Volume 5, Issue 9

September 2022

Compact Training Raises Awareness

to Support Military Students

This year marks 15 years of ensuring “successful educational transitions” for military-connected students. The Compact’s purpose is to replace the widely varying state education policies affecting military children; and leverage consistency to keep students on grade level and on track to graduate. To achieve this goal, building awareness of the Compact with schools is crucial.


Since 2018, the Commission has partnered with the Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) to host training in school districts. While the COVID-19 pandemic postponed in-person training efforts, it’s anticipated to resume this year. “We’re excited to get back into schools,” said Kyle Fairbairn, MISA’s Executive Director, “the front office staff, registrars, counselors, and school leaders need to know how the Compact helps students.”

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Get to know your School Liaisons

PCS’ing to a different school district? School Liaisons are the primary point of contact for any information involving school-related questions with a primary goal to guide military children towards a successful future.

“The earlier we can get involved, the easier the process is,” said Chris Hendrix, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic regional school liaison. “As soon as you receive your orders to a new duty station, contacting your school liaison will allow for a smooth take off and a soft landing.”

School liaisons facilitate a number of processes to include inbound or outbound school transfers, locating school boundaries, special education resources and processes, home schooling support, and preparing for college and scholarship information.

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DC to require students 12 and older to be vaccinated against COVID-19 this fall

Students over the age of 12 will be required to receive COVID-19 vaccines this fall in Washington, D.C., the district's Office of the State Superintendent of Education has announced.

"We want to make sure that all of our students have everything they need for a healthy start to the school year," State Superintendent of Education Dr. Christina Grant said in a statement on Tuesday. "This means making sure children see their primary medical provider for a well-child visit and receive all needed immunizations."

Beginning this fall, for the 2022-23 school year, student vaccine requirements will include the COVID-19 vaccine for all students for whom there is a federally, fully approved COVID-19 vaccine.  DC School COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate FAQ

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NFHS Releases First High School Sports Participation Survey in Three Years

After collection of sports participation data was interrupted the previous two years by the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) was able to compile its High School Athletics Participation Survey for the 2021-22 school year – its first official report since 2018-19.

Although the total of 7,618,054 participants in 2021-22 is down four percent from the 2018-19 figure of 7,937,491, high school sports are on the road back after schools in many states were unable to offer programs in normal fashion during portions of the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years.

The 2021-22 total is composed of 4,376,582 boys and 3,241,472 girls, according to figures obtained from the 51 NFHS member state associations, which includes the District of Columbia.

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  • Ex-officio - Thursday, October 6, 1:00 PM ET
  • Executive - Thursday, October 13, 11:00 AM ET
  • Leadership Nomination - Monday, November 14, 1:00 PM ET
  • Finance - Wednesday, November 16, 11:00 AM ET


  • Compact 101 Training Thursday, October 26, 10:00 AM ET - register here
  • Annual Business Meeting October 19-20 - register here
  • OneOp Webinar: Navigating Deployment: Strategies to Help Military Families - Wednesday, 28 September, 11 AM ET - register here
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