The Commission recognized the efforts of several individuals for their longstanding work and support of military families and students. Chair Laura Anastasio presented special recognition awards to Marcus Beauregard, Chuck Clymer, and Nicole Russell; and leadership awards to former Treasurer, Craig Neuenswander of Kansas, and former Compliance Committee Chair, Daron Korte of Minnesota.
Beauregard recently retired after a 46 year career in active-duty and civilian service, and is considered the 'founding father' of the Commission. As the Director of the Defense State Liaison Office, he was instrumental in the development of the Compact. His team worked tirelessly with the Council of State Governments' National Center for Interstate Compacts and other stakeholders to develop the model compact statute adopted by the 50 states and District of Columbia.
Ms. Nicole Russell was the Ex-Officio Representative from the National Military Family Association, and is currently the Executive Director of the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools. As the Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs, she was a valued liaison, providing expertise and guidance on military education related matters.
The Norman Arflack Leadership award was presented to Kansas Commissioner Craig Neuenswander and Minnesota Commissioner Daron Korte. Neuenswander was recognized for three years of service as the Treasurer of the Commission, and Korte was recognized for four years of service as the Compliance Chair. Both are seasoned members of the Commission and continue to serve in their appointed state capacities.