MIDI Mockup Examples
CLICK to hear Fantastic MIDI Mockups

Fantastic MIDI Mockups is a compilation of some of the best MIDI mockup talent available. We opened it up to submissions from the entire community for the playlist. We are so happy and are very proud to promote it as well as to congratulate the many composers who participated and secured a spot.

Important note: although many were called, only a few composers were chosen. And it wasn't for lack of submissions. There were many, many submissions. Fantastic MIDI Mockups is actually only possible when you have the right approaches and attention to detail to make a random blending of sample libraries into a masterpiece that makes helps take your production values through the roof to the next level. 

"...if we balance the playing field so we all have the same 
equipment and audio tools, what then is the tie breaker?"

If composers for games, film, and TV all had the same sample libraries, the same plugins and mastering tools, the same SSDs, same high end computer templates and setups, if the playing field was balanced so we all have the same equipment and audio tools, what then is the tie breaker?     

Minor tweaks = major differences
It's in the writing! 

And if you are using orchestral sample libraries, the tie breaker is most certainly your skill in MIDI Mockup of getting the very best performance out of them. It is also in the sound design, in your arrangement and your orchestration.  

All of this falls under the broad heading of 
MIDI Mockup.

This month, for a limited time, I will be offering limited one-on-one MIDI Mockup coaching sessions to intermediate composers serious about getting their cues to the next level. If you're sick of getting turn downs on your cues, allow me to help. I'll start by dissecting your mockups and identifying problem areas that, when remedied, can make a big difference the next time you submit your music to a music director. 

As a MIDI Mockup Coach, I will directly tell you what music directors won't.  And if you are willing to hear it, I will offer practical suggestions for the existing cue, exercises to do to lock it in, and give listening and mockup assignments to improve your game. 

But please pass if all you're looking for are compliments with no 
intention  to improve. Seasoned composers most likely need not apply.  

But newer composers who are serious about getting to the next level? It may take some soul searching to realize that you need help. If you're interested, you just may want to schedule a consult so I can personally get to know you, listen to your music, and give some pointed and valuable feedback, advice and suggestions -  One-on-One from a music professional. 

Who is this Frederick Russ guy, anyway?

My name is Frederick Russ and I am the owner and founder of VI Control Forum. Since 2004, VI Control has been an audio haven for Game Audio, Film Trailer, Movie & Television Composer professionals and students worldwide with tens of thousands of audio professionals. I am also a composer, producer, arranger, orchestrator and mixing engineer.  Back in 2012, I did a once in a lifetime collaboration with illustrious composer Troels Folmann on Activision's Transformers Fall of Cybertron - scoring, orchestrating, midi mockup, producing, mixing and ultimately mixing the live orchestra for the game. It has won dozens of awards for the game audio as one of the best action soundtracks.

I also scored and produced additional music for the Winter Olympics , composed and produced film advertising trailers for movies such as Brave and Lincoln, composed additional game scores for titles such as on Madden 13. My music has been heard on nearly all the networks including CBS, NBC, Showtime, HBO, PBS, CNN, ESPN and more. I also wrote for Virtual Instruments Magazine where I had my own column called MIDI Mockup Microscope. We would regularly dissect and get tips and techniques from famous composers - information necessary to squeeze out the very best performances that help take your own productions to the next level.  

MIDI Mockup is both an art form and a science. Is it about production values? Absolutely! Is it about getting the audience into a full immersion process?  Yes!   MIDI Mockup is about getting the most realistic performances out of your cues so that audiences of TV & Film and game players alike can really immerse themselves into the experience. Better music and productions means that your music will be in higher demand meaning that you increase your success rate of getting hired. 

There are limitations, of course, in using sample libraries versus working with live players as most seasoned composers know. But there are ways to circumvent those drawbacks in such a way as to really make your mixes work harder for you, for your family ... and for your bank account

Want to improve your cues? Hire a music MIDI Mockup Coach

After our experiment with Fantastic MIDI Mockups and listening to literally hundreds of submissions, I quickly realized that this service is sorely needed. For those willing to learn, it is pure gold. So I am opening the doors to One-on-One MIDI Mockup Coaching for a short time to composers who want to improve. As we progress, we will bring in more MIDI Mockup Coaches, in their A game, who are willing to help you excel at your own game. Sign up today to schedule your consult and coaching session today.

MIDI MOCKUP Coaching Session
is available now for two month subscription of $25 per month. Isn't your work worth it? Once you order, write me directly at 
sanctusangelis (at) yahoo (dot) com so we can schedule for your first session.