Nancy’s Note:

Happy Holidays to all of you! I will be enjoying them at our cabin at the end of this road (in the photo shown) , hoping for snow; complete with the magic of a young grandson who, just as I do, still believes in Santa Claus!

I hope this time of year finds you gathering with family and friends! Please take time to count your blessings and go easy on those New Year’s resolutions!

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The MGC, Inc. Mission

is to provide leadership, education, resources, and network opportunities for its members to promote the love of gardening, floral and landscape design, civic, and environmental responsibility.

Save The Date

MGC 94th Annual Conference

June 10-11, 2024

DoubleTree Hotel on the Riverfront,

Bay City, Michigan

Upcoming Events Calendar

December 2023

19 D5 Presidents' Meeting 10 AM Zoom

January 2024

3 D3B Presidents' Meeting 4pm Zoom

8 MGC DD Meeting Noon Zoom

8 MMM* Flower Photography 6 PM Zoom

9 D4 Presidents' Meeting 2 PM Zoom

10 D1 Presidents' Meeting 9 AM Zoom

15 D3B Presidents' Meeting 4PM Zoom

15 Smokey Bear Poster Contest Deadline

15 Youth Sculpture Contest Entry Deadline

15 2B Steering Committee/Presidents' Meeting 3:30 PM Zoom

30 D5 President's Meeting 10 AM Zoom

February 2024

1 Spring Gate Newsletter Deadline

5 MGC DD Meeting Noon Zoom

8 BOD Meeting 10 AM Zoom

12 MMM* Membership Matters 6 PM Zoom

21 2B Steering/Presidents 3:30 PM Zoom

27 MGC Bi-Refresher (Landscape and

28 Design/Gardening School) Zoom

March 2024

4 MGC DD Meeting Noon Zoom

19 D4 President's Meeting 2 PM Zoom

20 2B Steering/Presidents 3:30 PM Zoom

* Monday Member Meeting

“Holidays are not just about the destination, but the journey and the memories you make along the way.” Author unknown


D1 [email protected]

Sunflowers were the theme of our District 1 Fall Conference. Do you know the many meanings of this bright and cheerful flower? Sunflowers have been revered for centuries as symbols of hope, faith, positivity and prosperity. They have also been celebrated as representations of joy and loyalty, and symbolic of growth and resilience.

In addition, they are known for their ability to grow tall and strong even in adverse conditions, and can withstand harsh weather, poor soil, and limited resources. Sunflowers remind us that no matter how tough the circumstances are, we have the inner strength to rise above and thrive. Read more...

D2A [email protected]

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As I sit here looking outside at the cold crisp frost covering the ground, I keep thinking about the wonderful District 2A conference that Good Thyme Garden Club hosted. Their theme, “Scarecrows and Spooky Shadows,” was perfect for the fall conference. Garden club members graciously welcomed everyone as they entered the Zion Lutheran church. A very large and beautiful church and a perfect setting for the colorful fall conference. All 13 District 2A garden clubs were represented. Twelve presidents were honored and given a corsage. Nancy Ryan, MGC President and Lisa Robinson, 1st VP congratulated them and thanked them for their leadership and service to their communities. Read more...

D2B [email protected]

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District 2B found the summer of 2023 very productive. Many clubs conducted garden tours and provided member celebrations. Our Steering Committee and Club Presidents meet once each month to keep everything on track.

The District 2B Fall Meeting was grand. The theme was Fall Rocks, and the presenters were Theresa Hubbard, from Michigan Lapidary Society and Natalie Carmolli, Spring Meadow Nursery (a Proven Winners supplier). It was a pleasing surprise to learn so much at this meeting about Michigan’s geological formation and the new woody plant varieties. Read more...

D3A [email protected]g

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It’s been a busy time for District 3A. We held our fall conference with District 3B in Lawrence. Numerous clubs participated, received lots of accolades so we can consider it a success. Thanks to all of you who worked making it a success, thank you to all that attended.

This time of year, fund raising work heightens with green sales, craft and plant sales. It’s an exciting time most clubs seem to enjoy. Read more ...

D3B [email protected]

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At the November 9, 2023, MGC Board of Directors meeting Peg Cullen was approved to serve as District 3B Director for the remainder of the 2023-35 term. Peg is a member of River Valley Garden Club in D3B.

Tina Sarantos has agreed to be the District Treasurer. Tina is a member of Indian Hills Garden Club. The 3B District Team also includes Elizabeth Paulis and Kathy Royal Club Presidents of River Valley and Indian Hills GC, Michele Armstrong former District 3 Director and Sue Bailey MGC’s Homegrown National Park Advisor.

Thank you to this group for working together to create the 2023-2025 3B District Team!

D3A [email protected]g

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The District 4 Fall Conference was hosted by Holland Garden Club and Saugatuck-Douglas Garden Club on October 11 in Fennville.135 attendees were welcomed with a delicious breakfast. Vendors provided great shopping opportunities with Holland hosting a fundraiser table of Garden Treasures. The speakers were a local floral designer and the Facebook creator of ‘Two Women and a Hoe”, Jan Bills. Our special conference fundraiser was giving toward the Penny Pines Project. A donation jar was passed among attendees raised enough for a donation of 3 plantations of trees for reforesting. Each club president took their own jar home to pass during their club meetings. The conference received high praise from all. Our next District event will be a Spring meeting hosted by Big Rapids Garden Club on April 10,2024.


D3A [email protected]g

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September District 5 Fall 2023 meeting was declared a huge success. Not only did the two garden clubs, Charlevoix Area and Charlevoix Evening, plan this event, the District 5 Advisory Team played a big part in making it happen.

We began the morning session with a workshop where the attendees made their own table centerpieces lead by our MAAJ person, Mary Jo McElroy. She walked us through a very basic design, provided instructions, and her team of floral designers sat at each table to assist. They also provided all of the plant materials along with her team.

Tom Bailey led an inspirational talk about the challenges of leadership and the need to change it up in order to get people to take on the role of a leader. Read more...

D3A [email protected]g

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District 6 had a memorable Fall District Meeting held at The Foodbank of Eastern Michigan in Flint hosted by Touch the Earth Garden Club of Grand Blanc. The President & CEO of the foodbank, Kara Ross, started our day with a warm welcome. We were then graced by a color guard as we said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kelly McClelland, from MSU Community Food Systems gave a wonderful talk Grow & Share with Care explaining the complexities of growing and transporting food and what being food insecure means today. Then we watched a charming ‘Smart Gardening for Pollinators’ video done by Rebecca Finneran of Michigan State University. Read more ...

MGC Projects

Black Swallowtail for State Butterfly UPDATE

The Black Swallowtail bill has not been scheduled for a hearing yet by the Senate Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee chaired by Senator Sue Shink. We are disappointed as we were expecting a hearing in the fall. With the holidays upon us we are re-grouping. With the help of District 4 Director Kathy Wolverton, we now have a connection with Senator Winnie Brink’s office and will schedule a meeting with one of her staff. As President of the Michigan Senate and a supporter of the previous Black Swallowtail Senate bills, we are hopeful that she will be able to help us once again.


The Monarch Butterfly bill (to make the Monarch the migratory insect for Michigan) is still in the House. House Bill 5306, introduced earlier this month with more than 50 co-sponsors, would designate the Karner blue butterfly as the official butterfly of Michigan. It has been referred to the Government Operations Committee. While it is found in 10 Michigan Counties and is considered endangered it is not as widespread nor a winter resident as is the Black Swallowtail butterfly.


Thank you for all of your letter and emailing efforts. Stay tuned!

MGC Legislative Chair Jeanette Meyer [email protected]

Homegrown National Park debuts a new “Map”

– The Good and the Hiccups! Read more

Things we can do in our gardens this winter to support Homegrown National Park: Read more here...

Homegrown National Park “Get on the Map” Michigan Statistics (as of 10/29/23)

  • 854 users on Michigan’s “Get on the Map”
  • 2,445 acres planted
  • 14th place ranking by state

We are working to provide statistics by MGC Districts starting in 2024. This will include all users so talk to your neighbors about “Getting on the Map” at Homegrown National Park.

READY TO GET ON THE MAP? Click here...

Contact Sue Bailey [email protected], Resource for Homegrown National Park.

Blue and Gold Star Marker Price Increase

New prices are :

Highway & Memorial Markers with 7' post $2,350

Highway & Memorial Markers with 10' post $2,460

By-way Markers $ 750

This price increase becomes effective JANUARY 1, 2024.  

Questions contact Trish Payne, MGC Blue and Gold Star Chair - [email protected]


Loda Lake Update

Heather Palmer [email protected] our MGC Loda Lake Chair enjoyed the fall colors at her recent visit to Loda Lake. She sent this picture to share with everyone.

Thank you to the following donors for your support of this long-loved project:

  • Grand Ledge Garden Club a donation as an honorarium for Dess Johnson
  • Lakeshore GC
  • Spirit of the Woods Garden Club
  • Mason Sycamore Creek Garden Club
  • Sweetwater Evening Garden Club
  • Garden Club of Greater Lansing

Dear Garden Club Members,

You know how every summer, members show up at meetings carrying bags of tomatoes, zucchini, squash, apples and pears saying, "would anyone like some veggies?"

Wouldn’t it be great for your club to plan ahead and donate all that extra produce to those in need from your own gardens and the community gardens the club maintains? 

LEARN April 8, 2024, MGC Member Meeting “Gardening with Purpose”. Presentation by Kelly McClelland, MSU-E Community Food Systems Educator. Read more...

The Initiative is chaired by Deborah Glasstetter. [email protected]

Club News

Congratulations to Pentwater Garden Club!!

Club Best Practices

MGC Award Winner

A Modified Club Approach to Sustain Active Involvement of Aging Membership

Club President Pat Lajko stated “We wanted to do something for the community that all of our members could participate in; maintaining community gardens was becoming a challenge for many of our long-time members". Read more...

Share your club’s best practice and be eligible to receive $50! Complete an award application: 2023-2025 MGC President’s Award (

Juniper Garden Club

A Best Practices Community Partnership with Youth!

Many years ago, Juniper Garden Club was working on developing a scholarship program. Most of the options put our money in a pool of money with other organizations. None of these students pursued degrees in any form of horticulture. 


Dee Lynch came up with the idea of having a high school student become an apprentice with a retail garden center or landscape business. The first student worked from seed to sale of plants with Cyman Gardens out of Bellaire MI. More students wanted to get involved. Dee went looking for land for a garden with the requirements of the availability of water and fencing to keep critters out of the garden. Read more...

Submitted by Gloria Kilian, President Juniper Garden Club

Meridian Garden Club

Community Outreach Project


Meridian Garden Club, District 2B, would like to share our new community outreach project which we initiated in April 2023 and encourage other clubs to emulate. It involves sharing our love of making flower bouquets with residents at nearby Ingham County Medical Care Facility on Dobie Rd in Okemos. We work as volunteers with Cassie Weston, Life Enrichment Manager, making bouquets with 15-20 residents on the second Monday of each month.


Many of these residents enjoyed gardens of their own when they lived independently. They are enthusiastic about picking their favorite flowers and creating bouquets to take back to their rooms. Okemos Kroger generously supplies tubs of beautiful “past sale” flowers from their floral department.

We supply vases from the Dollar Store and recycle sources. Fourteen club members joined the committee for this heartfelt project. Six members attend each month to retrieve the flowers and to assist with cutting stems, arranging flowers, and chatting happily with the delighted residents. 

Submitted by Jean Goetz, [email protected]

Junior League Gardeners

The Garden Party on Belle Isle

The Garden Party on Belle Isle fundraiser to support the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory was started in 2007 by the Junior League Gardeners in honor of its 75th anniversary. Collaborating with other local eastside Detroit Garden Clubs, the cocktail party was such a success that it was continued by the group of clubs and has been an annual event ever since. The 2023 Garden Party on Belle Isle is a request to please consider a donation towards the needed plant material to replace those lost to construction. To donate: Go online to to make your gift, again noting it is for the Garden Party. Or mail your check payable to Belle Isle Conservancy to:

to Belle Isle Conservancy to:

Garden Party on Belle Isle

Belle Isle Conservancy

300 River Place Drive, Suite 2800

Detroit, MI 48207

Submitted by Robin Heller

Conservatory Construction Phase 2:

Junior League Gardeners Facebook Page

Gardening & Environment

Winter Sowing!

Winter sowing is the process of starting seeds outdoors in containers during the winter months. The containers, which act as mini greenhouses, stay outside until the seedlings emerge in the spring. The cold temperatures break dormancy and allow the seeds to germinate. Just about anything except tropical plants can be winter-sown: Vegetables, perennials, wildflowers, and most annuals.


Supplies needed are clear or translucent containers, such as gallon milk jugs, juice bottles, etc., plain potting soil with no additives, and your choice of seeds. No need for shelves, grow lights, or space in your home for all that. Read more...

Submitted by - Pam Cater, MGC Horticultural and Arboricultural Advisor and Tri-Cities Garden Club President, Cindy Van Ittersum.

Saving Seeds!

When you grow vegetables in earnest you might start to notice collections of seeds piling up everywhere. Winter is a great time to sort through your hoards and start planning for next spring. When going through leftover seeds consider which of your treasures you actually enjoyed nibbling on as well as the seeds viability over time. If you have a lot of seeds and enjoy a good countertop science project, you can test the seeds for germination.

While you are going through deciding what to keep, start a list of “have enough” and “get more” on notepaper or in an excel sheet. Whether you keep your seeds neatly organized in a binder or barely contained within a used paper bag on top of a bookshelf - store them in a cool, dark, dry location. Moisture is the enemy. Used silica gel packets work nicely, or a little mesh pouch of dry rice. Read more...

Catherine Brennan, MGC Vegetable & Foodscape Gardening Advisor

Got Leftovers?

Did you know food production is the biggest stress to biodiversity through habitat destruction and nutrient pollution? 

Did you know that food waste in landfills contributes to methane production that is a greenhouse gas?

Food waste is defined as food grown for human consumption but is not eaten. Homes and restaurants account for the lion’s share of all food waste generated. 

What is Michigan doing about it?

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is working on a roadmap to decrease food waste in Michigan. It focuses on removing barriers and making recommendations to reduce food waste. There is a Michigan Sustainability Conference (MISCON) at the end of October that will offer education on how municipalities can include food waste reduction in planning. 

What can you do about it?

Just like municipalities and businesses, you need a plan.  

Ellen Herring, MGC Environmental Issues Co-Resource & Lakeshore GC President

10 Tips and Tricks to Help Reduce Food Waste at Home

Click Here

Organizational News

NGC Schools Update

Each of the School Chairs and Committee Chairs forming the education team have been working hard to produce a courses in 2024. Environmental, Flower Show and Landscape Design Schools,

Symposium and Bi Refresher are on the MGC 2024 calendar. If your credentials as a School Consultant or Judge expire in 2024 there are many opportunities for you to refresh. Check your expiration date on the MGC, Inc., website in the Member Resources area. School brochures are posted on the website 8-10 weeks prior to each event. 

MAAJ members have been busy assisting with Flower Show School (FSS) in Ann Arbor acting as the local chair, proctor, master panel judge or submitting a design. The Jean Moran Award will be given to the MGC member who receives the highest score on the FSS test. [See more about FSS in later article.]

There were 30 attendees for Day of Sharing. Planning for the Symposium continues. It is scheduled in August 2024. 


Denise Clegg, MGC Third Vice-President, Schools & Education and Gardening School Chair [email protected]

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Michigan Consultants Council Update


The Consultants judged many Garden Walk and Environmental Award nominations again this year for the award of $150 in each club size (S, M, L). This was the first year the Council has judged the Environmental Award of Merit and several clubs applied. 

The Council is helping with identifying speakers and participating in the Bi-Refresher being held on February 27-28, 2024, with focus on Landscape Design and Gardening.

For the MGC Annual Conference in June 2024, we are sponsoring the luncheon keynote speaker, Dr. Alan Steinman. He is a champion in the protection, conservation and restoration of the quality of the nation’s waters, and was honored with an Award of Excellence from National Garden Clubs Inc.

We welcomed Virginia Froehlich as the MCC District 1 Representative.

Nancy Stark, MGC Consultants Council Chair [email protected]

Flower Show School

Course 2 will be held April 5-7, 2024 again in Ann Arbor studying bulbous flowers and potted herbs tentatively with Darlene Newell and design with Frances Thrash. The remaining courses will be October 10-12, 2024 and April 3-5, 2025.

Members and non-members may attend and can attend without having attended Course 1. Current judges may refresh by taking courses 3 or 4.

Carol Brodbeck, MGC Flower Show School State Chair [email protected]

Life Achiever

by Virginia Froehlich,

MGC Life Member Achievement Award Chair

Ana Vincenti has been an active member of the River Valley Garden Club since 2004, not an easy feat because she and her husband have spent half of each year in her home country of Argentina. But in 2012, along with their son Sebastian, a knowledgeable web designer, Ana found a way to participate long distance.


Both Ana and her son gave freely of their time and talent to develop a Club website, and diligently updated the site monthly with information for members. The site has been a gateway to introduce the Club to potential members, helping to grow the membership from 36 to 89 members and garnering several website awards along the way. Read more...

Life Member Achievement

Award Update

Please join me in congratulating these individuals who recently received Life Member Achievement Awards:


  • Karen Bixby, Shoreline Garden Club
  • Lori Mugford, Grand Ledge Garden Club, Inc.
  • Terri Saltsman, Tri-Cities Garden Club, Inc.
  • Diane Sanderson, Grand Ledge Garden Club, Inc.
  • Linda Stephas, Shoreline Garden Club
  • Ana Vincenti, River Valley Garden Club, Inc.

You can become a new Life Member today or give a gift membership to any individual member. It is a wonderful way to recognize long standing members or members who have made significant contributions to help the club.

Click here to get started - Life Member Achievement Award . Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for the request to be processed and the LMAA packet to be mailed.

For assistance in obtaining an MGC LMAA or a National Life Membership please contact

Virginia Froehlich, Chair [email protected]

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NGC Grants

One of the benefits of belonging to the Michigan Garden Clubs is the opportunity to apply for and receive grants to fund projects that your club has identified within your community from both Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Here is a list of the National Garden Clubs Grants:

  • Plant America Community Project 
  • Ames Tools Grant 
  • Natural Disaster Grant 
  • Native Plant and Wildflower Education Grant 
  • Youth Pollinator Garden Grants 
  • Espoma Products Grant 

For application forms, details and deadlines go to: National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Please consider applying for a grant for your next project.

Pat Kelly, MGC Grants Administrator [email protected]

MGC Grow and Share Grant Update

Listed below are the Michigan Garden Club Grow & Share Grants recipients for 2023. Plant America & Share Small Grant Program Application, Guidelines, Directions, and final report forms are available in the member area under Club Grant Programs in the Member Area Please consider applying for a grant for your next project.

2023-2024 MGC Scholarship

The MGC Scholarship season is underway! 

Agents across the state are working with all the public universities on our MGC General Scholarships as well as our Named Scholarships. Thank you to all of the contributors listed below from August 1, 2023, through October 31, 2023. We have now raised a total of $12,459.00 toward our goal of $18,000! We are over halfway there!

Karin Maupin, Scholarship Chair

[email protected]

District 2B

Brighton Michigan Garden Club        

DeWitt Millennium Garden Club               

The Garden Club of Greater Lansing            

Grand Ledge Garden Club                     

Mason Sycamore Creek Garden Club           

District 3A

Grow & Show Garden Club                    

Kalamazoo Garden Council                    

Landscapers Garden Club       

District 4

West MI Flower Arrangers Guild                      

District 5

Mason County Garden Club               

Petoskey Area Garden Club        

Spirit of the Woods Garden Club              

Sweetwater Evening Garden Club

District 6

Chemical City Garden Club

Mt. Pleasant Garden Club, Inc.            

Individual Contributors

Don and Debra Seeley

Mr. James W. Lauderdale

Mr. and Mrs. Almario Garaza

Ms. Deborah Sullivan

What Does a Club Do When a Speaker Cancels?

1.    Go to the Member Meeting Library on the MGC Website.

2.    Open the Catalog and Find a Member Meeting Topic.

3.    Follow the Instructions Provided to Play the Tape at the Meeting!

Dionna Guy - MGC D2B Brighton Garden Club President can attest as she used this for her September Club meeting when the speaker cancelled at the last minute.

What Does a Club Do When Snow Birds are Out of State?

1.    Schedule your Meeting using your MGC District Director’s Zoom Account.

2.    Go to the Member Meeting Library on the MGC Website.

3.    Open the Catalog and Pick Your Member Meeting Topic.

4.    Play the .MP4 file directly from the website.

5.    Bring your snowbirds and your diehard Michiganders together for a club meeting!


Saline Stone and Thistle Garden Club uses the D2A ZOOM account all winter long!

Newsletter Submission Request

We hope you are enjoying our new digital format of Thru the Garden Gate. It has been quite a change for us as well as our readers.

To help us out please keep your news “short and snappy” for our readers enjoyment. Try to limit the number of words in your article to no more than 400. Hey, we know it will sometimes be difficult, however your efforts will cut down on our editing out something you feel is important.

We look forward to receiving your quarterly submissions and can't wait to hear from many of you again! View our requirements here

Thank you!

From your Newsletter Editoral Team - Carol Lauffer, Terry Such, and Nancy Ryan