November 13, 2020
Hello MICC Students and Families,
Throughout the pandemic, we have worked hard to ensure a safe learning and working environment for students and staff. Because of our proactive measures, we have had 0 positive COVID cases among students. As we approach the upcoming holiday travel season, we are committed to taking steps to keep our MICC College campus a safe place.
As you know, the COVID-19 case numbers have continued to rise locally and nationally. We are monitoring our program delivery scenarios to meet the needs of students while staying aligned with the ever-changing COVID-19 guidelines. At this time, MICC will be open for students to return from Thanksgiving Break for in-person programming; however, we are prepared to move to virtual learning if Governor Walz declares a Stay-at-Home order.
For students and staff to safely be on campus during the three weeks between Thanksgiving break and winter break, we have laid out the best course delivery methods to decrease exposure risks for both students and staff. We will be phasing back in-person instruction in courses that can be facilitated in a virtual environment to ensure that we keep campus safe during this busy travel period when exposure is at its highest risk.
The campus wide adjustments will include:
- Students and staff will be highly discouraged to not go to sit-down restaurants that generate a higher exposure risk
- Visitors/family members will be asked to refrain from visiting their student or students going home during these three weeks
- Social activities and spaces will have a reduced number of participants, virtual offerings will increase, and MICC will only be offering on-campus activities
- Increased symptom monitoring and temperature checks will occur upon return to campus
The specific class adjustments will include:
- Apartment instruction will meet individual needs by instructing students both virtually and in-person
- Grocery shopping will be done through Instacart with instructors for students that are not already independently shopping
- The Advisory team will be on-campus, but sessions will be conducted through Google Meet unless in-person supports are required
- Exercise courses will be offered virtually or will be meeting exclusively in outdoor spaces
- Careers certificate students will move to virtual practicum courses and activities during the first week back
We understand that every family is doing their best to navigate the pandemic. We respect that families have varying health needs to address as they make decisions on how to best care for their family during this holiday season. We are prepared to accommodate students and families with significant concerns about a safe return to campus. We would like to gather your student's plans regarding post Thanksgiving break. Please complete the form by clicking here, no later than Monday, November 16 at 5:00pm.
We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone. With pro-active safety measure, we believe we can get through this pandemic safely. We appreciate the support of our participants, families and staff in keeping MICC healthy and safe. Please contact us if you have specific questions or concerns.
Anna Hilfers
Director of College Programs
Sarah Arentson
Director of Careers Programs