May 5, 2017
Time to Say Thanks
Next week, concurrent celebrations offer a ripe opportunity to recognize the people and places responsible for providing healing and hope to more than 6 million Marylanders.
National Nurses Week kicks off May 6 with its theme, "Nursing: the Balance of Mind, Body and Spirit," focusing not only on how nurses promote the well-being of patients, but also on how to nurture the mental and physical health of nurses. The American Nurses Association has several resources to help your organization celebrate the caregivers who make up the backbone of hospitals, including: a logo library, a resource toolkit, and a May 10 webinar: "A Nurse's Guide to Preventing Compassion Fatigue, Moral Distress, and Burnout."
The following day, on May 7, the American Hospital Association kicks off National Hospital Week, during which hospital leaders can celebrate the women and men who support community health. This year's theme, "The Healing Heart of Healthcare" recognizes those who work so hard to make sure the people they serve receive compassionate, professional care. There are several ways to participate:  
  • Share AHA's "Thank You" video with your staff and community
  • Use the #HospitalWeek hashtag in your promotions online and in print
  • Join AHA's My Hospital campaign to help celebrate the contributions your hospital brings to the community
  • Change your profile picture on social media accounts to the hospital "H"
MHA wants to help. As you share the many inspirational stories from your organization during these two celebrations, be sure to drop us a note (send them to Dana Bonistalli at We'll pass them along through our social media outlets to help spread the word about all the good work you are doing.
National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week shine a spotlight on the people and places that your communities rely on during some of the most challenging moments in their lives. It is a brief but valuable glimpse into the day-in and day-out dedication of those who make hospitals such very special places.
If we're being truthful, all these folks should be honored whenever hospitals are open: 24/7, 365 days a year.

Hospital Teams Hear from CMMI, HSCRC on Care Redesign
Earlier this week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released to hospitals the final documents for the first two care redesign program tracks: the Hospital Care Improvement Program (HCIP) and the Complex and Chronic Care Improvement Program (CCIP). The programs, which will launch July 1, will allow hospitals to access comprehensive Medicare data and share resources and incentives with care partners.
On Thursday at MHA's offices in Elkridge, hospital representatives heard directly from Willem Daniel of the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation as well as HSCRC Executive Director Donna Kinzer and Principal Deputy Director Chris Peterson on their expectations for program participation, oversight and monitoring as well as to answer implementation questions. A recording of that meeting and material can be found here.
Hospitals interested in participating in the first performance period from July 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, must sign the Participation Agreement and Implementation Protocol by June 1. The second performance period will run from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. For questions regarding the care redesign programs contact Nicole Stallings at 410-540-5069.
Medicaid Begins Review of EHR Incentive Program
Maryland Medicaid has started reconciling payments to hospitals under the Medicaid Electronic Health Records Incentive Program. In 2016, Medicaid announced changes to EHR incentive payment calculations related to lengths of stay and accounting of rehabilitation and psychiatric services. The changes are: the discharge date is now added to the length of stay calculation to result in net gain of one day eligible for incentive payments, and Medicaid has shifted from using the "nature of admission" variable to the "major service" variable to more accurately exclude rehabilitation and psychiatric services per CMS guidance, which may result in a net loss of days eligible for incentive payments - particularly for psychiatric services. Medicaid is staggering the reconciliation process, starting with hospitals that are in their fourth and final year of the EHR incentive program. As part of the process, Medicaid is asking hospitals to perform their own analyses of days eligible for EHR incentive payments. If you have questions, contact Maansi Raswant
Register Now for MHA's Annual Membership Meeting
MHA's 2017 Annual Membership Meeting will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel Baltimore on June 12 and 13 and is designed for senior leaders of Maryland's hospitals, including CEOs, trustees, chief medical officers, chief nursing officers and others. Invitations have been mailed.  
This year's theme - Transformation - captures the tremendous change at your organization, as well as the political and policy changes we are seeing at the state and national levels. Hospitals are driving change, especially in Maryland - from volume to value, from fee-for-service to global budgets. Are we still on the right road? Will health care take a national detour?
The meeting begins on Monday evening June 12 with a reception, as we celebrate the important work underway to transform health care in Maryland. We will recognize the elected officials and hospital leaders who have gone above and beyond in that effort.
If you need to book an overnight stay at the Four Seasons, the deadline for our block of rooms and the special MHA discount rate is Friday, May 12. They are going fast, so don't miss out.
Click here to view the annual meeting brochure and click here to register.
Contact: Kathy Gotwalt
Twitter Chat to Promote National Hospital Week
The American Hospital Association and the American Organization of Nurse Executives are working together to promote National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week. One new feature of the promotion this year is a Twitter chat scheduled for Thursday, May 11 at 11 a.m. The goal is to honor and discuss the many ways that hospital employees are helping hospitals change and advance health in America. To prepare, here are the questions that will be asked during the chat:  
  • What are some ways your hospital is working to advance health in the community?
  • What is your favorite program run by your community hospital; e.g.: Farmers market, health clinic, etc.?
  • How does new technology help coordinate patient care, both through inside and outside collaboration?
  • How is the hospital work force helping to reshape the way we provide patient care?
  • What are some ways that hospital employees are helping to provide quality patient care?
  • What's the most important leadership skill needed for #nurses and #nurseleaders?
  • As patient care is moving outside hospital, how are nurses working to connect inside and outside the care setting?
  • Mentoring future leaders to take on leadership roles is important, but how do you find the time for mentoring?
  • What is your hospital doing to celebrate nurses and all staff this week?
$100K Available to Treat Opioid Misuse
The Maryland Health Care Commission will award up to $100,000 to help one or more qualified entities use mobile health (mHealth) technology to support opioid treatment. Applications are due to the commission by 5 p.m. May 30. The grant announcement is available on the MHCC website. Responses must include a 1:1 financial match, and funds will be disbursed based on the grantee achieving defined milestones. The commission would like potential applicants to submit a notice of interest to Justine Springer at by May 8. To help applicants with questions, there will be a technical assistance session May 12 from noon to 1 p.m. Information regarding on that session will be posted on the MHCC website.
Novitas Offers Medicare Symposium
Novitas Solutions is offering four in-person educational events (15 classes) for Part A and Part B Medicare providers to highlight the tools and information needed to avoid billing pitfalls and remain compliant with the Medicare program. The dates and locations are May 9 in Camp Hill, Pa., May 11 in Monroeville, Pa., June 13 in Pikesville, Md., and June 15 in Breinigsville, Pa. Details on this free symposium can be found on Novitas' website
Stage 3 Meaningful Use Registration Being Accepted
The Centers for Disease Control's National Center for Health Statistics is accepting registration from eligible clinicians, professionals, and hospitals indicating their intent to submit data to the National Health Care Surveys as part of the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System and the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs (meaningful use). You may attest to Objective 8 - Public Health and Clinical Data Registry Reporting, Measure 4 for meaningful Stage 3. The National Health Care Surveys are designed to answer key questions of interest to health care policy makers, public health professionals, and researchers. The surveys are nationally representative and provider-based. Consequently, trends in the types of care delivered in each setting can be monitored in an objective and reliable manner and can be examined in relation to characteristics of providers, patients, and clinical management of patients' care. Please see the updated National Health Care Surveys Declaration of Readiness here. Interested parties can register their intent to submit data by emailing more information, please visit the CDC Meaningful Use website.
Retaining Good Employees
Every year, Forbes publishes a list of 10 notable workplace trends for the coming year. For 2017, all of the trends focused on "employees," with the emphasis on how to recruit and retain the best.

Prime Offers Guaranteed Savings on Biomedical and Diagnostic Imaging Service Costs
Are you looking for an approach to technology that fixes not just medical equipment, but the workflow and inventory management challenges health care organizations face?

Hospitals Against Violence Webinar May 10 on Behavioral Health and Safety Teams
The AHA's Hospitals Against Violence initiative will host a May 10 webinar on how hospitals are using behavioral health rapid response and safety teams to address violence .

Wednesday, May 10
MHA Statewide Membership Meeting with Health Services Cost Review Commission Leaders,
  for CEOs, COOs and CFOs
Health Services Cost Review Commission meeting

Thursday, May 11
MHA Financial Technical Work Group meeting
The JAMA Network, By Jennifer Abbasi, April 27
The Baltimore Sun, By Tim Prudente, April 28
Baltimore Business Journal, By Morgan Eichensehr, May 1
The Frederick News-Post, By Kate Masters, May 1
The Baltimore Sun, By Meredith Cohn, May 2
The Baltimore Sun, By Meredith Cohn, May 2
Baltimore Business Journal, By Jonathan Munshaw, May 3
Hospitals & Health Networks, By Marty Stempniak, May 4