Abila MIP User Group Meetings - Register Today!
We'll be covering some great topics at our spring Abila MIP™ user group meetings. Don't miss out - Register now!
Auto-Reversing and Invoice After Voiding a Check - Voiding a check and eliminating the associated invoice from MIP has never been an easy task in MIP. That is - until now.
Finally, a Real Trial Balance - If you've ever tried to generate an MIP trial balance with more than one of your chart segments, you were probably disappointed to see the stair-step report. Not anymore.
10 Tips in 10 Minutes - we'll share 10 tips that will make your life easier as you navigate through MIP.
To See, or Not to See - That is the Question - What if your managers could answer their own questions about numbers flowing through their departmental financial statements? They can.
MIP Round Table - ask questions, offer suggestions and share ideas with fellow Abila MIP software users.