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ONE UNITED CHURCH on a shared mission for 11 powerful days to feed the hungry and confront food-related injustice. This is MISSION: 1.


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Hunger in America is real and growing. According to an ABC report, "As many as 17 million children nationwide are struggling with what is known as food insecurity. To put it another way, one in four children in the country is living without consistent access to enough nutritious food to live a healthy life, according to the study, 'Map the Meal Child Food Insecurity 2011.'"


ABC has recently been doing a series on this issue. You may want to check out their web site for more information to share with your congregation.


Over 11 days, the United Church of Christ will gather online contributions of 111,111 DOLLARS for Neighbors in Need, offerings that will be shared for hunger-action purposes with agencies of justice and compassion throughout the United States.



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This is important: Congregations are still encouraged to receive special offerings for Neighbors in Need in October, as accustomed, on World Communion Sunday. The $111,111 goal for Neighbors in Need during Mission: 1 is designed to emphasize online additional giving, above and beyond what is received in congregations.


Since some people may not have computer access or may wish to participate through more traditional means of giving, mailed-in checks earmarked for "Mission: 1" should be sent to: Mission: 1, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Please provide time for your gift to be received before the Nov. 11 tabulation date.


How will you encourage your church's members to do their share in helping us reach this $111,111 11-day online offering goal? Could you find 11 who would contribute $111 each? Or what about 111 that would contribute $11? Begin now to organize your church's victory strategy.


Check out these resources to get you started:


This is 'Mission: 1'





















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Endorsed by the Commission for Stewardship
and the Commission for Mission and Justice of the
Massachusetts Conference United Church of Christ  
1 Badger Road ~ Framingham, MA  01702