January 4, 2021

Good Afternoon MICC Students and Families, 

Happy 2021! We hope everyone is having a fun and safe holiday break. This is a reminder of the proactive strategies MICC has setup up to create the safest return possible next week.  

Below you will find our return to campus guidelines regarding testing and travel precautions. If you have any specific questions related to your student's travel needs, please reach out to your assigned advisor.  

Return to campus on or after January 10, 2021:  
  1. Students must test negative for COVID-19 prior to returning to campus. Test results need to be emailed to: Returndocuments@miccommunity.net 
  2. If a student has not received a negative COVID-19 test result by January 10, they will participate in distance learning until they are able to submit their test result. MICC is prepared to support a staggered return.
  3. Please submit return Travel Plans to us using this form here. If plans are altered please update it as needed.
  4. Students and families are responsible for obtaining medication refills prior to return. Students should return to campus with a filled pillbox. 
  5. Out of State Travel: 
  • If a student is traveling internationally during the break, the advisor will work with the student on a return date that supports the CDC guidelines on post-international travel quarantining and testing. 
  • Students who travel out of state through indirect travel (plane, bus, train, etc.) will be asked to quarantine for 10-days upon return to campus. 

Steps for a safe return to campus: 
  • Take a COVID-19 test on 1/5/2021 or after to receive results prior to returning from break. 
  • Students are encouraged to quarantine for at least one week prior to returning to campus, if possible. If not possible, students are encouraged to minimize community contact for one week prior to campus return. 
  • Students are encouraged to complete daily symptom and temperature checks in the two weeks prior to returning to campus. Students should not return to campus if they are exhibiting any possible COVID-19 symptoms. 

The first week back on-campus students will participate in virtual classes to decrease exposure risks. After the first week, we will transition to in-person learning on Tuesday 1/19/2021. 

What you can expect from MICC Staff:  

January 10- January 18
  • Instructors will teach all classes virtually to support a staggered student return to support safety
  • Limited Student Center hours will be established to decrease exposure risks
  • Social activities and spaces will have a reduced number of participants, virtual offerings will increase, and MICC will only be offering on-campus activities  
  • Assistance in ordering groceries  
  • Virtual advisor and job developer check-ins with option of in-person in special circumstances  
  • Internet access through hotspots for virtual classes  
  • Increased symptom monitoring and temperature checks will occur upon return to campus  
  • Monday, January 18th MICC is closed for Martin Luther King Day. Student classes are canceled and social engagement offerings will be available to all students
  • January 19th students transition back to in-person instruction  
What MICC expects from the student:  
  • Students will be highly encouraged to minimize community contact and only go off-campus for essential errands 
  • Students will be encouraged to socialize with a reduced group of roommates and peers  
  • Daily symptom monitoring 
  • Wear a mask even in private social settings and wear a mask during times when unable to keep at least 6 feet between peers who don’t live in the same household/apartment 
  • Follow MICC's Preparedness Plan 
  • MICC is not allowing visitors. Visitors/family members will be asked to refrain from visiting their student or students going home. 
  • Students should make sure to bring their technology/chargers back to campus to participate in virtual learning.  
Thank you for your on going partnership in keeping our community safe. 

Anna Hilfers  
Director of College Programs  
Sarah Arentson   
Director of Careers Programs
Testing Resources
Currently, the state of Minnesota is offering free, at-home saliva tests for residents. These tests can be ordered using the link below. We have also provided links for testing in states we know current students are from. 
To request tests in Minnesota click, here