May 2023

Awards Nomination

Deadline is Tomorrow

Superintendent of the Year

Student Scholarships

Assistant Superintendent of the Year

MGSA Superintendent of the Year

Do you have a friend or colleague that has done something amazing for the industry? Nominate them for the MGSA Superintendent of the Year award today.

Find the MGSA Superintendent of the Year nomination information here.

Introducing the MGSA

Assistant Superintendent of the Year Award

The Board has created the Assistant Superintendent of the Year to recognize some of the awesome Assistant Superintendents in our province. This is the opportunity to recognize an assistant who has demonstrated leadership and dedication or new ideas that they've brought to the facility.

Nominate an assistant today. Full nomination form here.

MGSA Student Scholarships

Students are the future! Make sure the students in your lives know about the MGSA Scholarships. Scholarships are available for those who are currently studying turfgrass or equipment management at a post secondary institution. There is also the opportunity for MGSA members children or grandchildren enrolled in post secondary education to apply for an MGSA Scholarship as well.

Full details and application found here.

DEADLINE for award submissions is

December 15, 2023

Contact Info
Please note our mailing address:
Manitoba Golf Superintendents Association
2605 Summerville Court Unit #A2082
Mississauga ON L4X 0A2
tel: 1-800-387-1056
Visit our Website
Manitoba Golf Superintendents Association | 2605 Summerville Court, Unit #A2082 | MISSISSAUGA ON | L4X 0A2 | 1-800-387-1056 |