book.
As quality and reliability science evolves, it reflects ( read more)

From the Executive Director's Desk:
by Amy Wynn

MFPT 2019 will arrive in just under three months' time and preparations are in full swing. Co-located with the Vibration Institute's Eastern Regional Conference bring two full days of an additional content track. Collaborations with the Hydraulic Institute and the Texas A&M Turbomachinery Laboratory bring per-conference tutorials, never before offered to the public on the East Coast!

The agenda is packed with presentations ranging in topics from Artificial Intelligence, Signal Processing, Bearing Diagnostics, to  (read more)

I hope you enjoyed our newsletter!  We are always looking for new ideas and articles, so don't hesitate to share them with us.



Amy Wynn
MFPT Executive Director
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