We're pleased to share our series of profiles showcasing our amazing business and nonprofit members.

If you're interested in promoting your business or organization while positively impacting health, livelihood, landscapes and communities, please consider becoming an MGA member today.

Member Profile: Tinker & Toast
We were thrilled to hear from Sheri Codiana of Tinker and Toast in Sunnyvale, California.  Tinker and Toast is our newest business member!  

From Sheri:
I just got my cottage food operator permit and am selling a very limited amount of bread, bagels, focaccia and pretzels out of my house in Sunnyvale, California. I almost exclusively use natural leavening, and I plan to transition the baking to my wood-fired oven once I can get good results consistently (it's definitely a new challenge). I don't use 100% freshly milled grain (yet!), but I try to work it into most of my baked goods (and pizza - spelt is my favorite addition). I'm a fan of Turkey Red but like to experiment with any non-commodity or heritage grain.
I'm an engineer by training and have spent the past 25 years as a technical program manager in Silicon Valley. It pays the bills. In between jobs a few years ago, I completed the pro
Multigrain and Seed Levain
culinary program at San Francisco Cooking School, then went on to stage at Bar Tartine and Manresa Bread.  
I found the Maine Grain Alliance on Instagram. I follow a lot of bakers and grain farmers on there! As a bread and grain nerd, I'm so happy to support you. I try to buy grain as close to home as possible, but still support any programs I can manage. I signed up as a business member because I'm still working a full-time job (in tech). It funds my baking passion and allows me to support organizations such as yours! I think what you're doing is so important, and I love the education and grant aspect to your organization. I want to promote local grain economies, education, and heritage varietals.
I attended the virtual Multipurpose Sourdough virtual workshop with Ellie Markovitch last month and really enjoyed it.
Thank you for what you do!

P.S When the shelter in place started, I started baking 8-10 loaves a week instead of two (one for us, one to give away). My husband is the Mayor of Sunnyvale and has been delivering handmade masks to residents around our city for the past 5 months. And sometimes they get a loaf of bread as a bonus!

Thank you for your support Sheri - MGA 

Tinker & Toast Multigrain
Sourdough Pretzel Buns
Maine Grain Alliance | tristan@mainegrainalliance.com | www.kneadingconference.com