MHDD February 2021 Newsletter

Did you know that our website houses resources created by us, and curated content from other great sources? Every month we work hard to collect and create new content to help YOU! We now offer content in both English and Spanish. Check out the latest highlights below, and find more on our website. Visit us on social media, and please share with anyone who you think would benefit!


Project Management Team
Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities National Training Center
Upcoming MHDD Webinars
MHDD Digital Storytelling Series
MHDD's digital storytelling series highlights the lived experience of individuals with mental health conditions and developmental disabilities. We produce these episodes in both English and Spanish, and are continually looking for individuals to share their stories with us.
Consuelo's Story

Are you someone living with a developmental disability and a mental health condition? Do you have experience with providers in the field of mental health services or supports? Whatever your experience, we think it's important to amplify your voice and share your story.

MHDD's mission is to improve mental health services and supports for people living with developmental disabilities. One way we do this is through sharing stories of people living with mental health conditions and developmental disabilities with our partners, providers, individuals, and families.

We would like to hear your story and your unique experiences. We want you to share your thoughts in a way that makes you feel comfortable and heard. We want to hear your positive or negative experiences. We won't press you about things you don't want to discuss.

If you are interested in participating in our storytelling series, please contact us through any of our platforms or the link below. Your story is important to us, and it may be featured on our website and social media pages for others to enjoy and share. We are also able to provide a stipend for your time.
¿Es usted una persona que vive con una discapacidad del desarrollo y una condición de salud mental? ¿Tiene experiencia con proveedores en relación a servicios o apoyos de salud mental? Cualquiera que sea su experiencia, creemos que es importante amplificar su voz y compartir su historia.

La misión de MHDD es mejorar los servicios y apoyos de salud mental para las personas que viven con discapacidades del desarrollo. Una forma de hacerlo es compartiendo con nuestros socios, proveedores, individuos y familias, las historias de personas que viven con afecciones de salud mental y discapacidades del desarrollo.

Nos gustaría escuchar su historia y sus experiencias únicas. Queremos que comparta sus pensamientos de una manera que lo haga sentir cómodo y escuchado. Queremos escuchar sus experiencias positivas o negativas. No le presionaremos sobre cosas de las que no quiera hablar.

Si está interesado en participar en nuestra serie de narraciones, contáctenos a través de cualquiera de nuestras plataformas o el enlace (link) que está a continuación. Su historia es importante para nosotros y puede aparecer en nuestro sitio web y páginas de redes sociales para que otros la disfruten y la compartan. También podremos proporcionarle un estipendio por su tiempo.
MHDD Training Module

A thorough assessment is necessary for an accurate mental health diagnosis and to develop an effective treatment plan. The biopsychosocial model provides a helpful framework for assessing people with developmental disabilities. The biopsychosocial model considers the biological, psychological, and social factors influencing a person’s physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. 

This module provides information about the assessment process for people with developmental disabilities, including modifications and special considerations. This module’s overall goal is to give mental health providers the knowledge to offer assessments and diagnoses to people with developmental disabilities.
MHDD Fact Sheets
Mental Health Crossroads Podcast

In this episode we interview Sue Reeves, the director of the Aggies Elevated program. Aggies Elevated is a federally designated Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) at Utah State University that offers a two-year certificate in Integrated College and Community Studies for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Recently, Sue was awarded a grant to set up a new CTP program at Utah Valley University. She discusses how these programs help students with intellectual disabilities manage their mental health and develop skills needed to graduate college and transition into the workforce.
The Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities National Training Center (MHDD-NTC) is funded by the Administration for Community Living through funding opportunity number HHS-2018-ACL-AOD-DDTI-0305.
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