Modern User Interface Improvements

Added the Fixed Assets module:
  • Create, maintain & dispose different asset types
  • Set up, review & adjust depreciation activities such as automatic calculation and scheduling fixed assets reporting

Changes in Browser support:
  • Added support for Chromium-based Microsoft Edge
  • Starting with update 2021.1, Chrome is the recommended browser. Internet Explorer will no longer be supported starting in the fall release.

Modern & Classic User Interface Improvements

Expanded API Endpoint capabilities:
  • Attachments, budget version, void checks, UDFs, account code combinations, report groups, manage sessions, manage users, and account-level security.

Quality Improvements:
  • This release includes several quality enhancements based on reported issues and customer feedback. See the version 2021.X Resolved Issues KB for details.

Classic User Interface Improvements

Improved Patch Tool that automatically searches for applicable patches.