MIP Fund Accounting Newsletter | June 2022

Did You Miss the May MIP Lunch & Learn?
In May, we introduced a new online educational series called the “MIP Lunch & Learn”. The first MIP Lunch & Learn covered common mistakes users make in MIP and what steps need to be taken to correct the issue.  

View the 1-hour recording below.
Put Your MIP Data Import/Export Module to Better Use!
Obviously, Benjamin Franklin was not thinking about the ramifications for modern-day technology when he first coined the phrase "time is money". But his words are just as true some 270 years later, as they were when he first wrote them in 1748.
Time is money, so let's look at ways to streamline your organization's processes including keying information that can be imported. 96% of MIP customers already own the Data Import/Export module, learn how you can put it to even better use.  
How IT Equipment Shortages and Inflation are Affecting Business
As most are aware, the microchip shortage, along with a precious metals shortage is having major effects on the electronics industry causing hardware shortages and delays.
Unfortunately, no one in the industry is expecting a quick return to normal.
Proactive planning and flexibility are key for your upcoming IT projects. Learn other important things to keep in mind when planning technology upgrades in 2022?
About DWD Nonprofit Services
Since 1995, DWD has been helping nonprofit and government agencies evaluate, select and implement fund accounting, fundraising, payroll and human resource solutions which meet their unique needs. With over 200 MIP Fund Accounting clients, DWD has demonstrated its longstanding commitment to the nonprofit community. 

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