Volume 5, Issue 10

October 2022

Louisiana Hosts 2022 Annual Business Meeting

On October 19-20, the Commission held its 2022 Annual Business Meeting (ABM) in Baton Rouge hosted by Vice Chair and Louisiana Commissioner Ernise Singleton.  

The Commission approved the development of a legislative toolkit for member states who wish to pursue similar legislative coverage for dependents of the National Guard and Reserve beyond those covered under Title 10 active-duty status. A second measure was approved to provide administrative and legislative support for interested member states to correct the Compact citation statue (Chapter 100 SEC.1.101 b).

The Commission also featured a military teen group, Bloom, that shared their perspective on educational transitions and provided an overview of the results from the Military Teen Experience survey administered in conjunction with the National Military Family Association (NMFA). A second panel on school perspectives by military-connected district superintendents, a principal, and school liaison will discuss challenges and best practices on supporting military families.

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Special Recognition and Awards

The Commission recognized the efforts of several individuals for their longstanding work and support of military families and students. Chair Laura Anastasio presented special recognition awards to Marcus Beauregard, Chuck Clymer, and Nicole Russell; and leadership awards to former Treasurer, Craig Neuenswander of Kansas, and former Compliance Committee Chair, Daron Korte of Minnesota.

Beauregard recently retired after a 46 year career in active-duty and civilian service, and is considered the 'founding father' of the Commission. As the Director of the Defense State Liaison Office, he was instrumental in the development of the Compact. His team worked tirelessly with the Council of State Governments' National Center for Interstate Compacts and other stakeholders to develop the model compact statute adopted by the 50 states and District of Columbia. 


Ms. Nicole Russell was the Ex-Officio Representative from the National Military Family Association, and is currently the Executive Director of the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools. As the Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs, she was a valued liaison, providing expertise and guidance on military education related matters.


The Norman Arflack Leadership award was presented to Kansas Commissioner Craig Neuenswander and Minnesota Commissioner Daron Korte. Neuenswander was recognized for three years of service as the Treasurer of the Commission, and Korte was recognized for four years of service as the Compliance Chair. Both are seasoned members of the Commission and continue to serve in their appointed state capacities.

New USDOD Service Provider Resource: OneOp 

OneOp is a free and a virtual professional development platform for service providers working with military families. OneOp offers high-quality, research-based, multidisciplinary resources created in collaboration with the Defense Department and university subject matter experts. OneOp identifies and shares promising practices, research- and evidence-based information, educational materials and programming efforts. Continuing education credits are offered free of charge and span a wide variety of subject areas and credentialing agencies.

Sign up for their newsletters and/or weekly digests for more information; and promote their resources and training/webinars to your stakeholders.

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MIC3 Highlighted At NAFIS and MISA Conference

Chair Laura Anastasio and Executive Director Cherise Imai recently attended the Military Impacted Schools Association's biannual breakfast meeting during the National Association for Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS) conference in Washington DC. Executive Director Kyle Fairbairn provided information on related issues in preparation for their meetings on Capitol Hill.

Military education organizations briefed on their activities - and Anastasio spoke on MIC3. Attendees included district superintendents, staff, and local board of education representatives. The National Military Family Association Caitlin Hamon; and the Military Child Education Coalition Dr. Rebecca Porter referenced the Commission in their presentations, and US Department of Education Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten and Faatimah Muhammad of the ED Impact Aid Program highlighted the Commission in their updates to the NAFIS membership.

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Supreme Court Reaches Decision in Case Involving Public Prayer


In June, the United States Supreme Court reached a decision in the case related to a football coach praying after a game – a case that has generated national interest of leaders in high school athletics.

Joseph Kennedy, a high school football coach, engaged in prayer with a number of students during and after school football games. His employer, the Bremerton (Washington) School District, in two letters sent to him in September and October of 2015, asked that he discontinue the practice in order to protect the school from a lawsuit based on violation of the Establishment Clause.

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  • Leadership Nomination - Monday, November 14, 1:00 PM ET
  • Finance - Wednesday, November 16, 11:00 AM ET


  • Compact 101 Training Wednesday, November 2, 3:00 PM ET - register here
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