In April of 2022 NAVAIR issued a revision to the military specification MIL PRF 131. In the revision MIL- PRF-131L, the Class 2 designation was deleted. Though MIL-PRF-131L has been issued, NAVAIRis allowing a two-year phase out of the Class 2 product which impacts our Marvelseal 1312 (Kraft Foil). On or before April 22, 2024, any markings of material with MIL-PRF-131K Class 2 or Marvelseal 1312 would need to cease in any distribution. Effective September 1, 2023, all new productions of Marvelseal
1312 by ABX will no longer be printed with MIL-PRF-131K Class 2 designation. This will provide sufficient time for ABX Innovative Packaging Solutions and our customers to deplete any existing WIP or finished goods inventory prior to the cut-off date.
Edco Has placed a large final order which hopefully will last until the end of December 2023. After the inventory is depleted, we will stock unprinted versions of this material if customers are allowed to use it. Otherwise, the following materials might be acceptable replacements. Of course, we advise you to confirm with your customers or contracting officials which alternative to use.
- Marvelseal 360 (film foil with nylon reinforcement)
- Marvelseal 585 (Tyvek foil which is also stronger than film foil)
- Cadpak HD100 (7 mil film foil)
All of the attached material spec sheets are available on our website here.
If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at 718-788-8108 or send an email to